Part 5: Apr 24 2155 - Broadcast from the Rigel system

Time to upgrade the hell out of this ship!

Max speed: +75%. Turning rate: +90%. Fuel capacity: +85%. Crew capacity: +100%. Cargo bay size: +50%.
When it comes to combat, the Heart of Gold is still a serious lightweight, though.

Our next destination: Rigel!


In a mere four days, we've arrived at Rigel.
There's an alien ship orbiting Rigel III. That must be the source of the broadcast!

At maximum speed and maneuverability, life is much nicer than it was before.


We go out separate ways.
Next destination is Spathiwa, but I need to be able to buy back the fuel I spend. So, it's time for a mining run!

I spend a lot of time doing this, so I'll cut it down to the highlights. Rigel II's fourth moon is a Noble World. Nothing else of value here.

From here, I dive into Spathi territory at Eta Illuminati.

Some radioactives on Eta Illuminati VIII.

Planet VI provides noble gases, Rare Earth Metals (worth 5 RUs per unit), and alien life in the form of more wandering worms. They're worth barely any biodata.

I lose many lives and piles of fuel in an ill-advised quest to kill some giant space octopuses.

Heaping piles of radioactives.

As I head to Delta Illuminati, the radar picks up two other energy signatures heading my way. We ARE in alien territory, after all.

More heavy casualties trying to pick up Tzo Crystals.

Well, I'm here to talk to the Spathi, right?
I cut the engines and let the black dot catch up.

That... doesn't look like a Spathi ship.




And just like that, it's combat time.

This one won't be anything like the seconds-long battle at Earth. It's time for a real fight!
Top-right is the enemy HUD, bottom-right is my hud. "CREW" marks our crew complent slash lifebar, BATT marks ship energy - it's reduced when the ship attacks, and slowly regenerates otherwise.

The Spathi Eluder, Fwiffo's ship and the most rigid flipper of the Spathi fleet, is truly a ship suitable for the Spathi. It's very fast, and turns and accelerates on a dime.

Every ship has a Primary Attack and a Secondary Function. The Eluder's secondary is actually its main source of offense - the Backwards Utilizing Tracking Torpedo. As it runs away, the ship deploys BUTTs from the rear of the ship, which home in on the target at long range for 2 damage per hit.
In short - run away, spam missiles backwards.

The enemy ship is the Slylandro Probe, and it's no slouch either. Its engine system is unique, in that its inertialess and never stops moving at full speed - the thrust button instead makes the ship reverse direction instantly. Its speed is even higher than the Eluder's, too.
Its primary weapon is some kind of short range lightning weapon. Its secondary function consumes nearby asteroids and converts them into energy. The Probe can't otherwise recover energy.

After a long battle of attrition, Fwiffo sweeps in for a finishing charge with his main gun.

What the hell was that about?

I'm suddenly less keen on alien encounters. I dip into Alpha Illuminati, time for more mining.

Hubris gets the better of me, and I lose a lander trying to scavenge radioactives from an extremely hostile planet. The death toll for this trip is rising.

An attempt to get more biodata is cut short the instant I see more murder octopuses.

Sticking to safer planets now that I'm down to one Lander, I find a nice meaty Treasure Planet in Beta Gruis.

With my new thrusters, I'm able to outrun anything in HyperSpace.

However, once I reach Gamma Gruis, I find the probes are waiting for me here, too.


Second fight, same as the first, except I do worse.

A whole lot worse.

Fwiffo is the sole remaining member of his ship's crew. Again.

I redistribute some crew from the Heart of Gold and my Earthling Cruiser to restock Fwiffo's Eluder. It's my best weapon against these probes.

I think it's high time I got on with it.

But more of them are waiting for me when I escape!

Oh, wait. This is the ACTUAL owners of this territory.

Each day when we awaken, we call forth the traditional Spathi prayer: 'Oh God... Please don't let me die today! Tomorrow would be so much better!'

After the Ur-Quan demolished the Ilwrath, they turned the force of their Armada against us Spathi. The term 'rapidly subjugated' would best describe what happened next. When the Ur-Quan arrived at Spathiwa, there was a great ceremony. Part of that ceremony involved blasting portions of our planet's surface into radioactive dust, and this part we did not enjoy. But the worst was yet to come.
Our leaders were called into the command chamber of Ur-Quan Lord 1's dreadnought, where they were read a long and complicated document explaining the choices given to new slaves. When our leaders heard the term 'forever encased' and 'impenetrable shield', they grew over-excited, I'm afraid, and made a fatal error. The decision was to be transmitted to the Ur-Quan via one of two rods, one colored black, the other white. Our leader handed the white rod to one of the Ur-Quan's servants, signifying 'Fallow Slavery', but the servant somehow exchanted rods and handed the Ur-Quan Lord a black rod, indicating our desire to become fighting slaves! By the time we learned of the switch, it was too late - the Ur-Quan would not permit a change in status.
Following that most tragic day, we were forced to assume the role of an Ur-Quan star-thug. We tried to avoid combat, but the Ur-Quan gave us three warnings, each more strident than the last. When we learned that there would be no fourth warning, simply annihilation, we attended to our new role with improved vigor.
Oh, and perhaps you have already guessed - the Ur-Quan's servant who made the switch was an Umgah.

Next time: Spathiwa.