Part 21: Dec 14 2156 - The Crimson Corporation

Before I go anywhere else, let's check on the Arilou.

The source of psionic control commands appears to be Beta Orionis, the Umgah's home star. We sent vessels to investigate this location, but none have returned... we fear they are destroyed.

In the meantime, more exploration!

Sure enough, there are unidentified alien ships in the area.
Let's say hi!

I have a good feeling about these guys.
To the trade world!


We know that you have Mycon Deep Child egg case fragments aboard your vessel.
Would you consider trading them to us for a shiny new Mauler starship?
We note you possess a Vortex Spawner. In exchange for the simple device we will give you three Mauler starships... and fill your fuel tanks, at no extra charge.

On second thought, neither of these are for sale.

Should you change your mind, we will always be ready to work with you, Captain.

Congratulations! We have now discovered every sentient race in the sector. Even if two of them are extinct.
Anyway, I'm not going to look into trade with the Druuge until I have something I'm willing to part with - I can't pass up the egg fragment yet, and my crew are my crew.

I go to visit the Syreen next, but...

It seems like the egg fragment alone isn't enough evidence for me to make any accusations. I'll need to learn more about the Deep Children first.

So, I'm going to take a moment to talk to the greatest fonts of hidden knowledge in the galaxy.

That's right, the Pkunk.

What is the point? The point is clear! Make friends with other species. Even the nasty Charg beast cannot defeat a pack of Ibids without the help of 7 or 8 Wrinkle Dogs. I think you see what I am getting at.

Spirits of Liiiight, what is in store for this strange but not altogether unpleasing alien creature?.... The Spirits now speak through me - I gaze with a strange intensity... Ohhhhmmmm.... You will have a greaaat baaattllllle... You will almost be destroyyyyed.... but because you made friends with a certain birdlike race.... they will come to help you at the last minuuuute.
Ah, the trance is past.

Anyway, the reason we're not sleeping is because of a dream. Yes, a dream. We have seen that in the center of this region of space, near stars that form the shape of a cup, and are in a constellation that begins with the letter C and ends with the letter S, and whose letters rearranged spell `Asteric', two great armadas fight. One of black ships, the other of green. Our dream tells us that if the black ships should win this fight, they will destroy all life in this region. Captain, they are winning now. If there is anything you can do to stop them you must do it... please! Okay, that's all I wanted to say.
Since you are our friends, our good friends! We want to give you a gift... several Pkunk Fury starships, fully crewed. If you return in a year's time, perhaps we will be able to give you some more.

So, we've got a lot going on now!
We suspect the Syreen homeworld may have been destroyed by the Mycon, but we don't have proof. Admiral ZEX's superbeast is hanging out in our cargo hold, waiting to bust out at a moment's notice. The Pkunk have tried twice to reunite with the Yehat, and I may not be able to stop them a third time. The Umgah have been conquered by a single Dnyarri, capable of repelling even the Arilou. The Kohr-Ah are winning the Doctrinal War, and if that happens, they'll erradicate all sentient life.
The Yehat want to ally with us, but they refuse to defy their queen. The VUX hate us because of the Great Insult. The Utwig are uselss because the Ultron is broken. The Druuge won't help us unless we can find some artifacts we're willing to part with, or sell them our crew.
Anyway, now that we've pretty much mapped out the sector, let's talk plot threads instead of destinations! Where do we go from here?
- Beta Orionis. The Dnyarri needs to be stopped, and fast.
- Mycon Space. We need to learn more about the Deep Children to verify our suspicions about Syra's fate.
- Alpha Cerenkov. Get this monster off of our ship, and get us the Shofixti Maidens.
- Talk to the Melnorme. They have a lot of information that could save us a lot of trouble.
- Make a deal with the Druuge. Things we can sell to them right now our the egg fragment (which may lock us out of the Syreen quest) or our crew (which would make us a slave trader).