Part 35: Finale, Part 2 - The End

I knew I was dead.
But if one HAS to die, I thought to myself...
...this was definitely the RIGHT way to be dead.
That was about the time I heard Talana's voice...
...telling me to stop babbling for a moment.
She told me that the escape pod had almost been torn in half.
I had been unconscious for over three weeks...
...but my crew and I had succeeded in our mission!
The force of the explosion, amplified by the Chmmr crystals...
...had been sufficient to vaporize the Sa-Matra!
And following the destruction of the Sa-Matra battle platform...
...the fleets of the Ur-Quan and the Kohr-Ah had fallen into chaos...
...and had been vanquished by Chmmr forces and allied starships.
Then Talana told me to sit up.
She said there was something she thought I'd like to see...

...I was in Sick Bay of the Starbase, looking out over Earth.
Beneath me throbbed the sick red glow of the Ur-Quan slave shield.
Talana smiled and said that for the past few days...
the Chmmr had been working on lowering the shield...
and that it should be neutralized right about... Now!

...and for the first time in my life I saw the true colors of Earth...
...blues and greens in a thousand different shades.
As we watched, we could see the first signs of ships coming up from Earth.
They lifted from the planet's surface to join us in space.
The destiny of Mankind had been delayed for over twenty years...
...but now our world as free and nothing could stop us!
I stayed in that hospital for almost a month...
...but that day...
...that day I watched the shield fall and beautiful Talana stood at my side...
I'll never forget that day. Not for the rest of my life...

Yeah! How did you get home?
How long did it take before you and Grandma finally got married?

...we got a little sidetracked.
Talana and I didn't make it back here to Unzervalt until almost five years later.
But Grandfather! What happened? Where did you go?
And how did you find the Mark II?


Yeah, that's the ticket! Me and my exciting adventures as I conquer the galaxy for the greater glory of... ME! It will have action! It will have drama! It will have gratuitous alien sex scenes! It's gonna be great!

Who wrote this stuff -- a five year old?
Okay, okay. I'll try it again *sigh*... *Happy* campers are best. It is good to *smell* you again...

everything has been WONDERFUL... just perfect! Within just two days our factories will begin churning out appropriate facial appliances, and I have already picked out my first mask - the Domino of Unrivaled Merriment! Yes, we are all ecstatic... even the High Proctor gambols as she performs the Exultant Caper of Revelation! Look how she leaps with the Ultron held high! How she twists, how she twirls, how she slips and tosses the Ultron into the air... OH NOOooooo!!!

So what am I doing out here, you ask? I'M TRYING TO GET SOME REST, THAT'S WHAT!!! I'll be lucky if I don't have a heart attack soon. You have no idea how hard it is to personally replenish an entire species!

(children under 18 must have parental permission before calling.)

What!? What did you say?! The sequel is going to be all about ME? How wonderful! What an honor! What a great chance to move up the ladder towards PRODUCER! Forget everything I said about license fees! It's an honor just to work with you!

You are probably wondering why an Ur-Quan is saying such stupid things. Well, he isn't saying them. I am... that's right -- ME, the little guy down in the corner. Since I've been stuck down here for this entire game translating 'Submit or Die!' into about a hundred different languages, I just thought I'd take this opportunity to express MY feelings.
You want to know what I think? I think this whole game would have been better if they'd done it as a musical. That's what I think, but do the designers listen to me? NO!

You are filth. We shall cleanse. You WILL be annigilated... I mean annihigated.. damn!
CUT! CUT! Let's start over! Hey, mister director... can you PLEASE think of SOME other word besides agnigilate... I mean, oh what's the use. I give up.

Have you even heard about the Men in Black?
Do you have any friends who have 'missing days'?
Do you sleep with your window unlocked?
Be seeing you...

Thanks for reading!