Part 8: Episode 2: Part 3: Kloe And The Quest To Rid The Way Of All Evil!
Episode 2: Part 3: Kloe And The Quest To Rid The Way Of All Evil!
Everyone's bumping into each other while punching sounds play. Everyone except the two north of the guy with blue hair. The red bandanna guy is chasing a guy with brown hair around the room in an endless cycle. This is cute because brown hair guy is a recurring character named Rhan, who probably doesn't give a shit about the subject of the brawl, and even if he did, he's not very strong. There another recurring character in this shot too, the guy with long light blue hair on the right fighting a guy with pink pants. That's Alan and he's a fan favourite comic relief type. Him actually getting into a brawl feels a little out of character, but its a minor point. You'll see why shortly.

The view pans so we can see the pink haired woman standing on a table. Also note Rhue's reaction.

Are you in love?

Everyone IMMEDIATELY stops moving.

I just hate it when people fight, especially when it's over me...
She's loving this shit.

Let's hold a little Plunge tournament!
It will be 50 kiphers of seru, or an item of equal value to enter.
And so begins our Tournament Arc. The first of... three. Gahaha. It's not as bad as it sounds since there's always lots of stuff going on meanwhile.

300 kiphers of seru and more importantly... A kiss from me. I'll be upstairs in my room if anyone wants to sign up. Thanks, that's all I had to say.

Everyone quickly beelines for the stairs and there's wacky punching sounds again as people are pushed around.

It would be pretty pointless to spend an extra 50 seru.

What can it hurt to have my friend in the competition with me?

There's still a big mess at the stairs.

A hour later...

Why do you act like it's some kind of sin to be interested in this girl?

I'd have been worried if Traziun didn't show interest in Rhue's sword after looking at it.

I'll tell you about it later tonight.

Rhue and Traziun have been moving up the hall as people finish signing up, and one last guy moves to join the queue. He wasn't down in the tavern earlier.

This is Rhues reaction. Then he laughs in relief and sighs. Looks very similar to a FFVI animation. Or maybe FFV.

(For a second I thought he was that bandit who robbed me not so long ago.)

Maybe one of you will get that kiss.

And here's a chance to get Cetsa points. No reason not to get as much as possible.

She's got a great sense of self-esteem huh.

Maybe if I'm lucky someone will injure him enough so I have a chance against him.

Traziun reminds Rhue not to forget to have fun too. Let's talk to NPCs.

MAN: Of course, I'd wager that everyone in here's heard about the recent massacres. We've always had various bandit fists around, but...

MAN: This is different. Bandits don't usually kill people.

MAN: I don't think so. The dead bodies that were found had not been looted.

MAN: Yea, it's weird. Items that bandits usually take were left untouched. I've also heard that young children are often left untouched...

MAN: The victims all died from sword blows, and only humans use swords.

Anyway, the man says he hopes they're safe in town and Traziun agrees. We move on.

"I am a great poet, writer and fighter. I assume you've heard of me?"
Recurring comic relief character spotted. Also he used to not have a portait and I can see why.

Ha ha! I jest!

Rhue refuses to speak to Alan again so we move on to...

Whoa whats wrong with your face

Rhan and his girlfriend don't have much to say.

MAN: Tell me of this glorious venture!

MAN: ... Heh. How noble... Heh.

Rhue also refuses to speak to this man again. This happens a lot. Or Rhue makes people refuse to speak with him by making fun of them. He's bad with people.
We leave the tavern.

TAL: I think it was human, but I don't know. It moved sooo fast!

TAL: Hah, you hate just about everything about cats!
DAR: Kloe, should we split up to go and look for this... "thing"?
Kloe walks up to DAR and hits him.

I want all three of you to stick together. Got that?
DAR: Ok Kloe, but what about you?

TAL: Okay, we'll do that.
They are depart.

Then you can do some shadow chasing on your own.

This scene has always struck me as bizarrely eerie. There's creepy music and this woman talks slowly. Plus the shadow and killer talk earlier.

WOMAN: Stopping in for a rest are you?

WOMAN: How many nights do you plan to stay?

WOMAN: Sign your names in the book and leave 12 kiphers of seru on the table. That will cover both of you for the three nights.

So there's a few locked buildings and the other way out of Lide but not much else... until you go to the biggest building in the top centre.

Rhue gets charged from offscreen.

DAR: Heh heh. I bet he didn't know what hit him!
You don't look too happy Kloe, what's wrong?

He's probably just a curious wanderer who is just passing through.
DAR: Well he looks like a real jerk whoever he is.
These curious types cause a lot of trouble for the rest of us.
In fact I'd like to hit this guy again just because he's so stupid.

DAR: I guess he does know what hit him...

You're seriously going with that? And not wrong place, wrong time?

Is that the norm around here?

It's not normal for people to be out so late trying doors.
Just what were you doing trying to open the door to Foreman Ballar's dwelling?

This dwelling is his home.

Why is it such a big deal to you?

And I'd better not find you snooping around at this hour ever again.

Fine... I was heading for the bunkhouse before you jumped me anyways.

Rhue steps in close to give his best death glare and leaves.

That's the inn balcony.
"About that shadow?"
"Yes... I think it's... "her"."
"Why would she come here?"
"Maybe she knows what we know... I don't know how though."
"Foreman Ballar just told me about it tonight. Maybe she's just tailing us."
"She does tend to complicate matters for us, doesn't she?"
"Yes, that's why I HATE her."

The view pans down to the entrance show the same shadow we saw there last time. This is what I mean by shadowy figures gettign crazy at one point. We've had one since episode 1 and then for this stretch of the game we get three more. Luckily it'll be made clear before TOO long.

"(I was supposed to tell him about some stuff, but I guess that can wait.)
... I wonder where Gaius went."
Well, next time we start the tournament and go spelunking. As for Kloe... She's a character I really like a lot, personally. She's also an (admitted) example of plans being changed. Lun initially planned for her to only be featured in Episode 2 but enjoyed writing her so much he greatly expanded her role.
the end