Part 15: Episode 2 Finale: Turnway and Murder
Episode 2 Finale: Turnway and Murder
The game drops us on on a rather bare trail with nothing to do but head forward to the next screen. So I do that.

"Usually that means they have something worth protecting inside. Time to make a little stop I guess."

Rhue blacks out.

HEADHUNTER: He is a Blue Scarve. Look how much blue he has on.

We searched him and he doesn't even have a blue scarve on him!
HEADHUNTER: That's because he's a Blue Scarve spy. Now I want my promised pay.

Hey you, are you with the Blue Scarves? Don't try to lie, I'll see right through it.

All that is yours will be returned to you.
You're obviously not a Blue Scarve.
Anyway, welcome to Turnway, I am Forewoman Hill. I run the show here.
Hill walks back to the Headhunter.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to count on a selfish headhunter to get the job done."
HEADHUNTER: After this little brown haired twerp turns on you, I will come back and collect my pay.
That is, if the the (error!!!) Blue Scarves don't kill you all first.
The Headhunter leaves and Hill instructs the guards to return Rhues things to him. She then tells him he can feel free to look around town.

She tells Rhue to meet her at the workshop in the centre of town if he wants to know about it, and then she and her guards leave.

Should always check both sides of bookshelves in The Way, though none of the ones thus far have anything interesting. Anyway, I'm sure you're all familiar with this story, so I wont type it out.

Here's some of the more interesting titles.

So, in the settlement proper, there's not much of interest. A recreation building is being built and uhh, a guard says no one wants to be the one to use the secret weapon, but doesn't say why.
Also this guy:

Another building, except we can't do anything in this one.

Some time has to pass before this guy'll let you in. Thankfully, it's not too long.


Rhue's not very impressed with blue flavour.

If I were to violently shake this bottle, this room would soon be engulfed in flames.
This liquid is unlike anything you've probably ever seen.

A small percentage are like me. People like me are known well in a small region, but not much beyond that.
Then you have people like Dancing Violet. She's known across several regions and her fame is still spreading.
She might even become a legend if she can avoid getting caught for long enough.
To become a legend should be the ultimate goal of any wanderer.
For then you will live forever in the minds of all who hear of your greatness.

Do you see these hollow husks?

"Why don't we go have a look at it?"

The little contraption I was talking about earlier is in the room behind me.
I think you'll find that it's pretty easy to use.

Don't you want to be remembered as the wanderer who helped Turnway fight off the Blue Scarve horde using a special secret weapon?

lol. Now's not the time Rhue!!!

May the Purpose guide both of you.

You heard her, we've got a job to do.
Brinton heads into the launcher room, and Rhue taks a step forward...


"I'm sorry, but we're not giving anything up without a fight."

There's a REALLY loud roar of cheering.

At this point, Brinton tells us how to shoot the weapon. The key point here is you have to HODL down the action button for a second rather than mashing it. And you have to press up to start the charge for the power level of the shot you make before you even do that. Until you get the hang of it, it makes this minigame very tricky.
The flame water husk also doesn't hit immediately and there's no sort of crosshair. You have to do it entirely by eye. Thankfully, the explosion is a few tiles wide and its generous in determining if it hits a Blue Scarve or not. You can even take our 2 or 3 at once if they're close enough. The minigame lasts a couple minutes and theres plenty of targets. If you could somehow get all of them (probably impossible to even get 75% of them) you'd probably kill like 70.

So, you can see the cannon at the bottom left there. Curiously, because of its placement, the further right you aim, the easier it is th aim for close targets. if you shoot directly ahead, then even at the minimum power you'll probably shoot halfway across the screen. I think the power calculation works by number of tiles traversed or something. Never checked.
Anyway, depending on how many kills you get, Hill is more and more pelased with you. At 20 kills you get a piece of Focite. At 31 kills you get a piece of stricite in addition to the focite.
Uhm. On my first try, I only get 10 kills and I think thats literally the worst I've ever done at this. The second try I shoot up to 33 before...

That entire room disappears.

Rhue runs through the battlefield.

Cetsa flees to the south.

A few Blue Scarves flee Turnway, followed by the Turnway militia.

Hill conveniently runs out of the workshop at this moment.

This will be my greatest triumph! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Here are two little rewards!

Here's Rhue screaming "Hey, come back here!!! I'm mad at you!" while shaking his arms.

Yes, Rhue IS looting the place.

This probably the single best Step 1 Blade Art. 1d6 extra damage is really good now, and nothing to sneeze at even in Episode 6. Only Ray of light is comparable and it has a 20% chance of adding adding 1-4 more damage to all your damage rolls (but every damage roll from then on). 1-6 hp healed from Cool Wind becomes extremely shitty. Critical Eye doesnt increase crit chance enough but it's fine I guess... New High raises your DT which is really good but only 30% chance. You'd be much better off with many other things.
Anyway, that's the only loot in Turnway, so we follow everyone...


Thankfully, there's a helpful ladder nearby.

Not close enough.

But we find a good spot.

This just hasn't been your day.
You know, you aren't nearly as great as the rumors projected you to be.

Every witness will unwittingly become an agent for spreading my name across The Way.

You're just a boring little wench with a penchant for power trips.
Hill steps forward and hits Cetsa, making her slump and revealing something shining on her chest. And this is it. This is finally what gets the plot moving from Rhue just wandering aimlessly.

"more impressive."

(I have to know...)

And all the while you knew that the weapon would probably malfunction and blow up right in my face!
You dirty witch! You used me, and now you're trying to take the credit for everything!

Rhue hits Hill, and then...

... impales the two guards with his sword.

Cetsa immediately takes off without a word.

Rhue goes to follow and then there's a POW sound.

"You're a bad, bad man, Rhue!"

"I remember when I first gave Serena that special pendant."
The Ys-Feena track starts playing again.

"There were usually jobs available at the various settlements my family stopped at along The Way."

WOMAN'S VOICE: Don't I get a kiss goodbye at least?
CHILD RHUE: I love you mommy!
WOMAN'S VOICE: And I love you Rhue.
MAN'S VOICE: You go get them son!
CHILD RHUE: Yes sir!
Child Rhue leaves.
WOMAN'S VOICE: I don't know if I like this. Why does he want to work?
MAN'S VOICE: Who knows, maybe he's finally developed some ambition. I think it's good that he wants to do something for himself.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Oh, I just worry about him. He's my baby boy.

"Even so, I had to save for the longest time before I could afford something nice."

BOSS: Don't worry my little friend, just a couple more buckets to fill. Heh heh heh.

Serena jumps up and down excitedly.

And then we fade to black, and Rhue comes to in a cell.

The sword is always the first thing Rhue thinks of upon waking, huh.

I won't be staying for your execution, but knowing you has taught me something.

Kloe leaves now.

Why did she even bother saying anything?
... Stupid hag.

Could Cetsa be Serena? The hair color doesn't match, but I don't know...
If you decided Serena had red hair back when, then he actually says the hair color matches up here.

This, is what I've been looking for!

And that's Episode 2. Now that we finally have Rhue picking up on a plot thread, the story will get started proper. But first we have to get through probably the slowest and dullest episode. Thankfully, it's short and it DOES have some good parts still. On the whole it leaves much to desired, but so do Episode 1 and 2. I've always felt 2 is a bit overrated. It's definitely the best of the first three episodes though... Really, the first half of the series is kind of meh overall when you realise things like the plunge and all that are style over substance. It's no surprise the series didn't really seem to take off until Episode 4, since thats the first Episode I really like.
the end