Part 20: Episode 3: Part 4: The Mask
Episode 3: Part 4: The Mask
Rhue awakens in the depths as a midi version of this track plays.


So, we're not just in any old cave system, we're in The Pits. Only one step above Hell, essentially.

This thing's just sitting out in the open and it's nice and I have no other notch items anyway sooo...

At the save point just past that we can see... the RTP orc sprite!

At least there's items down here. And the amount of encounters is far lower.

A monster and the masked woman from Lide... They converse in this strange language for a time, before...

She follows the monster.

Anyway, the enemies here are just these guys again.
On to the next area!

"(This would be a good time to pull a suprise (SIC) attack on that monster though.)"

So the monster has chased Dippy into this big loop. You can't actually find them on it, so you just walk into this niche and Rhue does the rest.

And then the masked woman appears.

Wow Plinkett stole one of his running jokes from this game.

But why are you wearing a mask?

Now what am I going to do!
Eshk, I know.
You're going to help me.

How long is this going to take?

Fine, I'll help you. I'm Rhue.

Scatha's a better attacker than Slade, but she lacks his healing. She does have offensive XLIFES that actually are usable though, so that's a big plus for her.

Now, on the first real part of this 'dungeon'. If you go exactly 8 steps north...

And then hold down left until you stop moving, and then north again...


Oh now I'm out of notch items again.

Oh, whew. And it's a good one too.
Anyway, after clearing the first area of loot and enemies we head to a screen with only one enemy encounter on the whole thing, but...

We'll have to split up.

Scatha tells Rhue not to forget this, since they might have to do it again.

Also this.

Spikes block Rhue's progress. You can see the pressure plate that lowers them to the right there. Yes, this is one of those puzzles. Though I'd hesitate to call this one a puzzle since it's extremely straightforward.
So moving Scatha on to that switch, we can move on.


Anyway, Rhue stands on a couple switches that allow Scatha to reach this switch that makes that bridge appear.

This lets them both meet up in the middle so they can both stand on the switches that unlock this stairway.

Yeah, this was just optional. But VERY good.

You actually want Scatha up there so she can boost Rhue up to this switch that makes a stair to the exit of this room.

But guessss what little boy? Without my help, you're going to die a long, agonizsssing, painful death down here.

And if you EVER call me "little boy" again, you're (SIC) pretty blond (SIC) hair is going to get more than just a little messed up.

There's a long pause.

This starts playing, which is used as Scatha's Theme.

(She sounded like she was sincerely interested in what I thought about her stupid hair.)
(I don't understand. Was she just being sarcastic? What's with this... woman?)
And with that, the scene's over, but next time we'll be seeing more of the Pits, and something actually interesting to boot.
the end