Part 21: Episode 3: Part 5: Hell, I've Seen Worse.
Episode 3: Part 5: Hell, I've Seen Worse.
After leaving the puzzle room behind we find more enemy encounters and a Heart Stone...

These jerks again too! NUMB

The north end of the room has two 'suprises' for us.

This is pretty much the 'mage' aura. Confound was basically silence if you remember back. The problem is XL-SEEP also keeps you from using XLIFES and the game doesn't tell you which abilities WILL does and does not affect.
It almost certainly applies for both Rhues heals though.

The other 'suprise' pushes out of the tunnel and attacks us.

What a damn smartass.

You mean neck, Scatha.

So we fight the Long Tongue and ah... despite Scatha's warning, it's incredibly easy. Rhue only needs to heal once and it never even gets a poison off. Rhue just kept using Sleeper on it and Scatha even managed to poison it with one of her XLIFEs.
So the duo continue on.

"Actually, a couple things."

Then she turns to face Rhue.
"Okay, WHAT?!"

Scatha points!

I was on the sssurface ssseveral days ago in fact and I walked back down here of my OWN. FREE. WILL!

This isn't the first time Rhue liking caves/the Pits more than the surface has come up.

Also the boss fight maxed out Piercer. Only one level left for Slasher too.

Anyway, we move on from where we have the chat, doing a big loop at one point.

But first I have to jump for a secret.


The enemies in this area and this area alone are all a version of the very first boss we rescued Gaius from. I think it;s identical except for maybe more HP. We steamroll it now, it just takes a while, because seriously, a lot of HP.

We go down a long series of stairs...

We head down MORE stairs.


A LOT more stairs.

I never would have imagined it would be like this!

Scatha's line is the cue for one of Lun's custom tracks, a good one, that I think really sells this sequence. Sadly, I think the actual midi version is much better but Clyp and things won't accept midis.

Scatha looks back out at the river of fire.

It's just a highrissse.
We're ssstill a few thousssand stridesss above the bottom.

Scatha shoves Rhue.

You know you're there when you can clearly hear the sssceamsss (SIC) and criesss of the damned.
When you can hear the gleeful whisssperingsss of the demonsss, fessstering in the firesss.
Light becomes a ssshadow, eaten away by the darknessss.
Every thought is agonizssing.
Every sssensation horrifying...
There isss no joy.
There isss no peace.
Sssuffering. There isss only sssuffering.

Unlike me, you probably wouldn't make it out.

So, in The Way, Hell is The Reaches, and -allegedly- it's a real physical place, and you can travel to AND escape from it.
Anyway, I'll end this update here before it becomes really long.
the end