Part 29: Episode 4: Part 2: Lexus.
Episode 4: Part 2: Lexus.

Why did they lock her in with a skull? Is it meant to be company?
"Do I deserve this? Was I really so evil?"

"How did I end up like this?
Where did it all begin.

The pendant. When I got the stupid pendant. That's when it all began...
Stupid thing!

Cetsa starts pounding on the cell door.

"Not a word till then or we will gag you again!
Outside, the wind is howling.
Sheesh, who would have thought the infamous Dancing Violet would be such a whiner."

GUARD: Yea, I really don't like being this high up. It's so windy!
GUARD2: On the other hand, the view is incredible!
GUARD: It certainly is.
A midi version of this. This is probably the closest version that doesnt have a childrens choir.
We begin to get a slow pan to the southeast, which'll eventually start going directly south. This is all one big screen too, and we only see a relatively small part of it for now. Estrana is big and detailed. A beautiful masterpiece. After Episode 4 came out, a slew of RPGMaker games tried to copy this sort of slow pan over a city, which they shouldn't have even bothered with cos their cities were usually 1/4 the size and ugly to boot.

That kid annoys the guard, who chases him away.

Gaius talking to a Guided woman, before a girl distracts him and he kneels down to speak to her.

Alan chasing a woman.

Who hides from him behind a guard. I guess Alan jumping while spinning in place is either him bragging or desperately trying to explain himself.

In addition to the guards I believe belong to the Vigilance Council, the other half of the city's police force are... the Guided?!

GUARD: There is no debate. Get lost, you are hereby banned from Estrana.
MAN: But the Phantom Slasher is out here! Please!!! I don't want to die!
GUARD: You stand a better chance against the Phantom Slasher then (SIC) you do with us if we find you in Estrana ever again.
So get lost!
The man takes off very quickly.
GUARD: You newcomers have to check in at one of the booths. You won't end up like that scumbag unless you behave badly in Estrana.
Good day.
He also leaves.

GUARD: Right, right. Just fill out these forms and pay the entrance tax and you'll be good to go.

GUARD: Yes, it's only 50 kiphers of seru or an item of equal or greater value.

GUARD: What about those clothes you're wearing?

GUARD: Well... yea, but I think it would probably be better for her to just sell off some of those baggy clothes.

GUARD: I'll take care of that for you. You look like you're a warrior so I'm sure you'll get something that's right up your alley.

Yes, Kloe. He's -that- much of a psycho.
GUARD: Ok, you are all being instated as Standard Citizens. Here are your cards.
It's my duty to notify you that in order gain access to some areas of the city you will have to up your citizen status.
This can be done at the courthouse if you meet certain requirements.
Also, every 28 days you will have to pay an additional 25 seru to remain in the city.
Your landlord will fill out all the papers once you have found a place of residence.
Death to landlords!!!
Here is a map of the city, Welcome to Estrana citizens. (Capitalisation in text again!!)

GUARD: It's at the Grand Casino owned Verdanna. It's located in the northwest corner of the city.

Yep, all one big map, with NPCs and stuff going about their business. Though it'll be a while before we can do free exploration of the city.


Anyway, before we head in, lets check our new blade art.

Anyway, we can't leave the immediate vicinity of the casino right now and none of the NPCs hanging around really say much of interest.
Also this area has a theme song no one was ever able to figure out the provenance of. It doesn't sound familiar to me either and it's not credited as one of the original songs. It's named BCastle in the files and is almost entirely just a rapid beat.

The entry hall only has one optional encounter of note...

This character used to lack a portrait too. Keep that in mind.

This dialogue gives us a chance earn some points.
"Get it yourself." -1 Sorya "What will you give me if I do?" "Works for me." +1 Sorya "That won't cut it." -1 Sorya "Why don't you fetch me a drink?" -2 Sorya "My pleasure." +2 Sorya
Sorya points are one of the ones that actually do have an effect on some things. Curiously, we -don't- want more than 6 points with her, so I don't go with the best options.
I won't tell you what she effects until much later though.

Then I have Rhue say "Works for me." for +1 Sorya point. Then the screen fades black for a moment.

And with that, we move on to the other end of the hall...

And up the stairs to the next room.

The next floor seems to be a restauraunt. Rhue doesn't respond to Lossus, who also once lacked a portrait. We head up the smaller set of stairs and...

Well, well.

He cut through a hundred Blue Scarves to save me!

Traziun gets bored and wanders off at this point. I'll show you where he went when I can.

Lyrra shoves Rhue. Also note that woman Traziuns speaking to. That's Verdanna. When she sees Traziun she jumps in surprise and/or excitement.

"I just meant to give you a gentle pat!"

The unlikely couple depart.

... And a new challenger enters from the south!
Accompanied by midi version of this: which is used as her theme song.

CLERK: The registration fee is 100 seru, I trust that that is agreeable.

She takes off. Lexus... While she's no Strata, Kloe or [Two other characters we'll meet before long], she's up there as a character I really like. I think Lun's personal connection to whoever he (possibly) based her on shines through a lot. Anyway, Traziun comes over now. And if you really paid attention to the NPCs in the screenshots, you may notice one man following Lexus around.

Don't expect to see me around much.

Not too far at all.

Geez, Rhue. You have problems.
Anyway, that's all for this update. Next time we uh... We do one of more bizarre sequence of events in the series. To me, anyway. More that elements of it feel strange for this setting. Kinda funny though.
the end