Part 31: Episode 4: Part 4: Illuminati This.
Episode 4: Part 4: Illuminati This.
Then Rhue wonders where the courthouse even is.
We head out.

We're abruptly teleported to in front of the courthouse. Thanks I guess.
A couple guards about talk about the Vigilante-Guided alliance being an uneasy one, and mention the Gudied typically stick to the east side of the city.

Couple familiar faces here...

"My present proximity is ensnared in the machinations of a magisterially malevolent petticoat beureauocracy(SIC)!"

Anyway, at some point one of the receptionists became free so... we get a dialogue where Rhue reconfirms he has a Standard Citizenship and to apply for prisoner visitation rights he needs to be a Respectable level citizen. Then he's told he'll probably be waiting for two hours for an interview. But, fortunately...

"The job will pay quite well and there will be a chance for a citizenship upgrade for all who participate.
You must have your own weapons. Any who are interested may skip the waiting period and come upstairs immediately."
Rhue reflects on how fortunate this news is briefly and we cut to... (Wow this sounds much more ominous than the midi version)

Oh, the cameo of the backside of an important character in the top left there.
"I assume you are all trained in the art of combat. Such skills will be necessary for the completion of the task at hand.
There is a degree of risk involved in this job. That is the reason for the handsome reward.
The nature of this job is a secret. If you agree to accept you will be blindfolded and taken to the job site. Further instructions will be issued there.
Does anyone wish to back out now?"

WYST: Then lets begin. Blindfold them.

No... No! They've lead us deep into more caves!
GUIDED: ... Are we missing someone? I could have sworn we had seven volunteers.
... (I must be losing my mind)
Let's get down to business.
The person you are standing next to will be your partner for the next 8 hours.
Each pairing will be assigned to help protect one of three sectors.
Sector 1 is down the passage to my right. Sector 2 is down the passage in front of me. Sector 3 is to my left.

GUIDED: Do not interrupt. You will need to help handle any and all dangerous natural inhabitants the miners may encounter during your tenure.
Kill anything that may pose a threat to the mining crew in your assigned sector.
The sector you are protecting is down the passage behind you.
Do not for any reason leave your assigned posts.
Wandering around is prohibited. We will be back to escort you out in 8 hours. Have fun.
Let's get out of here men.

the Devil of Ennbelin, yes, you have the distinct honor of being in the presence of Dirk...
the greatest Forerunner to ever tread upon the Way.
Despite being a pretty standard eccentric old man type, I've inexplicably always been really fond of Dirk. He also used to lack facesets. This is used for Dirk's Theme.

And with that out of the way... Cut the music and change scene!

"All you have to do is sit out here and stay alert. Do not go ANYWHERE. If a situation arises, we will notify you. Trust me, we won't hesitate to.
The work shaft is off limits to you. So like I said before, just stay out here."

You had to say this shit didn't you.

Uhhhhhhhh... lol.

You don't think there is a Hell do you?

It was hot and there was lots of lava. It smelled bad too.
If there's a Hell, that's probably it.
It's only a place you can go while you're still alive. I didn't see any "dead" wanderers down there.

Then there's the sound of death screams.

No exceptions. Heh.

Rhue stand between the other two and looks between them a few times.
"Let's go."

And with that we head off. When we reach the hub, there's more screams.

The hub has some loot first!

Despite being EXTREME Gutwings, they're not hard at all. Maybe if we ever fought two at once they'd be a moderate challenge.

Also Dirk is EXTREMELY useless. All he has going for him is this move and the fact that he's strong or even immune to most status effects besides Sleep which he is weak to.

Anyway, I slaughter a bunch of Gutwings-X.


"Who knows why it came here."

Then there's another scream.

Rhue tells everyone to get ready to ambush the monster.

... You can see the monsters head clipping through the tiles at the bottom there...

The miner runs out, and after a moment, is followed by something moving EXTREMELY quickly, so the ambush fails and we hear another scream.

Heheheh, they're quick little devils and they move every which way!

Then arrows mysteriously appear. I'm beginning to think this may be related to a bug with the 'difficulty' options.


I mean seriously? We didn't have arrows when we went to Sector 1.

Sector 1 is also plagued by Gutwing-X's.

That actually puts its attack at equal to piercer and 2 behind Slasher. Still only 1 XL though... I switch to Air Edge which has 22 attack but 2 XL!

Hidden CTP spout.


There's half a man down here.... Also that guy down there is torn in half. Haha.

Alanthreonus Phillipe Straphachar, you have the luck of bards.

The beast and the party move to confront each other!

Look at it! It's adorable!
Anyway, this is a pretty easy, straightforward boss. Just attack, use yoru Xl when you have them on special attacks or healing. Win.
Besides a normal attack, it can do some decent damage to every character at once and also uses a status effect move that never landed (kept targetting Dirk) so I don't know what it inflicts.

Fade to black...

It makes me nervous. It probably wouldn't have been too difficult for them to shut us up for good.

At least they upgraded our citizenships. I wonder what new wonderful benefits we'll get as Respectable Citizens.

I've got to get back to the Grand Casino. See ya Kloe.

It's not too far.

Chance for more/less Kloe points, obviously.

More/less Kloe points...

"Yes." +1 Rhue "No." -2 Rhue "I haven't thought about it." -1 Rhue
I go with yes.

Thanks for walking with me.

There's a brief pause.

The people of the city offer not a single solitary word of encouragement that might ease my suffering!

After I win the Grand Tournament I'll have all the resources you need to find your father.
We'll get out of this dumpy tavern and I'll build you a mansion of your own.
Sound good hon?

And uh, I think the animation that plays is meant to be the 'sucking face' animation.


"How's it going Rhue."

But unfortunately you don't know quite how to go about it.

You're going to need to be more than just a Respectable Citizen, dear Rhue.

She's not going to be alive much longer afterall.

I can tell you that you'll never speak to Dancing Violet without our help. Think about that.

How do I know you're even capable of following through with your half of the bargain.

See you tomorrow.

And then we cut to Rhue entering the casino, and speaking to the clerk who had been waiting for him. He says Rhue has a new room...

He offers to have someone show Rhue to his room and Rhue accepts.

BELLHOP: If you need anything just ask the front desk. Goodnight sir.

Rhue then notices the note.
"Dear Rhue, how do you like your suprise(SIC)? There will be a message for you at the front desk in the morning.
If you like your suprise (SIC) do exactly what the message tells you to do.
See you tomorrow.

And now this long string of cutscenes is over. Technically Rhue goes to bed automatically and wakes up the next day, but I'll show you some thing sfrom his room before I end the update.


Project Reality was the codename for the N64, I believe. Kleunwrade... Well, his name was attached to a painting in Episode 2 I believe. And we'll be seeing it come up more still in the future. The name's also an anagram of Luke Wander. Lun's real name is Luke Wacholtz.
On the next shelf over we have...

"Apparently they even had specific names. Only a few are listed here.
Revalzo, Aldebaran, Arctura, Betelgeuse, Fomalhaut, Venturi, and Regulus."
So here, we get a missable piece of pretty important information! I think this is the only place to mention the Illuminati names. Anyway, those are all the names of stars. Except Revalzo, which I couldn't find at all. And judging by the phrasing, there's a bunch more than that.
Huh! How intriguing.
the end