Part 45: Episode 5: Part 1: The Victory of The Big Plunge.
Episode 5: Part 1: The Victory of The Big Plunge.I was considering changing the thread title to something like... Let's All Bleed Together in The Way: Everyone Must Bleed, but... hm. Anyway.
Here's our very ominous opening again...

We start in the hall. There's no save point here. This'll be important in a moment. Anyway, we go out and watch the last scene of Episode 4 again, except with a bit less camera panning.

First pass isn't so bad!

Neither is the second.

Look who's talking.

I uh.... want to point out that this isn't even a Step 1 injury on Strata.

Also he does this with the Downpour Blade Art. He actually has a bunch we haven't seen, but apparently has a few empty slots too.

Uhm.... We've been hitting him harder than he's been hitting us...

"They will be chanting my name!"

Fourth Pass done...

ANNOUNCER: What's this? Rhue is already down?
But that was much too quick!
The crowd starts... booing or hissing or something.


Wait wait, wait. Time Out, Traziun. We're going to rewind a bit.
So, this plunge with Strata is unwinnable. His plunge statistics are pretty far above ours, and his DT is at a frankly absurd level. Like 100 or some crap.
But lasting long enough is our goal. On the first attempt you saw there, I fell on the very last pass which sucks! I reload 4 more times and each time I have to sit through the opening credits and the camera panning around the arena. It's horrible. And two more times I fail on that last pass too. Those are all the times I get lucky with damage. Strata doing 25-30 damage is the norm and it means you can often lose on the 4th pass. But, after those few retries, I finally make it to the sixth pass intact.

Anyway, if I recall correctly, this next pass is where you're forced to lose even if, miraculously, you had enough HP to survive whatever Strata did. I've heard early versions had Strata have a complete meltdown if you lasted even longer but I've never seen a trace of that, code or screenshot. If it was in the first public release I never lasted that long. Lasting the six passes is hard enough!

We deserve a better reward than this!
ANNOUNCER: What an amazing bout!!!!
And here is your winner! STRAAAAAAATA!!!
And then, instead of saying 'nothing you could do' Traziun says this.

She's a pretty face with an ugly black heart.
She's a liar, Rhue.
And people who will lie will do almost anything.

I'll help you.

You're lucky I'm such a genius. With my brains, freeing Cetsa will be as easy as catching a red swiftfoot.

I've got two plunges to win. Meet me back here afterwards. Till then.

I'll explain it some other time. People will grow restless if I don't get out there.

That's Unguided slang.

"I've got to bust Cetsa out somehow... But I think Traziun and I will need a little more help...
Who would help me?
I know, Sorya.
We're not good friends, but she's definitely not my enemy. Maybe she could be persuaded to help.
First things first though. I need to find her. Where would she be though?

We head out into the hall.

When I came upon him he was in agonizing pain. He asked me to end him.
So I did.

I wonder how she'll take the news.

If she finds out her dad is dead, it might be too much for her to handle.
I don't think Rhue could handle finding out Serena is dead either, honestly.

There's a long pause and then... Rhue leaves Strata behind.

Seems like we know what we'll be doing next update!
the end