Part 55: Episode 5: Part 11: Tying Up One Old Loose Thread.
Episode 5: Part 11: Tying Up One Old Loose Thread.

"Sorry, but Tetzel isn't here."

There is a civil war being waged among The Guided as I'm sure you've noticed.

There is no such thing! Heh.

It's your call.

This is actually the first time since Episode 2 that Rhue has spoken to Gaius.

Sssso be it.

Gaius pushes a switch or something. There's a clicking sound and we find ourselves in the next area.


Gaius has this odd, unusuable XLIFE. The circumstances you can use this in never come up and I'd wager that he was intended to be with Rhue in whatever was planned for Episode 7, where this might've been used, but who knows.

Anyway, the cave is otherwise devoid of anything. I think it soley exists to enable you to absorb the large collection of notch items you pick up in the Fortress. I do manage to absorb every single one.

Hey! This looks like where we started!!!

We get challenged by a boss fight so soon after the last one for some reason. This thing is immune to prone. Goddammit! It's kind of easy anyway though. Just ebat on it while healing. It does freeze and bleeding-3 which are nasty but just make sure Gaius can cure all conditions and its fine. Except you don't even need to worry about that too much since it has fuck all hp compared to most bosses.

Aionsluh will eventually become the overall best sword aura by virtue of having no weak points and having that nice passive effect rise to 20% with even more status effects I believe. Statistically, its the one thats middle of the road for everything. Illuminati being the one with excessive XL Gain, Pandamaare being defensive and Hatassasar being offensive.

I switch to this one now.

Our party leaves Slade to his thoughts.

DAUGHTER: Mother...
MOTHER: Shut your mouth you stupid whore! Slade caught you in the very midst of inappropriate relations with that boy!!
This is inexcusable!!
I will NEVER be disgraced by you again!

The daughter screams.

"Perhaps you will finally develope (SIC) some morality."
DAUGHTER: You... you... you witch!!!

She gets up and hits her mother.

"Slade, throw her into the Pits!!!"

(I trusted mother's judgements, I trusted the Council's judgements, but why?)
(I went against my own conscience in order to fulfill orders I was given.)
(Orders to enforce one person's code of morality on another.)
(My intentions were "righteous" yet I feel only remorse.)
(A blind follower. An enforcer of baseless principles... Baseless punishments. A fraud of justice.)
Slade's lost something of himself that was vital to continuing on as he always had. And now he's turned sullen and introspective at last.

(I'm tired of young ladies dying at my feet.)
(I'm tired of the falsehood of my life...)
(I've done more harm than good. I can't help anyone...)

We fade out and hear a small splash over the black screen, but...

You can see a shiny red object towards the bottom right there. It moves from right to left.

(He went through so much... Never gave up on me...)

(It was like he was always there watching out for me...)

(And she's probably dead.)
(She must have been perfect though. I've never seen any one so insanely in love as Rhue is.)
(He's a crazy fool. But now I kind of wish he was a crazy fool for me.)
The music cuts out here.

I'm the grand champion, and soon to be Pharaphalyn of the Way.

But if I had stayed to fight I might have lost track of the object of my affection. You.

And since you've told me who you are, I'll let you on my little secret as well. (This is how it's phrased in the game)
I'm Dancing Violet, and if you don't leave me alone I'll be inclined to dismember you piece by piece.

If I win, then you become my servant.

lol. What. How do you intend to enforce this.

Long pause...

So this forest is full of annoying encounters. These things have way too much hp and do too much damage.

The Shroom can sleep and confuse party members!

See this brown patch?

Thanks Lun. At least there was SOME indication this time.


Horn Jaws ALSO confuse partymembers and have a porwerful attack that also poisons.

Back to Illuminati, so we can get (Draw XL+2) which will be damn nice.

BLUE SCARVE: Maybe, but there's three of us and one of you.

Kloe runs away and the bandits follow.

Dirk, Scatha and Gaius all follow.

lmfao what. Uhm.... well, okay!

This is a Step 2 Injury for us...

Single pass victory again.

It's not made clear here, but Kygar either dies of his wounds later, or he's already dead.

Then she quickly runs by Rhue, back the way we came.


Clashing of swords... ... Sacrifa's theme...

"And we both know what that means!"

Strata flees and Lyrra pursues him.

You always scrape by on the skin of your teeth, Cetsa.
the end