Part 1: Meeting Meis
Part 1: Meeting Meis

We rejoin our hero stumbling along an endless dirt road, his growling stomach his only company.

Truly an example of the heroic prototype. But wait! A group is coming from the opposite direction.

Villager B: They were noble yesterday, but they'll be like everyone else from now on.
A terrible event, wasn't it? And now our hero-
What do you mean, "what event?" Didn't I...oh, right. Hang on a second...

Right, that's better. And so, with remarkable speed for a JRPG, we are given direct control over the protagonist. We can run around the mansion at will, but if we try to leave,

The butler stops us. Instead, we get to perform the traditional JRPG pastime of running around and clicking on everything. However, instead of finding the usual random assortment of potions and accessories, random searching gets us this:

Elemental Spirits, AKA "MP." I'll get more into what MP is when the game lets us use it, but for now just know that we can never have too much of it. MP drops are randomized when we get them, but for now we can expect around 10-20 per location.
Let's have a chat with the hired help, shall we?

Maid 3: I love strong swordsmen like him. Oh, Young Master, you aren't supposed to touch me like that...

He certainly seems livelier than most other protagonists.

Butler: Wherever you go, you must not forget the pride of being a member of the Triumph family. Please lead a reputable life.
We can also speak with the butler here. Hey, wait a second...

Butler: I'm the butler of the honorable Triumph family. I'll be at your side at all times.

Checking the chimney nets us some more MP.

Speaking to the other maid (2), we hear:
Maid 2: Young Master, you should stop flirting with the girls and spend more time training...sob, sob...

Well, that's enough time spent speaking with the help. Let's check out the second floor.
Incidentally, if I tried to leave now, a Maid 5 would block my path instead of the butler.

This room here is Meis'. Note the books and papers strewn about randomly, as well as the strategically placed bag of spilled chips. Also, I believe that's some kind of kung fu guy on the wall poster.

It seems I'm not the only person who sucks at writing daily journals. If we approach the floor books from another angle, we instead find this:

I'm getting the feeling that all these pink books are girly mags.

We find another Spirit in the unused bedroom across the hallway.

In the top corner is Dad's bed, along with his poster collection. Aside from the chibi rabbit thing, we can find:

and more generically:

This rack of swords holds yet another Spirit.

This corner holds the Triumph family library. On the table is this book, which holds some advice from generations past. Note the change in descriptive words in the three entries.

Peis Triumph posted:
Never become jaded in the midst of pursuing your goals. That's the Triumph family motto. This not only applies when you create a sword, of course. This also applies when you are trying to win the ladies' hearts too. Master Brauner said, if an Elemental Spirit dwells on your sword, then...
...What? It's a bit different? Ah, don't worry about such petty things! Hahaha...
Cliff Triumph posted:
Never become jaded in the midst of pursuing women. That's the Triumph
family motto. In other words, the secret to forging a sword with an Elemental Spirit is to do it with a pretty lady.
...What? It's totally different? On the contrary, every member of the Triumph family loves women! Hahaha...

Anyway, that's enough wandering around. Let's go down this hallway and meet Meis' dad.

What follows is a weird zooming effect where it moves down to Meis' point of view. It's a lot easier to see in the video.

Also: that is one hell of a cape.

Like father, like son.

We return to the present, said leaving in progress.

You know something I like about this game? How self-aware it is sometimes. For instance, here we've got the standard Doomed Hometown scenario, but everybody made it out okay. It's as though Meis' dad said,

Anyway, now Meis will-

Shit, we're still not done? Oh, right, we have to find out what Meis was talking about just now.

The screen shakes and a low rumbling can be heard off in the distance as we rejoin our hero just outside his family home. The people are panicking and running to the south.

Still, that's no excuse not to do some last-minute rummaging.

Specifically, there is one area which we can only reach by passing through the smith.

This fenced area holds a furnace which itself holds MP. Man, I have been rolling low for this playthrough.
With that done, we can leave the mansion once again and talk to some of the stragglers in the town.

Boy: Hmm...OK! I understand. Whatever you say!

Meis enters the town proper as more explosions rock the land.

People are fleeing the area in droves. One woman stops to talk to Meis:
Lady: Young Master, you better get going too! Most people have already evacuated. I'm leaving too!

A shop owner bids a tearful farewell to his livelihood.

Yet another young lady touches base with Meis before continuing on. Soon enough, everyone has disappeared from view.

Still, there's no harm in looting just a little more, is there?

Seriously, some of these numbers are supposed to get over 15!

Meis notices a voice, surprised that anyone is still left.

It's love at first sight!

Seems a bit young and scared to me, but hey, you're the hero.

So our choices here are A. hit on a woman during a crisis situation, or B...

Hit on a woman during a crisis situation with a really lame pick-up line. However, before she has a chance to slap Meis,

He gets trampled by a bunch of fleeing townsfolk.

That must have hurt his pride if nothing else. By now the sounds of rumbling have stopped, replaced only by the whistling wind. It would seem that the Dark Acolytes aren't interested in empty towns.

And now we know why he's been trudging down a road alone for several days.

Then maybe you shouldn't be treating it like a walking stick.

Well, it looks like you've finally reached a town, so I suppose you could-


Shit, looks like the main character's bit the dust. I suppose you know what time it is now?
Why, it's J-pop time, of course!