Part 2: What Kind of a Name is Jyabil, Anyway?
Part 2: What Kind of a Name is Jyabil, Anyway?

When we last left our hero, Meis had managed to run out of steam not 50 feet from his salvation. I can't help but wonder if lugging that sledgehammer on his back for the past few days had something to do with it.

Suddenly, a woman cries for help in the distance.

This proves to be enough to get Meis going once again...

...since it lets him tap into his "get my groove on" energy reserves.

Sure enough, there's a woman who looks unique enough to be important surrounded by four thugs.

Of course, she hardly seems to be in any danger as she whacks each one back in turn, hitting them hard enough that they spin in place.

Man, that had to hurt.

[Female] Thug: You'd better stop resisting, or else...

Thug: Harharhar! Hurt us, huh? We'll see about that!
At this point, it's kind of unclear which side here is just posturing. Since only the one character winds up as a PC, though, I'd lay my bet with the chick in the middle.

Of course, with Meis here to the rescue, the bet would be off anyway.

Here our choice seems to be two different flavors of "stupidly chivalrous."

Thug: What's this kid doin' here? Outta my way!
Different Thug: You're pissin' me off, kid! C'mon, let's kick his sorry ass!

[Insert lame, perverted "sword" joke here.]

Or here. Depends on if you think you can work "eyes the size of dinner plates" into the punchline.

You know, assuming that Cliff worked on that sword before Meis got a hold of it, it really doesn't seem like he was a terribly good blacksmith.

...And then the beating commences.

Some time later, Meis reawakens to the sounds of a hammer pounding on iron. Oh, and the voice of the girl he "saved" earlier.

I suppose "fainted" is one way of describing "getting gang-beat unconscious."

She looks stupidly happy to see her brother show up.

The camera zooms out to isometric view, and Meis groggily hops out of the bed.

Meis seems completely surprised that Spirit swords can glow. I'm not sure if this reflects more on Cliff's ability to teach or Meis' ability to learn.

Jesus, Meis, your eyes turned red! It's not like he punched your mother.