Part 8: So Who's This Asshole?
Part 8: So Who's This Asshole?

Returning to Boyzby, our heroes are suddenly interrupted by a teleport spell.

Oh, just one of these things. But before Meis can dispatch it in one to two hits...

This guy shows up doing some sort of blurred swing.

It blows up the Gearman instantly.

Much like Meis and Muza, Sodina seems to know who this is already.

My god. I've seen haircuts that screamed "asshole" before, but very few that were quite this dickish. It looks like some jock stuck his head in a toilet and he decided to turn it into a fashion statement.

Meis agrees with me, but his thoughts are (as usual) skewed towards women.

After Schmidt struts off, Meis is also able to leave the area. However, before we can return to the map, one last fellow teleports in for some foreshadowing.

I have no idea why they're even bothering with the question marks. Shaft from the earlier aside was already talking about Dark Blacksmiths, the guy's voice isn't disguised at all, and even in an anime setting there are only so many people with blue-green hair.
Anyway, like before, the plot won't advance until we enter Jyabil's smithy. So we do that, and we find:

Just then, Jyabil pops in from the backyard.

Schmidt grabs his sword and stomps off, but not before taking a long, creepy look at Sodina.

Another day, another whiny mental letter.

Actually, it's adjacent to your room. But since we aren't advancing the plot until you head downstairs...

Meis heads down just in time to see Schmidt stalk silently into the night. And you know we gotta follow him.

Not before reading his correspondence, though.

Meis cannot comprehend a reason for sneaking out at night that doesn't include chasing skirts.
One quiet trip to the woods later...

You know, it's pretty rude to talk with your back turned like that. Shaft.

Shaft then teleports away.

However, not before turning into Batman for a split second. See, this is why I'm using video capture: this screen is exactly one frame long.

Oh, and then Meis drops his sword or something.

I'm pretty sure Schmidt says the same thing whatever you pick here.

Next time: Schmidt turns evil and everyone is surprised.