Part 10: The End of the Beginning
Part 10: The End of the Beginning

Well, I don't know what the Emperor was talking about. This sure looks like Boyzby's still standing.


The two quickly run towards the inferno.

The player is given control at this point, although there isn't much to do in a burning Boyzby. I think you all know by now where we need to go to see the next plot point.

Before they can enter, the heroes are stopped by the sounds of fighting.

Looks like Jyabil grabbed one of the dozen swords on his wall to fight with Shaft there.

Their conflict goes on for a bit...

But since his opponent can teleport, Jyabil seems to be losing ground.

Eventually, their blades lock.

The lock ends when the two leap away from each other.

Which seems to play right into Jyabil's hands.

Holy hell, it's a summon spell!

Unfortunately, Shaft is able to teleport away just before he gets hit.

Also, that summon was the last thing Jyabil could manage before succumbing to his wounds.

Time passes...

Not the best translation in some sections, I will admit.

At this point, control is returned to the player. However, if you ever want to see Sodina cry, Jyabil's grave is selectable.

Also, being the morning after the attack, some of the survivors have come back out hiding and are wandering the ruins in a daze.

This soldier, for instance.

The shop is also still available, although its selection isn't quite as good as it used to be.
One last thing that ought to be done before jumping into a new dungeon is to upgrade Meis' (or Sodina's) weapon. Unfortunately, with Jyabil's grave right there in front of his shop, it's not exactly available at the moment.

Fortunately, there are alternatives. And at level 11, Meis' sword is already much better than that crap Schmidt gave us.
See you next time in a Lucent Cave.