Part 32: To the New World
Part 32: To the New World
I decided after all to get Marion as high as she could go, and got Kyleen up to 9 while I was at it. Kyleen's 9th level spell turns out to be Mad Gate, which apparently deals damage based on the enemy's power level or something. Marion provides Acid Mist at 4 (it does extra damage to robots), Sleep + at 6, and gives Wyna the Gaia Storm ability at 7. Sadly improving Wyna's weapon basically wiped out my MP completely, so that's as far as I've gotten with her.

Meanwhile, it seems my kiss count is improving nicely. Just 12 more and I can get the best accessory in the game.

And with all that messing around done, it's time to visit the fixed Langoud.

Grapple meets us at the front gate to give us the good news.

Whether the character has or not, it's good to get some exposition.

Or not. Grapple just rambles on about how to control the ship and how to enter the city from the world map. But here's all you guys need to know:

That last ??? option in the menu is for visiting the world map while in the Langoud. Also note my completely wiped out MP score.

And away we go!

But before visiting the new continent, a quick stopover at the volcanic island.

There, our second weapon is now fortifying. I also checked in on the one at the water shrine, but it still hasn't finished yet.

I checked by this location to the north first, but it turned out that I couldn't enter the cave (seen on the right) yet.

Also, the field enemies wound up almost kicking my ass. Over 150 damage per hit, yowza.

Since I'm sure you're as curious as me, here's what that spindle thing looks like up close.

Sadly, it's protected on all sides by whirlpools. That and there's no good landing spots.

Anyway, the game really intends for you to start at the southern end of the western continent.

You can tell because cutscenes start firing up when you get close.

This deserves to be animated. Ahh, so fulfilling.

That whole sequence is almost completely pointless, but I love it anyway.

You can now see our next destination off in the distance.

And here's the nearby beach. The bay is so full of fog that the Langoud's traveling music actually shifts to something creepier while you're in here.

Also, another cutscene jumps the party just as they're leaving the beach.


Hang on, is that a giant sword-shaped ship? Man, when they called this game Thousand Arms, they weren't kidding.

Short and sweet. And now, on to the next thing.

A rather Victorian setting, actually. A far cry from Boyzby's idyllic village, but at the same time, we did come here in a GIANT SHIP ISLAND (complete with fuckoff cannon).

Suddenly, Meis (and Soushi) hear a woman screaming!

In fact, it is a girl, who's wrestling with a...damashi? What're they doing outside of dungeons?

Regardless, the girl loses, thanks to the damashi's ability to float.

What a mean spirit.

Of course, it doesn't listen and takes off just as Meis shows up.

You all remember Nelsha from waaaaayy back in part 5, right? It seems that the Langoud isn't the only intercontinental ship around.

After the conversation, Nelsha starts following the party around. The city is easy enough to navigate, but we'll save that for
Next time: I ain't afraid of no ghosts (and yes, someone in the game will say this).