Part 37: Long-Awaited Exposition
Part 37: Long-Awaited Exposition

As it turns out, behind the fancy gold door is another door, along with a mysterious voice.

Meis and Sodina start searching around for where the voice is coming from.

Turns out she was above them.

*Muza Freezes Up sound effect*

Quite expressive, isn't she? When other girls are introduced, they usually show 3-5 expressions. See if you can guess how many our mystery woman will display.

Hang on a second. Meis just said that the Empire killed Jyabil. Even before that, Soushi noted that the Dark Acolyte ship, the Cloud Manta, had the Dianova Empire symbol on it. How the hell is he just now getting this?

Pull up your chairs, kiddies, it's backstory time!

Apparently the Emperor likes to have a little fun now and again, too, since this act is completely pointless. In related news, the question, "What do you do with a giant sword-shaped ship?" is answered with, "You fucking stab a floating island in half with it!" Hope you got everything you needed from Sharan before you entered the gold door!

You may remember Bearing as the lieutenant who almost got exploded when he was impertinent in front of the Emperor. He might not be as outright psychotic as Wire was, but he's definitely the most Machinist of the lieutenants.

He's also talking with an absolutely fabulous Shaft.

Exhausted by all the exposition she delivered, Metalia decides to end the plot advancement for the time being.

By "upstairs," Metalia means that I have to go up several stories of library before I reach the rooms. There are several Elemental Spirits to be picked up by clicking on all the books, plus there are these:

Yep, supplemental exposition. I think I'll do everyone a favor and summarize what Metalia didn't go over herself:
The Emperor and other survivors fled from the Clan of Darkness land to this planet, which is apparently the planet of Light. While the others decided to assimilate, the Emperor figured he wasn't done being totally evil.
Elemental Beasts (the summons) are powered up Elemental Spirits, and the ones attached to the Sacred Altars are even better versions of those. Also, magic is fading for who knows what reason.
X Masters (where X is Ship, Dress, Jewel, etc.) can put spirits into their particular kind of object, but Spirit Blacksmiths are some kind of super awesome version who can imbue damn near anything, including tools for the other Masters to use.

Ah, looks like we're finally here.

Wait, what's so funny? Why are they laughing at the boys?

Oh well. Pop quiz, hotshot!

Feel free to search the last few updates. I'll wait for you to get back.

(Man, that was a lucky guess.)

Anyway, Meis tries to go to bed, but he decides to go for a bit of a walk instead. It seems he's not the only one who can't sleep, either.

One of the rare times I decided to go with the straight response.

Not that this game can keep a straight face for very long.

As he's passing the next door, Meis hears something very interesting.

It's girls! And they're talking about him!

You know it can't end well, but you feel compelled to do it anyway.

Suddenly, the doors burst open (to basically no one's surprise)!

Meis does a little walking in place to support his claim.

Of course, since Kyleen is a little rascal, it turns out to be unnecessary.

The door slams shut in Meis' face, the encounter with the girls over.
You know, now that I think about it, where's Wyna? She wasn't in the room.

Well, we can keep going past the girls' room up to this rather poorly designed staircase.

For instance, these two staircases connect to each other at the upper right and lower left corners. This area is completely pointless and I have no idea why it exists. There aren't even any random encounters here at any point in the game.

Once Meis reaches the top, though, he sees something startling.

It's Muza and Wyna! He's finally gotten her alone, and in a romantic spot to boot!

Muza's making his move!

And fucking it up!

You can do it, Muza! We believe in you!

For her part, Wyna isn't helping with her whole "thinks he's just sort of weird" bit. She wouldn't know a signal if it were delivered in semaphore.

Do it, Muza! Beating her in a fight is the only way to impress her!

That's not beating her in a fight, Muza!

Intimacy Level changed to

But wait! He's not down for the count just yet, folks!

Note how Wyna is neither startled nor surprised to see Meis was watching them.

Muza, on the other hand...

With everyone's touching moment witnessed, it's time to hit the hay.

Disc 2 is to Thousand Arms what disc 4 is to the PS1 Final Fantasies. That's why
Next time: the Empire strikes back.