Part 8: Updates 36-40
Update 36
notZaar posted:
Hey Vader we got three words for you

Update 37
Sorry about the delay guys, here's the continuation of what's been happening!
Todd Toddington posted:
I support adjusting the giant mirror to cut through the interdictors and then hyperspacing the fuck away.

The mouse droids are in league with the Imperials!
Or are they!?

Our bridge is under attack, and we are heavily outnumbered. Even worse, it seems that while we're busy fighting some of the droid rodents, the others are piloting our TIE Destroyer right towards the Executor!
Update 38
Part 1 of the finale is here!
As you can see, things are not looking good on the old Goonarrhea:

Fortunately, help was on the way:

And then...

Thank goodness for this herculean space slug!

Unfortunately, no one was piloting the ship while this was going on.

What will happen next!?? Stay tuned!
Update 39
Finale part 2!

AlmightyPants posted:
Have Steve challenge Darth Vader to a duel.
I'm sure everyone saw this part coming.

One update more to go!
Update 40
When the dust settled, there was nothing left of the Dark Lord. His demise came so quickly that everyone who survived the battle that day knew that Y.E.S. was invincilbe...
The defeat shook The Empire at its core, and its once loyal forces scattered or joined the new order. The Emperor himself was deposed by his own people as the ever growing Y.E.S fleet grew ever and ever larger.
Now, there is a new emperor:

And the people rejoiced, for ice cream and slave girls were for all!!

The rapid pace at which George Lucas conquered The Empire is something for the history books. And even after the fall of the Emperor, he crushed the Rebellion as well, just out of principle. He reigned supreme over the newly formed Your Empire Sucks, forcing all kinds of bizarre laws onto the people. None could oppose him, because he had single-handedly made every fleet in the galaxy obsolete with his revolutionary tactics.

Still, all things must come to an end, and George Lucas wasn't long for this world. His lifestyle consisting of Twi'lek slave girls and a diet of grape flavored ice cream eventually became his undoing, and George Lucas died at the ripe age of 25. Not long after, Your Empire Sucks disintegrated from within and the Galaxy was once again plunged into civil war between contesting factions.

Steve continued to serve
his her master faithfully until his death. After George Lucas's empire fell, Steve roamed the galaxy, destroying everything in her path as she searched for the soul and love she had lost. Remote planets huddled in fear, as no one could stop Steve's onslaught. But eventually Steve despaired, and crashed on a remote planet, and was never heard from again...

Lucas's CO rose in the ranks of the Navy of Your Empire Sucks to eventually become the Navy's top official. But when Lucas died and Your Empire Sucks fell apart, he could no longer bring himself to wear his funny hat and joined the thousands of other officers fleeing from the chaos. And since every officer looks the same, he was lost in obscurity, though he had done great deeds.

Bubba the Hutt left Your Empire Sucks early on to become a motivational speaker. He traveled to various High Schools, where he would talk about the importance of a good diet and exercise. And then, as part of his presentation, he would bend titanium girders into funny animal shapes using his mighty strength. Eventually, Bubba married his lifelong sweetheart, Felicia Gutbutt. They currently reside happily on Coruscant with 3 children.
...100 years later, a new species arrived. They were an unstoppable juggernaut, a combination of the Force and machine, and they enslaved every race that has ever existed. Ever.
This is what they looked like:

(Please hum the Star Wars theme now)

Whelp, that's it! You guys have been awesome!
edit: Thanks for helping me write my Star Wars/Star Fox cross-over fan fiction guys!