Part 8

BGM: Having Lived

The reception for the wedding is being held south of Anya.

Johnnys mom walks away.

Johnny's nickname, named after his grandfather.
That earns us a link.

There are no more memory links on this screen. Lets head south.

BGM: Metallic warbling fades in alongside Having Lived.

The conversation gives us the last memory link. Lets hop on the, uh

dead rabbit memento.
Received Note: Dead Rabbit
A roadkill on Johnny and River's wedding day.

Unless there is an immense and vocal public outcry about it, Im going to forgo showing the puzzle game from now on. There are many other things worth making gifs of and I think you get the idea of moving tiles around.

BGM: Silence. Singing birds SFX.

Theres nothing over here. Theres also no safe way to walk along the road.

Fortunately, that doesnt seem to be a problem.
Over to the right

BGM: The Bestest Detectives in the World

Neil and horse take off.

BGM: Fades to silence. Bird songs fade back in.

Village idiot.
Neil gets most of the good lines, but Eva knows how to hand out a good burn every once and a while.
Anyways lets go earn our paycheck. River and Johnny are over to the right.

Rivers horse takes off.

A tense moment passes.

(NEW) BGM (NEW): Take Me Anywhere

Looks like Rivers gonna be just fine.

Eva pauses and looks at the horse beside her.

And now WE get to ride our very own horse!

Its hard to convey how fast-paced and wonderful this is in screenshots, so lets just go over the basics. Our goal is to catch up to Johnny and River theres also a certain point in the field that gives a memory link too. Weve also got to save Neil.
Theres going to be a youtube video at the end of this. Its not highly-recommended viewing by any means, but it will give a better impression of whats actually happening in this scene.
While Im here, let me just point out that Take Me Anywhere is probably my favorite song on the whole soundtrack. In a sea of wonderful but sad tunes, TMA is like a breath of cheerful fresh air. In fact, this whole scene is my favorite - Eva finally letting her hair down a little, Johnny and River just being playful together for once, and - of course - Neil.

Weve got all of the memory links now lets go take care of Neil.

Well save you, buddy!

Alright, enough clowning around on horses, lets get back to business.


Not exactly HIGHLY RECOMMENDED but it really gives you more a feel of it all.
Anyways, back to sad things!

BGM: Having Lived. The sound of a loud, ticking clock can be heard as SFX.

River stands up and takes it before returning to her seat.

Johnny is clearly hesitant about this answer.

Theres no response from either Johnny or River. A few awkward seconds pass.

So Rivers been diagnosed with something. Its never mentioned in the game exactly what she suffers from, but Tony Attwood is an expert in Aspergers Syndrome this, taken with the clues weve been given throughout the game thus far, is the most likely explanation for what she has.

Theres a memory link in front of the River in the waiting room.

Something River can't stand.
We got a note back in Johnnys house about the silent clocks. Full circle!

Rivers handbag the memento we used to enter this scene is a memory link.

The author of a series of books on River's condition.

Johnny is another link.

As usual, the platypus got us one more link meaning its time to jet.

The now-silent clock is our ticket out of this memory.

To be continued.