Part 10

: "'Shut up' isn't my name, y'know."
Our first link is a classic and its in plain sight.

: "Well, I suppose if you look at it from the right angle . . . "

: ". . . No, not really. Nevermind."
Theres nothing else up here for us, so lets catch up with little Johnny.
The Bestest Detectives in the World

: "What? I asked her out!"

: Nooo, that was pathetic! If I were you, I would've just barged in there and be all like, 'HAY, YOU! Go out! Me, you, now!' "

: "That's just terrible."

: I know. And it would've still been better than what you just did. So did she throw an encyclopedia in your face? Huh? Did she?"

: "Shut up, dude."

: ". . . And suddenly, I feel loved."
Spiral of Secrets
That earned us link #2. As this is a high school, we have classrooms to look through. A couple are simply for flavor, such as the art room beside us.

: Aw c'mon, it's fun!"

: "Only if you can paint!"

: You'll get good if you practice, y'know."

: ". . . Yeah right. After this class, I'm never picking up a brush again."

: Quit complaining. I'm sure you'll learn to enjoy it some day."

: "Why do we have to draw stupid barrels anyway. . . "
Considering that weve seen paint brushes and artwork throughout Johnnys memories, we can only assume Nicholas was right. Either that or River was more artistic then we thought.
Heres another classroom, but this one is required viewing.

: "Anyone? Anyone at all?"

: " . . . Alright then . . . River, why don't you answer it?"

: "I know you know the answer."

: "We're waiting, River."

: "Fine, I guess we'll have to--

: ". . . He made sail on August 3rd of 1492 from the Spanish city of Palos de la Frontera, which was founded in 1322, and granted to Álvar Pérez de Guzmán who was at the mere age of 14 by the--"

: "Okay, okay, I only asked for the date! But see, was that so hard?"

: "Not really . . . though I think their rote memory is often fairly strong."
Thats our third link. To the left is the computer/typing classroom.

: ("Alt-tab! ALT-TAB!!!")
Life saver.
As you might imagine, its not important nor does it earn us a memory link.
It does, however, continue to throw confusion into what time period this whole story actually takes place in. Google was around when he was just married to River, but the internet was around when he was a teenager. If I had to guess, Id say that Johnny was born in the 80s but theres absolutely no proof of that.
Anyways, the gym is our next stop.

: "An atrium. . . we could use this place later."

: "I just can't believe that these court lines are rectangles in his head."
These two are having a push-up contest. Observing them gets us a memory link.
(Johnny): "Fine. . . you win."
(Nicholas): "Booyah!"
Leaving the gym, we run into a crowd of kids headed towards the left. A door that was once closed to us is now open.
Spiral of Secrets fades out. Children talking SFX fade in.
Johnny and Nicholas are eating lunch up in the middle left of this shot. We head on over.

: "I mean, just look at her!"

: "She just sits there by herself all day, with that creepy deformed duck toy."

: "That's not a deformed duck. That's a platypus."

: "What the heck's a platypus? Quit making words up. Anyway, she's just so . . . off, y'know? It's like she's from a totally different planet or something."

: "I know! Isn't that cool?"

: "Uh, if you're into aliens and that sort of stuff, I guess. But really, if you wanna be weird, why don't you just go hang with the emos and goths?"

: "Well, for one, I don't wanna ruin my hair. The fact that we got a name for them says a lot too."

: "Look, Nick, I just . . . I just don't wanna be another typical kid in a sea of typical people."

: "But how the heck would being with her change your own identity?! I mean, you'd just be some guy who hangs out with a shy girl."
Moongazer fades out.

: "She's not just shy, Nick."
Lament of a Stranger

: "Being strange isn't always a good thing, y'know. Do you even know if she wants to be different? Maybe she just wants to fit in like everyone else. And if she does, pushing her the other way wouldn't help, would it?"

: "Look Nick, the point is that I know what I need . . . "
Nicholas pauses, as if considering what Johnny said.

: "So you want her for what she has, but not for her?. . . That's cold, man. I just hope you know what you're doing."

: "I do."

: "I think you're wrong, though. People aren't that typical. Everyone's unique in some way."

: ". . . That's just what grandmas tell you."

: "That's sorta, uh. . . disturbing."

: "Y'know, sometimes I want to slap our clients upside the head."

: "It's high school. Everyone's a bastard. But hey, welcome to the club."

: "Wait, so this is what he told her about at the cliff?"

: "I suppose so. She then went cuckoo and began to make those creepy rabbits, right?"

: "Because he confessed this from who knows how long ago?"

: "I guess she's pretty good at holding a grudge."

: " . . . I'm not buying it. Something feels missing."

: "Then go get a hat, Sherlock. C'mon, I think our passport's leaning against the table there."
Before that, we need one more memory link. I think I even know where to find it, too!

: "I just love how every time we see this thing, we're guaranteed a free memory link. It must've left as big of a scar on his mind as it did on mine."
I may be wrong, but I think this is the first time the same object is a link twice in the same memory.
Regardless, were all set. The memento, as Neil mentioned, is Johnnys backpack. Fortunately, Neil is the one breaking the memento once again.

: "No need; I'm all good now."
Neil breaks the next three links without incident, and then

: "KAAAA-. . . MEEEEEE. . . "

: "Oh for walnuts' sake. . . "

: "HAAAAA-. . . MEEEEEE. . . "

: "Not cool, Eva. You never (#&%block someone in the middle of a kamehameha."

: . . .
Sometimes its better just to not ask, Eva.
Were almost out of the teenage years entirely.
Lament of a Stranger continues into this scene.
(Johnnys mom): "Have a nice day, Joey. My baby boy. . . growing up so fast."

: "Ack, what if he was a girl? Would she still nickname him after his grandpa?"

: "It wouldn't be that bad actually, since it ends in 'ey'. Jo-Ey. . . Ju-wee. . . Jul-E. Sounds cute."

: "If it sounds so cute why don't you marry him?"

: "Ah, jealous?"

: "Oh yes,
so jealous."
You know, theres a certain amount of unresolved tension between these two, I gotta say.
Anyways, memory link time. Theres a jar on the counter I think we all recognize by now.

: "Oh bleh, not again.

: "HOLY CRAP, my mind's totally blown!!"

: ". . . You're pretty easily impressed."
Theres nothing of note in Johnnys moms room.
This normally-functioning clock is our next link
and simply walking into Johnnys room is the third.
These books are the next link which Im sure will solve the question about Davids true animorphin power Digimon dinosaur status or whatever.
Sitting down on this sofa gets us our last link and ONLY on this spot. I spent three or four minutes looking for the last link and apparently the upper cushion does not
There was a lot of swearing involved after figuring that out.
Johnnys soccer ball is our ticket back.
BGM: Metallic warbling.

: ". . . Where are we?"
Eva doesnt respond.

: "Eva?"

: "Yeah, but why is it going Laputa on us?"

: "I don't know; it's just not linking the memories together for construction. . . . there must be a malfunction within the machine's ADG."

: "
Again?! I thought the last fix was foolproof for another half a year!. . . I can't believe those idiots in the maintenance department."

: "Look, don't worry, we've already gotten the teenage years saved. We might still be able to do this."

: ". . . Alright, but I ain't telling him about this."

: ". . . As long as we succeed, he doesn't have to know. Well, I guess this is it. . . there's nothing we can do here. Ready to finalize before activation?"

: "Ladies first."
Beta-B fades to silence.