Part 15

BGM: Warning (AKA Best Track Ever)

Eva is nowhere to be seen. Leaving the cafeteria is our only option.

BGM: Beta-B

A loud boom interrupts them.

So were now playing Doom 3.
In all seriousness, theres something I havent mentioned up until this point though Ive shown the menu screen quite a few times.

There is a subtle but very important difference between Eva and Neil Eva is the senior technician between the two and is, more or less, the one in charge between them. Technically, Evas decision is law.
That doesnt mean, however, that Neil wont fight for something he really believes in, authority or not. Would you expect anything different out of him?

Of course, Evas more than capable of fending him off.

Theres no health to lose in this game, obviously, so these traps are far more irritating than actually debilitating.
We walk for about thirty more seconds in the dark, weaving around thrown computers and massive steel balls

Neil pauses, obviously reluctant to risk it.

The lights go out.

Neils able to reactivate his pseudo-flashlight

This entire sequence is entirely ridiculous.
is what I thought the first time I played, until I realized its all to distract from the fact that Eva is effectively destroying the memory of Johnnys wife while were screwing around in the dark with plants and Eva-zombies. A little silliness is, in retrospect, a small blessing.
As a personal note, let me just say that this arrow-key-to-move, w-a-s-d to shoot thing mixed with the booby traps and the already-wonky controls makes this the most frustrating section of the game to play.

After a little while longer, Neil loses patience with it all.

Were not playing by Evas rules anymore.
BGM: Beta-B fades out. Metallic warbling SFX.

We find Johnny or Joey, I guess - Im not sure which over here in the dark.

He leads us into a classroom

that is all kinds of screwed up. In fact, all of the rooms in this hallway are spliced around, probably thanks to a mixture of Johnnys eminent death and Evas manipulation of his memories.

At the end of the hallway

The hallway of the school is back to well, not dark and strange.

Eva is to our north
BGM: Lament of a Stranger

BGM: Lament of a Stranger fades out.

Neil doesnt reply and, after a moment, Eva turns to the door.

She opens it and walks through. It disappears behind her.

Johnny looks confused for a moment and Neil, still cloaked, takes a step towards him.
BGM: Once Upon a Memory (Piano)

(NEW) BGM (NEW): Laura Shigihara - Everythings Alright
The conclusion to this scene is in mandatory video format due to its unique format - no supplementary screenshots or gifs this time as they would do it absolutely no justice. Sorry - youll know why once you watch it.

No, seriously, theres nothing down here. Just click me.