Part 11: Summer 1996, The Path of Perfection Begins
Chapter 10: Summer 1996, The Path of Perfection BeginsI mentioned last post that things are starting to get tight. There's something I haven't mentioned yet but should be pointed out: at this point, Goon is turning down offers from 2-3 girls a week after school, and each time it happens, that girl inches closer and closer to bomb status. The tightrope is getting more and more dangerous, and to illustrate it, I'll start showing you how often these events are happening.
5/27-5/31: Exercise
6/1: Sports Festival, year 2. Mini-games!

How to Play the Ball-Rolling Race
First, pick your partner in the ball-rolling race. During the mini-game, use the D-pad to move left and right, while pressing the Circle button to push the ball. Be sure not to push too far left or right!
The ball-rolling race is exactly what you think it is: you have a giant ball, and you roll it down the track to the finish line. Unlike most other mini-games, your choice of partner actually does affect your ability to do this race. Nozomi is by far the best partner to choose in this race since she's by far the best athlete, and then after that the rankings are Shiori/Yumi > Saki/Yuuko > Mira > Yukari > Ayako > Mio/Megumi > Yuina. Since this is a Shiori run, Shiori is the best partner to choose.

This game predates Katamari Damacy by 10 years. Anyway, you have to have a pretty hefty Sports stat to do well in this event, and we don't have that since we're going for an all-around stats run and not a world-class athlete run (e.g. Saki or Nozomi). So, 4th place is pretty much a foregone conclusion. Anyway, this mini-game is pretty simple. If you're on the right side of the ball, the ball will push to the left, and the left side of the ball pushes it to the right. Depending on how good your partner is at the game, she also moves around and helps keep the ball from going out of bounds. For reference, Shiori pretty much never lets the ball go out of bounds, while Yuina pretty much never moves and makes you do all the work.

Sorry, Shiori, the path of Utter Perfection does not allow for victory at such petty things as ball-rolling. We are going for the greatest prize of all!

Goon: Okay, time for the folk dance. Let's do this right!
It's very common to have folk dances or bonfires after sports festivals and culture festivals. These days, bonfires are becoming less and less common for logistical, environmental, and health-related reasons, but the folk dance persists. When Japanese high schools have a folk dance, they're usually talking about a kind of circle dance where one ring is made of boys and another ring is made of girls. That way no one is left without a partner, and pairs only dance with each other for a short time before moving on.
That's the theory, at least. High school kids being high school kids, there's still plenty of opportunity to skip over unpopular people and dance with people you like. Gameplay-wise, the Folk Dance works a lot like the Christmas event - it's a combination of global affection-raiser and a Yoshio-less checkup on how much girls like us. Observe:
Goon: Okay, my next dance partner is Himoo-san.

Yuina: You really like this kind of thing?
Goon: Alright, next is Mikihara-san.

Megumi: Um... um... um...!
Goon: Alright, next is Shiori.

Shiori: Lead on.
Goon: The folk dance wasn't that bad.
6/2 (Sunday): Date with Shiori
Goon: (Today's my date with Shiori.)
Goon: (Let's go wait for her in front of the amusement park.)

Goon: Looks like Shiori isn't here yet.
Goon: I should wait a little longer.
This line is often a fake-out - if we choose the wrong place in the quiz when there are too many dates scheduled closely together, this line either means that we've chosen the wrong location and will make the girl angry, or we're fine but the game's just messing with us.

Shiori: Sorry! I took too long getting ready.
Goon: Don't worry about it, I just got here myself.
Shiori: Okay! Let's head inside.
Goon: Yeah.

Goon: (Oh hey, they're doing a hero show over there.)
Option 1: Invite Shiori to watch it
Option 2: Ignore it
Have you ever been to Disneyland and done the Jedi Training at Tomorrowland? Hero shows in Japan are pretty much the same thing. They're usually based on the current season's Super Sentai, and the general flow of it is that the costumed heroes come on stage and show off for the kids for a bit. Then, the villains come on stage and menace the audience/kidnap the announcer/etc., and some lucky kid is invited on stage to help defeat the monsters, save the day, and get some kind of special souvenir for being part of the show.
Yumi likes the hero show because she's essentially a 7-year-old, and Yuina has a special event at the amusement park's hero show too. Shiori doesn't like it, though, so we're choosing 2.

Shiori: So where do you want to go?
Option 1: Let's go ride the ferris wheel.
Option 2: Let's go ride the roller coaster.
Option 3: Let's go to the haunted house.
All of these options are pretty much fine by Shiori. Let's go with 2 for this one.
Shiori: I love this ride. Let's get in line!

Shiori: Wasn't that fun?
Option 1: That adrenaline rush is the best!
Option 2: It's just for kids.
Option 3: I was pretty scared that whole time.
Again, there is one obvious answer.

Shiori: I'm so glad we rode it together...
Goon: (Looks like I made a great impression!)
Shiori: Today was a lot of fun. Can we do this again soon?
Goon: I'll call you.
Shiori: Let's go home, Gunpei-kun.
6/3-6/8: Sleep
6/5: Say no to Yuina

6/9 (Sunday): Study lit

6/10: Say no to Yumi
6/15: Failure event!

Goon: Ugh... nothing's going right today.
Rei: Rei: With such pathetic efforts, you cannot and will not attract the attention of a lady.
Goon: ...
Goon: (That prick went out of his way to come here and say that...)
6/16 (Sunday): Study lit

6/20: Say no to Yumi
6/22: Say no to Megumi
6/23 (Sunday): Sleep
6/24-6/29: Concert Band
6/24: Say no to Yuina
6/26: Say no to Yumi
6/30 (Sunday): Study lit
7/1-7/6: Preen
7/4: New event!

Megumi: Um... do... do you have a second?
Goon: What's up, Mikihara-san?
Megumi: Are you... free this Sunday?
Option 1: Yeah, I'm free. Why do you ask?
Option 2: Sucks to be you, THIS guy has plans that day.
If we were worried about bombs, this would be an ideal time to choose 1 and go on a free date with Megumi. However, that would be a highway to the danger zone, so we need to keep Megumi at arm's length still. Gotta keep things on our schedule!

Megumi: (sniffle) No way...
Goon: (It hurts to be that cruel to her...)
Stay strong, Goon. The path of Utter Perfection is cruel.
7/7 (Sunday): Call Shiori
Goon: Want to go to the pool with me on 7/28?
Shiori: Let me check... yes, that's fine.
Goon: Alright, let's meet in front of the pool on that day.
Shiori: Yes, let's. Don't forget, okay?
Goon: No way will I forget. Okay, talk to you later.
Goon: Yes! I can't wait for the 28th.
7/7: Event!
Goon: Oh yeah, today's Himoo-san's birthday, isn't it?
Goon: (Should I get her a present?)
Goon: (What should I give her?)
Best option: Book on the theory and calculation of high-speed geometry
Neutral option: Precision tool set
Worst option: Cheongsam
It's time to start being as neutral as possible with Yuina, so it's the precision tools this year.
Yuina: Yes, this is the Himoo residence.
Goon: Hi, this is Fudou...
Yuina: Gunpei-kun. You've been acting overly familiar with me lately. Can I help you?
Goon: Well, I have something I wanted to talk to you about. Could you meet me at the local park?
Yuina: I'm busy with my research, but oh well. Sure.
Goon: Okay, bye.
Goon: Alright, I'll head to the park and wait for her.

Yuina: Sorry to keep you waiting. What did you want to talk to me about?
Goon: Happy birthday! Here's your present.
Yuina: You have taken the only natural course of action. Let's see what's inside?
Goon: Sure, open it. Do you like it?
Himoo: This could be a bit useful...
Goon: (She seemed happy enough with it. Not bad, I guess.)

7/12: Walk home with Shiori

Goon: (Man, I am exhausted. I should hurry home.)
Goon: (Oh hey, that's Shiori over there.)
Goon: Hey, Shiori!
Shiori: Oh, Gunpei-kun. Are you heading home?
Goon: Yeah. Want to walk home together?
Shiori: Okay. We live right next to each other, after all. Let's walk together.
This conversation is the same. It's the next part that changes depending on time of year.

Shiori: By the way, midterms are coming up soon. Have you been studying?
Goon: A little bit, I guess...
Shiori: Then you'll have to hit the books if you want to do well.
Goon: Y...yeah, you're right.
Goon: (And, while talking about stuff like that, we walked home from school.)
7/14 (Sunday): Call Shiori
Goon: Want to go to the shrine on 8/4?
Shiori: Let me check... yes, that's fine.
Goon: Alright, let's meet in front of the shrine on that day.
Shiori: Yes, let's. Don't forget, okay?
Goon: No way will I forget. Okay, talk to you later.
Goon: Yes! I can't wait for the 4th.
7/15-7/20: Midterms

Goon: (Yes! I'm the top score! I'm the Emperor of Tests!)
7/21 (Sunday): Sleep
7/22-7/27: Concert Band
7/24: Summer vacation starts
7/28 (Sunday): Date with Shiori
Goon: (Today's my date with Shiori.)
Goon: (Let's go meet up with her in front of the pool.)

Goon: Were you waiting long?
Shiori: No, I just got here myself.
Goon: Phew, glad I wasn't late.
Shiori: It sure is hot today.
Goon: Yeah, it really is.
Shiori: Let's head inside.
Goon: Yeah, let's go.

Shiori: What do you think of this swimsuit?
Option 1: It's very sexy.
Option 2: It doesn't look good on you.
Option 3: It's pretty cute!

Shiori: Thanks! But that's kind of embarrassing to hear...
Goon: (Looks like I made a great impression!)

Shiori: Today was a lot of fun. Can we do this again soon?
Goon: I'll call you.
Shiori: Let's go home, Gunpei-kun.

8/4 (Sunday): Read Memorial Spot, then Date with Shiori!

Memorial Spot September/October/November
The bowling alley is open!
Movie: Sleeping Master 2 (action) (Drunken Master 2)
Concert: KNM Symphony Orchestra (Refer to the first Memorial Spot)
Stadium: September - Baseball
October - Baseball
November - Pro Wrestling
Events: The game center now has a medal corner!
A medal corner is much like the ticket/prize games out here. Play games, earn medals, redeem them for prizes.
Goon: (Bowling, eh?)

Goon: Have you been waiting long?
Shiori: No, I just got here myself.
Goon: Phew, glad I wasn't late.
Shiori: It's so lively around here!
Option 1: Praise her yukata
Option 2: Eh, no need to praise her yukata
Goon: That yukata really suits you. You look cute!
Shiori: Th, thanks. I'm happy to hear it.
Just don't mention that it's the same one as last year and we'll be fine, Goon. Praise her and move on.
Goon: Want to head to the shooting booth?
Shiori: I hope you win something good!
Goon: If I do, I'll give it to you.

Use the D-pad to move the crosshairs. Press the Circle button to shoot. You have 5 shots, and when you run out, the game is over.

This mini-game is pretty awkward, because the little cork bullet in the toy rifle takes like a full half-second to reach the target, and they're on conveyor belts. Oh well!
Shiori: Hmm, not bad.
Shiori: Today was a lot of fun. Can we do this again soon?
Goon: I'll call you.
Shiori: Let's go home, Gunpei-kun.
8/5-8/10: Exercise
8/11 (Sunday): Call Shiori

Shiori: Yes, this is the Fujisaki residence.
Goon: Hi, this is Fudou Gunpei.
Shiori: Oh...!
Goon: Something wrong?
Shiori: No, no it's nothing. What're you calling about today?
This conversation has changed. This is good!
Goon: Want to go to the amusement park on 8/25?
Shiori: Let me check... Sorry, I'm busy that day. I wish I could...
Not good enough, apparently.
Now that our rhythm is broken, might as well use a random Sunday to get a status update from Yoshio.

Oh. OH. Uh oh.
For laughs, let's ask him for Rei's profile, since the option is there.

Ijuuin Rei
Birthday: August 23rd
Sign: Virgo
Blood type: AB
Measurements: meaningless-meaningless-meaningless
Club: Private club
Notes: SNOB SNOB SNOB SNOB SNOB SNOB SNOB (continued on next line)
8/5-8/11: Preen
8/11 (Sunday): Call Shiori
Shiori: Yes, this is the Fujisaki residence.
Goon: Hi, this is Fudou Gunpei.
Shiori: Oh...!
Goon: Something wrong?
Shiori: No, no it's nothing. What're you calling about today?
Goon: Want to go to the amusement park with me on 8/18?
Shiori: Let me check... yes, that's fine.
Goon: Alright, let's meet in front of the park on that day.
Shiori: Yes, let's. Don't forget, okay?
Goon: No way will I forget. Okay, talk to you later.
Goon: Yes! I can't wait for the 18th.
8/12-8/17: Summer Camp (AKA Concert Band)
8/13: Event!

Shiori: Gunpei-kun, you played pretty well yesterday.
Goon: You think so? But it feels like I'm nowhere near where I should be. I need to practice more.
Shiori: That may be the case, but I think you're still doing well.
Goon: Well, I at least want to be as good as you.
Shiori: What? I'm nothing special.
Goon: Say what you will, Shiori, but you set the bar for me.
Shiori: Then I'll have to make sure you don't surpass me.
8/17: Shower event

Option 2: Let's not...
8/18 (Sunday): Date with Shiori

Goon: Were you waiting long?
Shiori: No, I just got here myself.
Goon: Phew, glad I wasn't late.
Shiori: Let's get going!
Goon: Yeah.
Shiori: Where should we head?
Option 3: Let's ride the ferris wheel.

Shiori: It looks like there's no line. Let's go!

Shiori: That sure was a nice view.
Option 1: (yawn) I'm sleepy.
Option 2: Yeah, it sure was a nice view.
Option 3: All I could look at was you, Shiori.
If I remember correctly, Option 2 is the 'safe' option, while Option 3 is only a good option if Shiori already likes us. Time to test out this theory!

Shiori: What? Don't say that, you're making me blush! But... thank you.
Goon: (Looks like I made a great impression!)
Shiori: It looks like they're setting up for a parade.
Goon: (Now that she mentions it, there should be a night parade today)
Option 1: Invite her to watch the parade
Option 2: Feign ignorance and head home
This is a secondary affection test, from what I recall. If she doesn't like us enough, she'll decline politely and head home. If she stays, then it's extra points.

Shiori: It's so wonderful... I'm glad we could see this parade.
Goon: I'm glad you like it.
Shiori: Today was a lot of fun. Can we do this again soon?
Goon: I'll definitely call you.
Shiori: Let's go home, Gunpei-kun.
8/19-8/24: Sleep
8/25 (Sunday): Hang out with Yoshio
8/26-8/31: Concert Band
The new semester starts soon, and while summer vacation was spent driving up Shiori's affection without anyone at school noticing, the upcoming class trip is a perfect opportunity for the next CYOA poll.
Where should Goon go on his class trip?
A) Hokkaido, land of beautiful mountain landscapes and fearsome bears.
B) Okinawa, land of gorgeous beaches and fearsome sharks.
C) Kyoto and Nara, lands of awe-inspiring temples and fearsome... deer?
Poll closes at midnight Pacific, 12/15.
Next time: Fall 1996, Becoming The Man Who Will Fight For Her Honor