Part 18: Update 16 (Spring 1183)
T-T-Triple post!Sorry about the delay everyone, I should get the next update out a little quicker.
An endless war
Spring of 1183

The administrator of Awa stood on the beach, watching the waves roll in. Isolated from the mainland and surrounded by less than friendly clans, he hoped that he would be up to the task of holding the most dangerous province the Taria commanded. Although new levies had been raised, would that be enough to hold against their enemies or would they be swept away, like sand on the beach against an oncoming storm?
Despite being unexpectedly not in Realm Divide, recruitment must continue and if anything, be stepped up. The extra grace I have been afforded must be rapidly transformed into additional defence at critical areas, with the securing of the island province of Awa and our farming province of Kii. Recruitment in Mino and Owari help ensure both order in the provinces as well as bolstering our forces in the most at risk eastern provinces.

"My Lord, the hour is late, you must rest to gather your strength" implored the attendant.
Kiyomori smiled slightly and nodded. "You nag like my wife, but you are right. These reports can wait until the morning. Tell Norioki I wish to see him in the morning"
"Of course, my Lord" the attendant replied, bowing.
As Kiyomori laid in bed, his mind raced. Could Prince Mochihito be making his move so soon? Would the regent of Emperor Antoku be foolish enough to directly challenge him?
The cold night provided no answers as sleep overtook him, for what would be the last time. He never awoke.
All tales must come to an end, even those of legends. Taira Kiyomori is dead, passing peacefully from this life into the next. I'm rather sad about this, I had quite a soft spot for the old master politician. In rather more practical news, this is an expensive loss as the garrison of Settsu now no longer has the 10% discount to upkeep that Kiyomori was providing, so our funds take an additional hit. He passed on at the height of the Taira political power, wealthy and commanding many lands and allies. Historians will wonder if his death is what triggered the greatest of wars.

The news of his father's passing had rocked Munemori. The world, already so harsh in these troubled times, seemed ever more bitter and cruel, the colour drained from the very land itself. Despite the inner turmoil, Munemori knew the responsibility of his position and moved with grace and purpose. Men spoke in whispered tones of him, how he had achieved the inner balance between warfare and compassion. They spoke of the son surpassing the father. They spoke of a man transcending his mortal limits, blessed by heaven and providing inspiration. They spoke of the man whose destiny was to unite Japan.
As one star fades, another bursts brightly into view. Munemori now takes control of the Taira Fukuhara, the foremost clan in Japan. Even more respected than his father with the maximum honour possible and already an accomplished general, the son has outshone the father, ready to continue his mission to bring the Taira to absolute ascendancy. Less politically ruthless than Kiyomori, Munemori does not accept failure, the loss of a single peasant to the enemy is an unacceptable shame. The northern reaches will remain secure under his watchful stewardship.

Munemori had always valued the application of knowledge, no matter the source. As Daimyo, his understanding that wisdom resides in strange places had made him wise beyond his years, able to understand his people, friend and foe alike, to divine what they truly desired. Leadership, wisdom and understanding does not belie weakness however. Hesitation to do what needs to be done, no matter how unpleasant or cruel the task might seem had been washed from his soul with the passing of his father. He was as steel, cold and unfaltering.
Where Kiyomori was careful with money and political capital, Munemori is understanding that some minds outstrip his own and their advice and unique views must be respected and assessed on their own merits, free from perception and traditional methods. A side effect that is unfortunate for some is the belief that it is a greater moral undertaking to set an example of a few, so that the majority must not be punished. The northern lands are a harsh and unforgiving place, a lesson Munemori has learnt well. Pray you are held at the mercy of an evil man, for a good man will kill you without hesitation.

Tomomori reacted in his own way to his father's death, a desperate need to make sense of it all. "The Minamoto caused this damned civil war!" he raged. "They must be obliterated, but the Li stand in our way."
Nakamitsu looked concerned. "The Li are a branch of the Taira and look upon us favourably. We should leave diplomacy to convince them of our cause."
Tomomori spun to face Nakamitsu, naked rage on his face. "The Li should have fallen upon the Minamoto and destroyed them, they are weak and traitors to the Taira cause!" he thundered.
Nakamitsu knew better than to fight an unwinnable battle. "What would you have me do, my Lord?" he asked.
"Sabotage the gates of Totomi" Tomomori responded. "Don't fail."
Another mission that Monomi's can undertake is to Sabotage Castle Gates. If this is successful, all the gates are destroyed that turn. This is one of their most useful missions, as it is significantly less lethal than being forced to go over the walls!

The journey south had been relatively uneventful, marked only by the gradual change towards support for the Taira. The Stronghold at Totomi was rudimentary, but nevertheless effective. Built on a cliff, the raised palisade was only accessible from three sides. The fortification itself was heavily guarded, approaching with secrecy would be almost impossible. Instead, Nakamitsu decided to take a new approach. Walking up to the gates in the dead of night, he approached the guards in plain sight.
"Halt! Identify yourself" the levyman demanded.
"I am Rikitaru, special envoy from Tomomori, on behalf of the Fukuhara Taira. I have travelled long into the night to deliver my message." Nakamitsu replied.
The guard looked suspicious. "Easy to say, do you have formal identification?"
Nakamitsu smiled. "None would be foolish enough to travel with written authorisation, but I do carry this" he said, throwing a small gold token towards the guard.
"It is a symbol of the Fukuhara, is this really gold?" asked the guard, awed.
"Given only to the closest agents of the Fukuhara, indicating the blessing of the family" replied Nakamitsu. "Now cease this foolishness and let me in!"
"At once sir" responded the guard, saluting. "I'll organise as escort to take you to the Daimyo immediately."
Nakamitsu waved away the suggestion. "I'm far too taxed from my travels to wake your Lord at such an hour. Perhaps you could find me a place to rest that I might speak to your Lord in the morning?"
"Of course, sir" acknowledged the guard.
Nakamitsu felt a wave of satisfaction sweep over him. He was getting better at this. The token might not have been given to him, but Tomomori would understand.
I need to reach out and touch someone with the death of Kiyomori. Japan will feel my rage. The Li, to the south of Mikawa are in the way of our last victory province. I want to see if Nakamitsu's hot streak was just pure luck or if he has become something altogether different. With that in mind I send him south to open the gates of Tottomi. Like all Monomi actions, failure or success doesn't trigger war, so I can make a judgement on the best course of action once events have unfolded.

Nakamitsu played the part of the junsatsushi to perfection. He was beginning to understand the appeal of those men of words, those that dealt as much in the shadows as he, but on the other side of the curtain. Most troubling, perhaps, had been the many large concessions that the Li were willing to offer in good faith to the Taira. That his mission was war instead of peace gave him pause, must these men die to satisfy Tomomori's rage against the world?
These musings were broken when a contact of his informed him that Tomomori was a day's march away. The time to strike was tonight.
Just before dawn, several large explosions broke out in the compound, the three gates completely decimated. The Li were betrayed.
I'm beginning to seriously love this guy. It looks like he has learned from his many mistakes and poor fortune and learned to forge his own path in life. With the gates unbarred, the province of Tottomi will fall (easier)!

The Li Daimyo awoke with a start at the noise of the explosions and quickly rushed out of bed to the window. As he threw off the blankets, a scroll clattered off the bed to the ground. Barking a quick order to his attendant to find out what was happening, he broke open the unfamiliar scroll. Quickly reading the short message, his face turned into one of rage.
"To the Li,
Our negotiations have come to naught and I must inform you that your lands are now claimed by the Fukuhara Taira. This is our formal declaration of war. I could have taken your life instead.
As he quickly moved across the countryside towards Tomomori, Nakamitsu silently wondered if the entire world had gone mad, or if it was simply Tomomori.
The Li are Taira supporters, so it hurts to have to do this, but I need to get to that victory province. Tomomori needs to feel alive again in the glorious heat of battle and I don't plan to deny the man his glorious battle.

Tomomori's forces marched with a speed and fervour matched only by the rage within the man himself. Already one foolish Levy Captain had been executed for questioning the wisdom of this venture. There were no more dissenting voices. Gone was the joviality of martial prowess, the banter of warriors trying to best each other. Instead, the army marched like men possessed, each hoping that the madness that had overtaken their commander, a living legend, would end after this accursed march. Where Munemori had become as ice, Tomomori was fire. Demon touched and driven, all would fall before him.
All the forces we can possibly muster are sent to attack Totomi with Tomomori in command. It seemed like we had so many more men when I ordered this...

With a determined look, the Samurai Captain said "My Lord, the enemy outnumbers us 2 to 1 and commands fortifications. What is your plan?"
"Simple" replied Tomomori. "We attack and slaughter them all. Each Taira soldier is worth a dozen Li dogs, fortifications or not."
The commander of the monks looked distant, then turned to look directly at Tomomori. "My Lord, might I speak with the good captain about our deployment?"
Tomomori nodded and waved them both away. "I do not expect taking this fort to be easy, I do expect it to be done. See to it."
Well, this should be unpleasant. We are outnumbered 2:1, attacking a fortified position and the enemy forces will fight to the death. The power bar says we are screwed and it doesn't factor in fortifications. With our 2 Foot Samurai, 1 Naginata Attendant, 6 Naginata Levy, 1 Bow Levy and 2 Bow Warrior Monks vs 12 Naginata Levy and 6 Bow Levy, we have a powerful ranged advantage, but I'm not sure it's powerful enough given the large melee disadvantage we find ourselves in. Still, I promised you all the next update would have Realm Divide from the perspective of a newer player and what better way to simulate it then to utterly annihilate my best army next to my strongest opponent?
Click here to see the battle!

The troops stood in battle formation in the darkness, awaiting first light to mount the attack.
Without warning, another figure faded into view near the command staff. He didn't appear so much as blend out from the background, suddenly able to catch the eye.
"Don't skewer me, I bring important news" Nakamitsu announced, to the men with half drawn weapons.
"Don't just stand there, report" snapped Tomomori.
"As you requested, my Lord. The gates are destroyed and unable to be closed"
The monk commander looked heavenward and gave silent thanks. They might just survive this after all.
It might be the worst Stronghold map to attack under most circumstances, but in this case the 3 sided fort actually works to our advantage. The reason for this is location of the doors, two on one side, which is different to all the other Strongholds. This allows us to use our superior bowmen in a concentrated frontage where they can't bring all their bowmen to bear and it also means we are much more likely to break through a door or key chokepoint and seize the capture point. Maybe.

Arrows sang through the air, filling it with the sounds of the injured and dying. Levy on the walls had numbers on their side, but no hope of competing with the living heroes pelting the walls with a deadly rain of arrowfire.
"Concentrate on your shot" yelled the monk commander. "The arrow will fly by itself!"
The arrowfire seemed endless, scything down men unlucky enough to be sighted by the monks and samurai. Suddenly, a samurai exclaimed "I'm out of arrows sir!".
"Then throw rocks, you bastard" yelled back the samurai captain. Soon enough, another voice rung out.
"I'm out too!"
"Nothing left to fire sir!"
"Empty, sir."
The deadly rain dried to a trickle from one side and Tomomori could see the tide of the battle inevitably turning. He would not fail.
"All levymen, samurai and monks, Charge!"
I think that might have been the most amazing fight yet! It was certainly the most bloody for everyone involved. Not a single unit remains untouched by the ravages of combat and I fully expect when(if) Tomomori and the Samurai are replenished they will be down to about rank 3 with the loss of so many veterans. Even with the speedy replenishment of Levy, it will be 5 or 6 turns before those units are at full strength and twice as long for our Samurai and Tomomori. It may be in my best interest to withdraw them to a replenishment province, but we don't have one on this front.

The samurai captain lead the charge, bursting through the gates and into the hordes of waiting levyman. The loyal samurai at this side never faltering, each man a master of the blade and bow, cutting down levyman like wheat. Despite each stroke felling an opponent, slowly but surely the samurai began to tire. Fatigue slowed their strokes, dulled their reactions and blind luck gave the levy the edge they needed. A samurai fell, never to rise again. The captain watched, trapped in slow motion, as his men slowly fell, the tide beginning to turn against him. Distantly, he heard the monks battlecry as they charged into combat, but the press of numbers was becoming too much.
Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice. "For Munemori! For Taira! For Victory!"
Tomomori and his bodyguard burst through the gates, joining the captain and his men, fighting shoulder to shoulder, the legendary warriors, the bravest and most skilled of the Taira reaping a terrible harvest. The Taira would never fall.
Hahahahaha, look at those kills. LOOK AT THOSE KILLS. 420 kill Levy everyday. I think, in all my time playing Shogun 2, I have never seen a unit acquire 418 kills of non-routing units. That's ignoring the fact that Tomomori managed 250 kills by himself, the other Samurai unit got 260 and a Bow Warrior Monk unit got 200. Hell, even a LEVY unit got 200+. I've never seen an army punch above it's weight so much. I'm relieved that we won the fight and took the province (With nearly half our force left alive, a miracle of it's own) without suffering the complete loss of a unit (although that's a technicality, the army is screwed).

The fighting had been brutal and bloody, both armies shattered. Yet when the battle ended, a victor was clear. Tomomori had carried the day, his forces engaged and destroyed an enemy twice their number and heavily fortified. The victory had come at a terrible cost however, with barely one man in three left alive. The province was theirs, but so too was the heavy price.
The first province seized in the name of Munemori, Daimyo of the Taira! The cost for this province was high, far too high considering the location and value of the province, not to mention what this province actually means.

"My Lord, the province is of moderate wealth and growth, although support for us is high. Few would openly question your right to lead these lands" the assistant reported.
Tomomori stared at the man. "These lands are ours by right" he replied. "Although perhaps Nakamitsu was right and there was another way..."
"My Lord?" questioned the assistant.
"Nothing for you to concern yourself with" replied Tomomori, waving him away. "Your job is done."
Totomi has limited wealth, being a little below average for a province in this area, although it is already fortified and has excellent town growth, not to mention being food positive even with the fortifications. In addition, it is already configured as an economic province, so the actual tax take is above what one would expect for a province of it's type. It contains a Stronghold, Town Watch, Food Stores, Clan Estate, Dry Field Agriculture (Fertile Soil), Trails and a Harbour.

Tomomori looked at the Li banner hanging from the wall. They had been a proud clan, a Taira clan. Fighting amongst themselves only helped the Minamoto, only delayed the glorious victory of the Taira. How much had his reckless aggression cost the clan?
Tomomori's rage is a force of nature. The Li were simply between him and the true objective of the Taira. Their destruction was foregone and inevitable.

Munemori read the missive from Mitsukazu, his face barely disguising the alarm he felt.
"My Lord,
Tomomori's rash actions in the betrayal and destruction of a friendly clan with no provocation has given our enemies the perfect excuse to unify Japan against us. With Kiyomori's passing and the universal support you enjoy amongst the people of Japan, our enemies have no choice but to launch their final gambit against us. Emperor Antoku has been declared illegitimate and clans rally around Prince Mochihito with the intent of putting him upon the throne. Not even our own sister clan can be trusted, as Tomomori's rash aggression against fellow Taira has placed doubt in their minds as to our trustworthiness. Be prepared for the worst."
This is

Let's talk a little about Realm Divide and what it actually is. First off, every computer clan that has not met you dispatches a unit (usually a boat, sometimes an agent) to your location so they can contact you. This is so they can declare war on you, the bastards. The second thing that happens is the AI will no longer declare war on each other, no matter what (Small landlocked clans might, but I have never seen it). This means that eventually their existing wars will burn out (usually fairly quickly thanks to the "enemy of my enemy" diplomacy buff since they are also both at war with you) and they will focus all their efforts on you. Thirdly, you take a diplomatic hit, a flat -25 to all relations and a further -5 to relations each turn up to a maximum of -200. This applies to allies and vassals as well, so everyone will turn on you, no matter what.
Newly created clans (from either rebels or from creating vassals through the annihilation of a clan) don't suffer this penalty, so vassals created after Realm Divide through conquest are vital to keeping your cashflow positive.
Spring of 1183 (Enemy Turn)







"My Lord, a messenger from the Kitabitake has arrived" reported the attendant.
"Very well, send them in" replied Munemori.
The messenger bowed. "My Lord, the Adachi have treacherously attacked us. We have come to request the protection and support you have pledged to us."
Munemori nodded to the messenger. "Of course" he replied. "The word of the Taira is as iron, unbreakable and strong."
Our vassals need our help, as the Adachi and their allies the Daisuke have declared war on them. If we refuse to honour their request we disown them and they are no longer our vassals. I can't afford to have another adjacent enemy as well as the income drop that would result from that, so we join their war. Besides, we are going to have to kill the Adachi and the Daisuke at some point anyway.

Munemori read the missive, wondering how quickly the luck of the Taira seemed to turn. The Yashima Taira, their sister clan, required him to assist in their war against the Kono. Another war was the last thing that the Taira needed, but losing the alliance with their sister clan would be many times more devastating. Sighting to himself, Munemori summoned his attendant.
"Send word to the Yashima Taira, we will join them in their war against the Kono."
Our only ally in the world want us to help out with their war against the Kono. I have no idea who the Kono even are and there is no way to check mid-offer like this! Of course, the Kono are probably going to declare war on me anyway, so I help out my allies purely out of spite. Maybe it will buy me another turn of being allies. But probably not.

Honestly, it would be far easier to read if they just put "Enemies: Japan".
Well, that was an eventful turn. I'm not sure how exactly I am going to recover from taking blow after blow, but you can bet it will be interesting!
Sneak Peak: Troubled Times