Part 36
Touhou 6: The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Update 7(Marisa-B) Stage 6, Boss: Remilia Scarlet. Ending #6
Bad Ending #2
Stage 6 Theme: Young Descendant of Tepes
ZUN posted:
Final stage theme.
The final stage themes have always been loaded, so I made
it upbeat this time.
As the final stage itself is quite short, I made this piece
not as assertive.
Boss Profiles posted:
The Eternally Scarlet Young Moon
Remilia Scarlet
Ability: Manipulation of Fate
Spellcards: Heaven's Punishment "Star of David", Dark Sign "Scarlet Netherworld", Curse "Curse of Vlad Tepes", Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Shoot" , "Red Magic", Divine Punishment "Young Demon Lord", Hell Sign "Mountain of a Thousand Needles", God Art "Vampire Illusion", Scarlet Sign "Scarlet Meister", "Scarlet Gensokyo"
The final boss. She's been the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for about 500 years.
She doesn't make it totally clear during the game, but she is a vampire. She blanketed Gensokyo with a magic mist in order to prevent sunlight from reaching her. Although she has been alive for 500 years, her personality is that of a selfish child.
She is respected by most youkai, but her charisma doesn't stem from her personality; rather, it comes from the fear that they have for her kind. She has one younger sister; nothing else is known about her family.
She is a light eater. In other words, she can drink only a little blood at a time and must leave the rest behind, so the humans off of whom she feeds become a bit anemic, but usually stay alive. Due to that fact, she is never able to increase the number of her kind.
She often spills more blood than she consumes. The spilt blood dyes her dress a deep scarlet, which is what gives rise to her title, the "Scarlet Devil".
She swears that she is a descendant of Tepes, but nobody is certain whether she is truly related to the Vlad "Dracula" Tepes.
Well, let it be known that she is not.
Remilia Scarlet's Theme: Septette for the Dead Princess
Remilia Scarlet's theme.
With this, I tried for a "This is the end!" feeling.
I didn't want it to be regal or ominous, which is normal for
a final stage, so I made it Jazz-Fusion based with a hint of
little-girl-ness... wait, that's not any different than normal.
Its melody is easy for even me to get, so I like this song.
Additional Music posted:
An Eternity that is more Transient than Scarlet
Ending theme.
As you can guess from its name, this is an arranged version
of the title theme. So it's also in a Japanese style.
Well, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Crimson Tower ~ Eastern Dream...
Staff-roll theme.
The staff roll has always been dark and desperate, so I
made it a bit more happy and hopeful this time. I think.
As the staff list is always short, I couldn't write a long
piece. I could have made it more magnificent, but it ended up
a little dry. That was not my intention (heh)
Replay file for this update's run
All that's left is the Reimu playthrough (which will be released much quicker than this one, since it's probably going to be two or three stages per video) and the Extra Stage, which I'm going to be probably spending a bunch of time practicing because the bosses are tricky (the Stage itself not so much, at least compared to its predecessors)