Part 15: Episode 1, Mission 15

This is like the fourth dude Wolstencroft has put in charge so far this game.

"Physically fine"? She's flirtin' with you, dude.

The purply-blue dyke colour was already taken by Velasquez so they gave Cartel a purply-pink instead.

Apparently her orders are to come and tell Vel how shithouse the Vultures are in Vulthaven.

So much for "a long time, perhaps a very long time", Wolstencroft...

Thanks alot, assholes.

Yes. I'll
try... really...

Whoops, sorry about that one Cartel.

Since Cartel met an "unfortunate accident", Vel decides to take out those trucks for her.

I love this.

Good to see the Commander was getting drunk during an important mission...

How touching.

Peter's font is even pinker than Cartel's...

Umm... Amiel? Satair's over... he's over there, Amiel. ...Amiel?