Part 19: Episode 1, Mission 19

You have truth serum? Why haven't you been using it all along?!

Of course she is.

I'd make a comment about Vel's big molotons but I'm too thrilled to see the return of the K'R'Roc-Egg Omlette!

We drive the horribly difficult to drive truck to Vulture HQ...

And burn it off home with practically zero hull integrity. I don't know why they mentioned the low shielding because that's fine, pity the ship seems to be made out of cardboard.

Hooray, zero kills! Highest levels of piloting ability indeed.

Way to get the city under control, Kreel.

Fuckin' A. Where's my goddamn omlette?!

We launch into the mission, only to have the helicopter self-destruct in the first two seconds.

Are you OK, Vel? You're looking a little pale!

It's probably fair to assume that she's right.