Part 20: Episode 1, Mission 20

He's an empathic one that one.

Hahaha, even the robot knows to try alcohol when smooth-talking fails.

Clearly this is the only other possible explanation.

K'Clow? That sounds like a loving anime animal.

Vel: 1. Cartel: 0.

That's right. Please ignore the past four missions or so.

This mission seems hard until you realise that you can just fly underneath the ship and shoot its head from the underside.

It shoots one of its shots backwards at you but its not enough.

And annoying coworkers, apparently.

Way to build up trust, doc.

Maybe things would improve if you treated her like a person and didn't call her "The Cyborg"?

I don't get this line. What's his plan, to give her her normal body back?

Yellow text? Who uses yellow text?

That's all folks!!