Part 28: Episode 2, Mission 8

This bodes badly...

Apparently death satellites are not a "woman's job".

You two are so comforting.

Way to go making fun of Striker killing innocent people, Vel!

Oh no, not 12 radians! That's like nearly 700 degrees!

Dr. Clive Ramses is clearly very important ot this scene.

The city is going to explode in approximately 10 radians but Carl still finds time to laugh at Vel's running commentary.

Why are the helicopter missions always bastards? This isn't bad though because only one part of the convoy needs to survive for a mission successful. I'm fairly sure Carl's convoy was blown up but it doesn't affect the storyline, he's still there afterwards.

Where did Carl go?!

I love this.

Apparently LO-139 was programmed for maximum awkwardness.

Actually, I think LO-139's humour interpreter is pretty broken. "Ha ha ha, go to the toilet! That's too much!"

Captain Tol looks like a fucking leprechaun.

No, Tol, the term is "I'm lot amused"!

Man, what are we going to do now that we don't have Amiel to bully into getting us back into missions?