Part 26: 9: Progress
Due to the structure of the following chapters, today's update is really short. A sacrifice had to be made somewhere!
Chapter 4-9: Progress
Note: In Under the Knife, this chapter is called "New Laser Technology."
Anderson: I'd think a doctor of your ability wouldn't have time to spare. Oh, are you here to visit your favorite student?
Derek: How are you feeling, Secretary Anders-!? Dr. Hoffman! When did you get here?
Hoffman: Derek wasn't my student, Richard. I didn't teach him anything. ...I've known the Secretary for a long time, and came to see him.
Anderson: I'm sorry that our visit had to be under such unfortunate circumstances.
Hoffman: It isn't your fault-this is not ordinary disease.
Hoffman: Sorry, am I in the way?
Leslie: It's fine, don't worry.
Hoffman: Pretend I'm not here. I want you to be able to do your job. Richard, I'll be honest. You're not going to be happy, but I took a look at your charts. I'm going to be taking part in the briefing as well. Is that alright?
Anderson: So, you've started practicing again?
Hoffman: Don't jump to conclusions-I'm only acting as an advisor, and only until you're discharged. I hope you can forgive my selfishness. Besides, Caduceus owes me, after taking one of Hope's best surgeons.
Anderson: Well, I had a request for you, as well. Even if I said no, it wouldn't stop you. Do what you think is best.
Hoffman: Okay. Is director Kasal here?
Leslie: He should be in his office.
Hoffman: I'll go speak with him, then. Get some rest, Richard.
Derek: Is this another puzzle? I hate those stupid things.
Tyler: Yeah, he may look smart, but Derek used to copy off my tests.
Derek: That was a long time ago!
King of academic dishonesty: Derek Stiles.
Victor: Seriously, it'll only take a few minutes.
Derek: Whatever. But I still don't understand how these things make any difference.
They pad the gameplay time, D.
Victor: I have two puzzles this time. They should be decently similar to the last one. I'm counting on you, Dr. Stiles.
I'm basically just putting this in for posterity. I didn't even comment, because there was nothing to say. I also didn't do a test run, but I still managed to remember the solutions fairly quickly.
In addition, Gamevee seems to be down or something. Dailymotion is my temporary solution.
Compared to the first puzzle, this one's just a little harder. Let's see...
That's it.
Angie: There's another puzzle, Doctor.
Derek: ......
Angie: Don't look so down. Come on, let's try the next one!
I consider the last puzzle to be the hardest. That depends on how you approach it, of course.
That's no good.
Got it!
Angie: You don't look well. Are you alright?
Derek: Ugh. I'll be okay.
My time was so bad, the game gives me 200 points out of pity.
Although, that's probably the fastest I've ever solved them without the solution fresh in my mind.
Derek: (Wow. That was almost a compliment.)
Victor: Overall, you only contributed about 1%. But still, thanks a lot.
Derek: * sigh *
Victor: I had all of Caduceus help out this time. That gave me more than enough data. I should be finished in no time.
Tyler: So can you really do it?
Victor: What are you, stupid? That's the reason I'm here.
Anderson: When I was younger, I was in much better shape. I never got sick. Now I understand. Having a disease is so painful. If Delphi is capable of creating something like this, they need to be stopped at any cost.
Angie: Of course, sir.
Anderson: But... I'm glad. I don't know how to operate on patients or how to research treatments. So, if the only way I can help fight GUILT is to be your test patient, then so be it. I'll gladly fulfill my obligation to Caduceus. Don't worry. I won't give up until you find some sort of treatment.
End of Chapter 4-9
Tune in next time for the end of chapter 4