The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Team

by Opendork

Part 31: Episode 31: Waking From Terror

Exit Strategy posted:

Unfortunately, even at such a young age Gabe's son already has plenty of MEN1 in his life.

I just want you to know that I appreciate this.

This video covers:

CR-S01 5 - Waking From Terror
Gabriel Cunningham - Extra*

*These are technically unlocked when you beat the game, but I'll be spreading them out a little.


Wermer's syndrome, a.k.a MEN1-Syndrome a.k.a. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 is a disorder affecting the endocrine system, which consists of a number of hormone-producing glands all over the body. As we've seen in this fictional video game plot(the best source for information), it can be life-threatening.

This one all comes down to being very fast and precise. If you can do that, the time limit is actually not very strict. I realize that's kind of a tautology.

Next time: The final fate of the Eagle Man!