Part 131

Music: play track 3
"I...... I see. You are a little busy."
Defeated, I slump like a captured soldier.
"Sorry. Please continue what you were doing."
I slowly start to shuffle my way to the lobby.

"I, I just thought that since you are used to Nee-san's cooking, my cooking would not even come close..."
Fidgeting, Hisui continues speaking uneasily.
"So I want for you to eat my food when my skill has improved..."
Wh...... what an amazing thing she says!
That "I refuse" back then was a big shock, but compared to what she just said, it's merely a light jab.
"What are you saying, Hisui? I'll eat anything you make, so please don't fret about that sort of thing."
"............ No, I cannot do that. Shiki-sama, please ask Nee-san about food."
"...... No, what I really want is something from you. If I wanted Kohaku-san's cooking, I'd have gone to her first.
I came here to ask you---cause I wanted your cooking."

We continue staring at each other without saying anything.
...... That's odd.
How did we end up like this?

"...... I understand. If you do not mind, then I will make something."
"---! Yes! For real, Hisui!?"
"Yes. But since you insisted, you are bringing this on yourself."
Saying something incredibly ominous, Hisui heads towards the kitchen.
On the other hand, I have never seen Hisui's cooking, so I'm pretty excited.
"...... Kohaku-san did say that Hisui was poor at cooking though......"
Well, even so, I don't think anything inedible will be the result.
If you have a normal sense of taste, it's impossible to make something that is completely inedible.
..................... But still.
Doesn't she seem to be taking a little too long?
Music: stop
---And then,
I hear a gigantic crash coming from the kitchen.
"Um...... Hisui?"
Hisui embarrassedly hangs her head.
"Um, Hisui. I would have been happy with something light. Something simple, like a pancake."
"...... Shiki-sama, you may say that, but a pancake is not very simple."
Hisui says so from the bottom of her heart.
...... Geez. Hisui really IS pretty poor at cooking---
"Eh...... My hand?"
Hisui reluctantly shows me her hand.
"Just as I thought. You cut yourself, didn't you?"
"...... Yes. Forgive me, I was not even able to fix you anything properly, and now I have shown you this pathetic sight."

"Don't be stupid, that's not what I'm trying to say. If you cut yourself, you shouldn't force---"
She shouldn't force herself, she should treat her wounds.
---Her slender finger.
Red blood does not suit her white finger at all.
So I only thought to make her finger clean again.
"...... Please stop, Shiki... sama......"
---Why is it?
Hisui's blood is extremely---
"............ Ah."
Her blood is sweet, and just from doing this, my body starts to feel hot and---
I pull back from Hisui.
What... what was I doing just now---
Hisui just hangs her head, not moving.
"............ Ah."
I---even though Hisui hates to be in contact with men, I licked her finger----and I sucked her blood for a long time.
"---No, I---"
---I can't do it. I can't look at her face.
The taste of her blood still lingers in my mouth.
I can't forget the feeling of her finger.
"---I'm sorry. I know I asked for it myself, but I'll be just fine without any food. I'm going back to my room---let me be by myself."
Hisui doesn't say anything.
Escaping from her wordless stare, I flee to my room.

Music: play track 1
And, Akiha suddenly directs the conversation toward me.

"The end of the year? Aren't you thinking about it a little early? It's only October."
"What are you saying? Pretty soon it will be November, and once it becomes December, it'll be time for winter vacation already. It makes sense to plan this early."
"...... Well, I guess you're right. What do you all plan to do? I usually just do the same old thing for New Year's---"
"Yes, I've heard from Mrs. Arima that whenever you have a long holiday, you spend it at your friend's house."
Akiha stares at me as if she wants to say something.

...... Uh, how does Akiha know about all these things?

"Kohaku-san, I can't have fun like a high schooler with this evil teacher."
"Well, I suppose that can't be helped. But Shiki-san, you really don't want to go on a trip? I already made reservations for Akiha-sama, you, Hisui-chan, and myself."
"Eh---reservations? Where...?"
"The hotel where we take our winter trip. Since you prefer Japanese things, we decided to keep our trip within the country, right, Akiha-sama?"
...... Um, it's a problem for you to say such things all of a sudden.
Well, taking a trip as a family... I haven't actually done that before, so---
"Wh, what is it, Nii-san? I, I won't force you, so if you have other plans, please just let us know."
"No, I'll come along. If I refuse your invitation, who knows what you'll do to me?"
"I have been saying this isn't my idea......! I don't really...... care either way."

"Yeah, of course not. ...... Anyways, thanks. ...... Going on a trip with everyone actually does sound fun."
"...... You don't have to thank me. It's only natural for a family to go on a trip together."
Akiha sniffs and turns her head.
Now that the main conversation ends, tea time ends quietly.
Taking a deep breath, I jump into bed.
At least for tonight...
I wish to not see that dream as I close my eyes.

Music: stop
My breath echoes in the air.
I'm not killing anyone tonight.
Instead, I'm breaking a doll.
I grab the arm. I don't care if it comes off so I hold nothing back.
I pull the body and continue to violate the doll.
The clouds shift slightly.

The nighttime classroom.
There, a beautiful doll exists.
The doll doesn't say anything.
It doesn't even move by itself.
Even when hard meat is put in between its legs, it doesn't move.
But, her feeling is exceptional.
No matter how many times I violate it, I never get bored of its body.
The body shakes as I move it.
The doll's eyes are not looking at me.
The empty eyes are just reflecting the moon, I suppose.
------This piece of trash starts to piss me off.
"---Very soon..."
The brows on the doll twitch a little.
"---Soon, I'll kill."
Redness starts to enter the frozen face.
"---Soon, I will return."
Haha, that's funny.
My breathing gets wilder.
"Ha---------haha, hahahaha, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha
My laughter echoes throughout the room.
As if my head became like one of those wood puppets, it bobs up and down uncontrollably.
I laugh, and laugh, and laugh.
As I laugh, I continue to violate this young girl, that is either Hisui or Kohaku.