Part 15: Update: 13: It's Probably Nothing
Update: 13: It's Probably Nothing
"February eighteenth. Squad Condition, Technology, and Situation update.
For Phoenix Company the last week was spent resting, either in medical or R&R, or taking the time to get some weapons training in. The R&D department however have been busier then ever. Over the course of the last week we've completely revamped out air force.

These breakthroughs couldn't come at a better time either. In the last week we have seen a record high five UFOs in the span of seven days. We successfully shot one down over the Gulf of Mexico and another near the base at Thule. All the others either eluded us, or shot down our attack wings. We're down a total of nine planes and two pilots this week.
Along with the multitude of aircraft upgrades produced, the weapons labs have been just as fruitful.

The study of laser principles have given us a way to manufacture our own laser weapons that work with the alien energy cells. CoE laser pistols and rifles are under production, but they take a lot of time to build with our current capabilities. Dedicating more bases to be arms factories would greatly aid in equipping our soldiers with advanced weaponry on a wide scale.
Lastly, our biggest development yet. We have successfully interrogated a small number of aliens taken alive.

A lot of what we've learned is just a first hand rehashing of everything we knew about the Ethereal Empire of AW1 and AW2. What is strange though is that these particular Sectoids refer to themselves as Reticulans. As far as we had been aware previously they just considered themselves part of the Ethereal Empire. Obviously we need to learn more, so capture and interrogation of a Reticulan officer or leader type is next logical step. Maybe there is something to this, we haven't seen any other races from the Ethereal Empire yet.
Lastly there is the matter of the one UFO we did manage to shoot down over the Arctic circle. Hero was put in charge of this mission while Booya was still recovering from his previous injuries. Jimmy and Fire Storm were also put on this mission, again thrusting the rookies into a tough first mission.

Vallhallan: God damn it. Another mission on ice.
Hero: What are you complaining about, you're lucky you are out of medical.
Vallhallan: Yeah... But this stupid sling they gave me itches all the time.
Ackbar: Sling?
Panzer: I don't think you want to know.
Vallhallan: Hey, I demanded a splint for proper support of recovering muscles.
Fire Storm: I'll lend a hand supporting your muscle.
Vallhallan: Whoa, back off rookie.
Fire Storm: Suit yourself. I'll stay in the back with Ackbar.
Hero: Well... If the rookies are done being creepy, how about the mission?
Jimmy: I'm not doing anything yet!

Panzer: Reticulan with a psi weapon!
Jimmy: What is that thing?
Hero: I swear, do you guys get briefed about what is going on at all?

Vallhallan: Kaboom. Thats how you do it rookies.
Fire Storm: Go Vallhallan, hooooo!
Vallhallan: Okay, seriously dude.
Jimmy: I don't think he's dead yet.
Ice7: No pro'lem rookie. We leave em 'ere for ze recouver team.
Jimmy: Yeah yeah, I want to take a closer look.

Jimmy: Hmmm, yes... very interesting.
Hero: What is wrong with the last batch of rookies?
Jimmy: Sorry Hero! Just one last thing to take care of...

Jimmy: There!
Ackbar: You shot it!
Jimmy: Damn right.
Vallhallan: That's it. The last batch is defective. One thinks he is Hard Gay over there -
Fire Storm: Fooooooo!
Vallhallan: Shut up.
Panzer: And the other executes downed aliens.
Hero: I think recruits have gotten worse since Ice.
Ice7: 'ey!
Hero: Shut up Frenchy.

Jimmy: There's another one!
Hero: Plasma gun! Shoot him!
Ice7: Engage!

Vallhallan: Love this mini-launcher!
Ackbar: Much easier to aim then a RPG, yes?
Vallhallan: Damn it, what has Showers been saying about me?

Hero: Forget it Val. Time to pull out the close range stuff anyway. You too Fire Storm, Ackbar.
Fire Storm: Okaaaaayyyyy.
Ackbar: Hey.. hey what are you doing? Get away from me infidel!
Panzer: I believe that is called a 'Pelvic Thrust' Ackbar.

Hero: Okay rooks, stay close, and be careful around the corners. This isn't a big one, so we should out number them.

Panzer: Reticulan! Behind us!

Jimmy: From the side too!

Ice7: Hail of gunfire. There is no better way.
Ackbar: I still prefer being farther away from the little devils.

Vallhallan: Incoming from the left!

Fire Storm: Two of them.

Hero: AHH! Fuck! Fucking plasma, that burns!

Ice7: Zere dead.
Jimmy: Hold up a sec Hero. Lemme patch you up.
Hero: Ha, finally. Someone willing to be the squad medic full time. Watch the crotch area, the little bastards like to aim low.
Vallhallan: ...
Jimmy: Yes ma'am.

Panzer: Hey, hurry up back there! I think we got their attention.
Ice7: I am with you Panzer!

Panzer: Nice shooting Frenchy, maybe you're not so bad.
Ice7: Oui, and you're face has healed quite nicely too rusky.
Fire Storm: Oh, so you like Russian men Ice? You ever wonder what you get if you mix Fire and Ice?
Ice7: Jon Snow?
Fire Storm: What? Who?
Jimmy: Hey back up there Hard Gay, I need to treat their plasma burns.
Fire Storm: I see how it is.

Ackbar: Another devil!

Vallhallan: Make that two!
Fire Storm: Oh scaryyyyy!
Hero: Shoot them rookie, just empty your clip into them!

Hero: God damn rookies. They're down.
Ackbar: Allah be merciful, I am wounded.
Jimmy: It's not bad, some plasma scoring on his chest. His vest has a mean hole in it.
Hero: You going to me okay 'til the 'copter gets here?
Ackbar: I can manage.

"Hero did a good job leading her second mission. Even though half the squad came back with wounds there was nothing too serious. Ackbar took a hit that melted his combat vest and burned his chest. Thankfully the vest absorbed enough that he will walk away with only a scar. I've told the tech boys that we need to find a way to make our combat armor more resistant to plasma fire.
Aside from some odd personality quirks the rookies seem to have done well, and neither came back seriously hurt. Keeping the squad full and combat ready at any given time is easier with more soldiers then before, but the constant rotating personal in and out may prevent any real group dynamics from forming. I'm thinking of forming two squads, Booya leading one and Hero leading the other. I can rotate them as injuries demand, alternating missions while the soldiers develop bonds within their squad. I'll give this some more thought as I've found another new recruit.

I'm actually stealing him from potentially joining Snake Squad down in South America. So far Vallhallan is the only one proficient in heavy weapons, and Matthews shows some talent there. He'd make a good heavy support man if I do form a second squad.
Well, I'll give it some more thought before I make the call and put it before the CoE. End recording."
Meanwhile, somewhere in orbit...

Psion: Of course. I live to serve you, Great One.

Psion: Then they shall die in vain, never seeing your light.

Psion: They live and hide on the surface, ready for your salvation at any moment.

Psion: You are generous Great One.

Psion: What? What is going on?

Psion: Ascend??
"February nineteenth. Squad condition update.
Hero, Panzer, Ice7 and Ackbar are all still in medical. A mission to a downed UFO is going to become more and more routine if we intend to win this war, but every time we engage the Reticulans they have a new trick up their sleeves and we take casualties. As I mentioned before-"
"God damn it what Johnson!? I'm entering my reports here!"
"Sir! You're going to want to take a look at this!"
"This better be worth it."
"It is sir! Follow me to the command center"
"There, on the main screen."

"What? The hell are you talking about?"
"Smith, zoom in on the east Egypt for the Commander."

"What, what the hell is that stuff?"
"We don't know sir, but it's growing."
"Growing? That can't be good."
--Soldiers Logs--
Posted by Dinictus 'Rabbit'
Personal Log of Raveena "Rabbit" Sen
February 15th, 9th Entry
It's been a while, but I've mostly been revitalizing myself after those shots I've taken from Megan. Gave me a while to check up on the base and the rookies, having a few chats with folks outside of combat for a change. And finally getting pumped again for a bit of combat.
Val's really an unlucky son of a bitch. I've never seen a guy in so much pain and take it with a shit-eating grin like it's nothing. I'm amazed he was walking in a week. He kind of felt about nearly losing his testicles, but it could be worse. And he's not quite yet sterile. He seemed quite frantic about the prospect, poor bastard.
Vina has been taking a liking to the biological weapons Sargeant Canmore's keeping locked up. Without their energy packs, they're quite cute little (if mostly immobile) critters in a sick and twisted way, and Vina's taken good responsibility of the lot of them, feeding them as Canmore had instructed her. I'm sure he'll appreciate at least no longer having to take care for them anytime soon. In the meantime, I've been tinkering with the creatures under supervision. Interesting how their 'levers' if I can call those spindly legs such easily mold around the right fingers to fire or detach an energy pack.
I've asked commander Vault if I can try and use the alien plasma gun in the field, or some sort of rifle that could replace my handgun. I could finally provide cover fire at range if need be.
We'll see, I suppose. Commander Vault's quite pleased with some of the developments at R&D. We're finally able to interrogate these alien bastards. All I want to know is why. Again.
Posted by Canuck-Errant 'Canuck'
Hah. It was my turn to sit back in the base and relax - Val, despite his injury, wound up going to the Arctic on another recovery mission. I'll have to mention 'chafing' to him when he gets back. Heh heh heh.
I've been shooting the shit with some of the satellite imaging guys - lack of anything better to do - and they've been seeing some weird shit growing in Egypt, roughly around the Suez Canal. Creepy stuff. They're thinking it's something to do with the aliens.
I wonder if a good old-fashioned carpet-napalm-bombing wouldn't be in order... Gotta remember to bring that up to the Commander at some point. I mean, it's not like there'd be any civilians around there, right?
Posted by Forest Fuckery
[Personal log of Dietrich Kast]
[Entry 01, Feb 17]
Ops wants every pilot to write a regular log, to "Monitor our mental state and morale". Fucking thought control if you ask me. I joined the Air Force when it was still pretty ad hoc, and pilots were recruited from every mook who was brave enough to jump in the cockpit.To be honest, we are still desperately short of pilots. I sure hope the "improvements" the eggheads are planning will work this time. I still remember the prototype "Air-to-air plasma projector" turning Doug into a shooting star along with his plane.
And i hope we'll get them BEFORE i get shot down for good.
[Entry end]
Posted by lilljonas 'Hero'
Personal log of Megan "Hero" Okembo. Part 8.
The base is really buzzing with life now compared to when I got transferred here. Fighter pilots preparing their planes, new recruits being drilled, Vina running a small zoo with all those alien things. I'm not sure, but I think she's even teaching some of the less dumb ones some simple tricks. Amazing. It's nice to not feel as alone as before, but at the same time the facilities are starting to strain a bit. Soon they'll have to put up bunks in the corridors or something. Anyhow, new recruits are pouring in, and it was my job to take them on their trial by fire since Booya was resting in Med. The mission was a UFO recovery, something we've done a lot lately. What a bunch of weirdoes they turned out to be. One of them kept coming on to the other guys, and the other one was shooting downed aliens. Sure, I can understand that it feels safer that way, not having to be afraid of someone creeping up from behind, and... wait, who was I referring to? Anyhow, this new kid, Jimmy, kept shooting the aliens that were taken down. I gave him a stern lecture when we came back. First, he'll have to learn to follow fucking orders, and second, the Commander is pretty adamant about the importance for the war effort those captives are, now that we seem to be able to interrogate those little bastards. I'll keep my eye on both of them in the future.
It felt good to have Val back in the team. Ackbar, Ice and even Panzer are also turning into quite the hardened veterans now, the close quarter combat inside the UFO showed that our tactical training is paying off. I took a nasty plasma hit in the belly, but I'll live. Those nasty bastards aim low. I'll be in Med for a while, seems like we're bouncing back and forth, me and Booya. Rumours says that the Commander is even thinking about making us two separate teams. We'll see how that turns out. If we do, I'd bet my luck would end me up with all those rookies.
Finally, we've seen some scary pictures of something weird in India. That shit really gives me the creeps, whatever it is. But now I'm off for another x-ray, and then it's of to my personal bunk here in the Med. I'm a fucking regular, y'know.
End of Entry
Posted by Garfield - Der Film
S'more time off for me. It's not so bad not having to go out on missions and get shot at. I could get used to this. Still... I'm getting pretty antsy around base. There is only so much I can do around here before it gets boring. I hope this introduction of another squad sees me in action soon. I need to test out my new toy on some slimy aliens. I also want to see what happens to Vallhallan out on the field! No one is telling me what happened out there!
I meet the two new rookies shortly after they returned from the mission. All I have to say is where the fuck does the CoE pick these guys up? Frenchy was odd enough, but apparently there are weirder people out there. I just with Fire Storm would stop thrusting towards me. I swear i'll sock him one next time.
P.S. Where are all the women?
Posted by seaborgium
Personal Log Entry 2, Bruce "seaborgium" Smith, Janitor for the Council of Earth,
Boring couple of days back at the base, but I figured since I got the space I should use it. Missions keep going out, floors keep getting diry, I keep cleaning, same shit different day. So far I've managed to get most of the rooms on the base clean, there's a few left that nead a full scrub down, but for the most part the hard part is over. Scratch that, the hard part is just beginning. These COE opes are fucking animals, I swear to god if that fucker Fire Storm asks me to clean up whatever the hell he's doing in that room of his I'm gonna napalm the whole goddamn section. Jesus, how the hell did he get it inside the lock on his door? Seriously? How is that possible?
On the plus side, there's some little kid running around. Fun to mess with, tell her that aliens will get her if she doesn't keep her room clean, that sort of shit. She knows I'm messing with her, I'm just trying to keep the little tyke from freaking out. I think she feeds the damn alien guns or something, so if one goes crazy and tries to make her shoot everyone, she might hesitate to shoot me. Never know with those funky ass alien guns.
And Haggis, oh god Haggis. He's always cleaning up some guns or armor or whatever. So who does he come to for cleaning supplies? Me, of course. Bastards got a still full of what I'm pretty sure is methanol cause he don't know shit about distilling, and he comes to me for cleaning supplies. So last time he needed something I gave him some real high strength shit, miracle I found it and it's about the only thing that really gets the autopsy table clean and shiny. Told him exactly how to use it, 1 teaspoon per gallon of water otherwise it'll eat right through the container. He used up 2 quarts of it, now I gotta go searching the ruins nearby to find some more cause he can't follow directions. Oh well, his floors clean for the next few years anyways. Kind of slippery though.
The only real interesting thing going on is something about satellite imagery of some crazy fungus. I happened to walk by one of the screens they were viewing it on while emptying the trash, and saw it. Honestly, best way to deal with that kind of thing is some good old fashioned bleach. Ain't nothing I've ever seen could survive bleach. Won't ask me though, they'll probably try and genetically engineer some crazy bacteria, the whole time Earth's being eaten up and people are dying while the eggheads try and make something. Who knows? I'll just keep mopping.
----End log
Posted by Mutant Headcrab 'Ackbar'
-Ackbar's Personal Log-
February 19
Praise be to Allah that I survived the space-demon's plasma. Though I am stuck in med-bay for a few days, I shall emerge only with an honorable scar. That new recruit frightens me though. His "pelvic thrusting" and his cries of "Hooooo" are truly the work of Shaitan.
As if a devil-possessed comrade were bad enough, I have seen the images of the strange fungus in Africa. If that...growth were to expand, it could threaten the holy land itself! If this is the work of the infidels-from-the-stars, then I shall take no rest in destroying them! I will sign onto every mission without a break for rest, if only to lay Allah's wrath upon them!
Posted by Forest Fuckery
[FEB 19TH]
[ENTRY 02]
I woke up under my bunk with my whole lower body encased in plastic. It took me 3 hours to scrape the stuff off, and while the itch is something horrible there's NO FUCKING WAY i'm going to medical with this.
This is the last fucking time i go out drinking with either the Phoenix lads OR the janitor staff.