Part 12: Sacrifice - Part I
Sacrifice - Part I
South around the mountains through some hills and swamps is Minoc, a mining town. Or maybe they don't mine it until Ultima VII; I seem to recall Covetous becoming a mine or something. I guess it isn't yet.
So it's just a town. A town of
You meet a rotund tinker.

: Name?

: I am Shentis.

: Job?

: I welcome thee unto Minoc, city of sacrifice?

: Sacrifice?

: Self-sacrifice is a needed virtue!

: Wait,
self-sacrifice? I thought just any kind would work.
You meet a happy tinker.

: I am Mischief.

: How much?

: This and that.

: Rune?

: The rune of sacrifice is hard to get. It lies within the fires of the forge! Hast thou the rune?

: No, since I just now learned where it was!

: Return when thou dost find it!

: I think I like where this is going.
You meet a cute bard.

: I am Singsong.

: It's times like this I wish I weren't married.

: It's times like this I wish you didn't exist, Iolo. Job?

: I sing songs!

: No shit.

: Songs?

: Very well, the raven sings, the raven saw, and in the corn he sayeth "CAH." Dost thou like it.

: I didn't actually ask you to sing.

: Thanks.
You meet a seasoned blacksmith.

: I am Zircon.

: Job?

: I forge weapons.

: Is it okay if I just walk into the forge, burning myself horribly?

: Knock yourself out, kid.
And thus it was that I found the Rune of Sacrifice. I probably should've healed all my dudes before doing this.
You meet a meek shepherd.

: Name?

: I am Damon.

: Job?

: I stand here and think.

: Think?

: Oh, just about things. Can't a man just think to himself?

: Yes.

: Well I hope so!
You meet a wandering tinker.

: Name?

: I am Merida.

: Job?

: I seek the wisdom of the shrine of sacrifice.

: Shrine?

: But first I need the mantra! Know ye the mantra?

: Yes.

: Wait, you do.

: Yeah, it's "CAH."

: The completely random song that bard sang for no reason whatsoever?

: That's the one. Look, Avatars just know this shit.
Here's Julia. She's pretty decent and we could ask her to join but I won't.

And there we go. The vision's different this time! Why, it almost looks like some sort of letter. You don't suppose they're spelling an 8-letter word, do you? Nah.
Lord British helps us experience the Quickening.

Charged with this power, it seems I've mastered two more virtues! I already know where the Shrine of Spirituality is, so now I'd just need to go to Jhelom, but I won't do that now because I'm done with this update.