Part 31: The Shard of Cowardice
The Shard of Cowardice
Since I'm half pretending I actually need to learn this stuff, I've gone back to New Magincia to find out who knows the word of power to open Hythloth. Of course the guy is in Blackthorn's Castle and I'm not going back there, but let's just pretend. It's fun to pretend.

You see Katrina, an old friend.

Katrina is actually good in this game if you want a fighter, because she starts at a decent level. At this point however it's kind of a waste.

You see a kindly old woman.

You see a wise old man.

If you want the mantra, he will ask a lot more tricky questions where the right answer is to show sympathy to your enemies and not hate them because of the things they've done.

You see a timid, reserved woman.

Anyway I did all this to get to this part, where the word of power IGNAVUS is used to open up Hythloth. In case you haven't figured it out already, the dungeons are sealed with Latin or pseudo-Latin words representing the anti-virtue in question. So AVIDUS (Latin for "desire") for Covetous, FALLAX (which I guess means "false" or something) for Deceit. IGNAVUS is apparently "cowardice" or something, which is convenient since that's where the Shard of Cowardice is, but I guess it also represents Hythloth being the anti-Spirituality dungeon somehow. Maybe because it's spiritually cowardly to not seek yourself, or something.

We can climb all the way down to L8 from the very entrance of Hythloth, but it just takes us to this room here. Those gems are, in fact, magical viewing gems, and I can take them, but beyond that it's not terribly interesting down here. There are no exits, because we really want...

To be one floor up. Remember what I said about 1x1 rooms?

Covetous and Deceit were "dungeon" style dungeons. Hythloth is a "mine" style dungeon, so it has brown textures and collapsed passageways and such. It's no different otherwise.

It's also filled wiht treasure rooms where powerful monsters materialize in to trap you. Don't fall victim to your greed!

L7 and L8 of Hythloth are a real pain in the ass. Ladders lead between them to different sections of each, but none seems to go to the part of L8 that actually connects to the Underworld. That's because, yet again, there's a secret door leading to the real ladder.

Well, that didn't quite go as planned. I forget what was happening in the room right before the ladder but I probably sent Steve through and everybody else got eaten by dragons or something. Screw them.

Before we go looking for the Shard, ever wonder what's below the Codex? Apparently, it's a field of lava. Now, what do you suppose would happen if I searched directly under the Codex, in the middle of the lava?

Each search of this square turns up a Mystic Sword, then a suit of Mystic Armor, then another Mystic Sword, and so forth until 6 swords and 6 armors are acquired. After that it won't yield any more. I think the glass sword trick might allow for the acquisition of others, but it's pretty pointless. Mystic Armor is still usable by all (although all armor is now), and provides the best defense. Mystic Swords have actually been boosted in power in this game and are about twice as strong as Magic Axes per hit, but they have no range, so their use is questionable at best. But hey, they're free!
Now let's get out of here before I kill myself and have to go through Hythloth again.

Oh dear. This is quite a problem! For some reason I didn't get a gem shot of it, but the path to the Shard requires using In Por spells to blink across a wide area through several small valleys. These valleys can often be full of nasty creatures.

I have to blink south, walk west a little, blink north, blink west again almost immediately, and then north yet again... east over this swamp...

That wasn't actually a travel-related Blink. I think I just did it to get away from some monsters.

And anyway, finally, the final Shard. Now, I'm stuck down here. I could In Por my way back to Hythloth and try to get out with just Steve, but odds are pretty good I'd die trying. So why bother?

I can just kill myself now and get everyone resurrected at Lord British's Castle with full health. I even get to keep the Shard. And speaking of which...

The doom of the Shadowlord Nosfentor is wrought!

Well, the Shadowlords are dead. Who wants to take another trip into the Underworld?