Part 44: The Mouse That Roared
The Mouse That Roared

One really annoying aspect of Ultima VI (that isn't in Ultima VII) is that a spellbook has to be readied for spells to be cast. Steve therefore needs to be toting her spellbook around. Thus, for the duration of the game, I will be using a special weapon whipped up via Iolo (more on this later). Although it appears to be a glass sword, it is by weight and stats a halberd. It's a sword. It's a halberd. It's Sword Halberd.
Yeah, it's cheap. But Sword Halberd.
I rest my case.

There are many rats down here.

I love you, Sword Halberd. Note that I still got nicked and poisoned despite Magic Armor and a Magic Helm. Despite what you might think, you're anything but invincible in Ultima games even with the best armor and max stats. It does help a ton though.

Hey, a ladder! And not the one I came in here on! Where could it lead?

Back up into the sewers apparently. There's a lot of junk around here, so I grab the bucket here because hey, free bucket. I always wanted a bucket.

Another ladder that leads...

...whoops. This is the Britain inn. Not quite where I thought I was going.

Deep underground, there's a large lake. We're under the Britain sewers so I'm a little wary of touching it.

Fortunately, we've got a skiff and it works down here. There's a tiny island with a ladder going down.

But... but there's a lake above this lake, and... and...

Monsters abound down here. From weak bats... slightly more potent sea serpents. They're much less annoying than they were in Ultima V.

Ropers, however, are back to being as annoying - or more annoying - as they were in Ultima IV. They don't sleep the party anymore, but they do confuse and charm them, and they summon a gigantic number of swarming insects.

It takes a lot of effort to kill them and all their bugs. You can't tell they're dead because Ropers just stop moving when they die, and a screenshot isn't going to convey that, but they're dead. And pretty loaded too; I got a potion and some gold off of them. Sadly, Sherry got gibbed, as you can see.

But I just need to drag her back to Lord British and she's good as new! Somehow, she's been earning experience, and now has over 100, which she needs to go up a level. I can gradually start making her not suck, although it'll take most of the update to get to that point.

But before I go, let's try out that new spell I've got, Pickpocket. You don't suppose the game would let me pickpocket Lord British, would it?

...but surely I can't get away with that. Can I?

Apparently I can. Back off bitch, I got the awesome amulet now.
But no sooner do I leave the castle than the stupid beggar comes out to harass me. We'll have to deal with this one.

If you're wondering how I had more weight in my inventory than available capacity, that's another nifty bug. By opening a bag and getting an object, you can always pick it up, provided it can be picked up (a cannon for example can never be picked up, and can only be put into your inventory directly by Iolo). However, this only works to push yourself over the weight capacity once or twice, as actually being over the weight limit still gives an error message. It's good when you've got one last thing you want to haul somewhere, like here where I'm trying to stuff corpses in a chest and don't want to drop corpse, pick up another, drop it, pick up another, and so on.

And now we're going to Jhelom, to find the Rune of Valor.

You see a man with a serpent-and-heart tabard covering his chainmail.

Okay so basically the Rune of Valor was won by the town's armorer, Nomaan, who lost it in the tavern when a rat stole it. The rat dragged it into its hole and oh no, how will anyone get at it?
I think you already know where this is going, but let's head that way.

You see a beggar, clad in the rags of a sailor, with a hook for a right hand.

This is one of the game's quests so I might as well get it out of the way. I'll need 9 pieces of a treasure map at some point, by which I mean I will if I'm retarded, because it's an incredibly annoying subquest but required because, as it turns out, Captain Hawkins buried the other half of the fucking tablet with his pirate treasure and I have to go dig it up. Lame, I know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, however.

Yeah, we're just gonna be ignoring that.
There are occasionally brawls in the pub here, although nobody actually harms anybody. Doug the Eagle has a method to actually make the tavern-dwellers kill each other through brawling "accidents," but I'd rather keep them alive right now.
You see an angry-looking man wearing short swords on either hip.

So Sin'Vraal is still alive, huh? As you might recall, Sin'Vraal was a
Now to track down that rune.
You see a girl of perhaps twelve years. She is agile, and balances trays of mugs deftly on each hand.

This is what Sherry is recruitable for. Technically you're supposed to use her to get the rune, then let her leave (she asks if it's time for her to leave every time you talk to her, whether you ask her to or not, so you have to tell her no). I guess they never considered the possibility I might want to keep her around. They really didn't work hard on the whole temporary party member mouse thing, what with her equal health to any human party member and ability to equip human-sized gear if she has the strength.

The rune is in the surprisingly spacious rat hole, but the rat isn't home. I also jack his invisibility ring. Not sure how he even uses that.

The Shrine of Valor can be accessed by Moongate, so there's really no point in walking or sailing to it.

Once there, I encounter the welcoming team, which is more gargoyles than were at the Shrine of Compassion, but not many more. Most of them were gunned down by Shamino and Iolo offscreen. The winged gargoyle was extremely difficult, however. Even Sword Halberd couldn't scratch him, and he nearly killed Steve 3-4 times. Fortunately I have over 30 casts of Great Heal handy, but in the end I had to lightning bolt his ass. Sherry also died again. So I had to do this more than once. The gargoyles are supposed to stay dead but they didn't.
I think this is actually a thing gargoyles can do, something about reflecting melee damage or something. It's incredibly annoying, and it makes the winged gargoyles a pain in the ass to fight at earlier levels, but of course I have a cunning plan.

First things first, though. Dispel the shrine with the rune, snag the moonstone. Having done that, it's time to talk to the altar.

The altar asks if we want to meditate. Lord British no longer levels up the party; instead, the shrines do. In this case, we want Sherry to meditate, since she's at a level (even after being resurrected again).

After a pithy rhyme, a sudden revelation!
Now... are you ready for this?

Okay, so 4 STR is nearly as bad as 1 STR.

But it's enough to wield a boomerang or two and some swamp boots, and to carry a bit more stuff.
The way it works is, each shrine can level up the party, but not all shrines are the same. Each shrine gives stats related to the Principles that the Virtue of the shrine embodies. Thus Honor would raise Intelligence and Strength, and so on. The issue is, Shrines dedicated to two Principles only raise the associated stats by +1 each. Shrines dedicated to only one raise the single associated stat by +3, and the Shrine of Spirituality raises each stat by +1. It doesn't take a genius to realize 3 is a larger number than 2, so all levels should be taken at the shrines of Valor (+3 STR), Compassion (+3 DEX), Honesty (+3 INT), or Spirituality (+1 all), and we can totally ignore Honor, Justice, Sacrifice, and Humility (which gives jack shit, just like U5).

It also means we can level up Steve pretty much anywhere, since she has max stats and can't gain any further (no matter what those lying shrines say).
In the case of Sherry, well, it breaks down like this. There are 8 levels maximum in the game. Sherry starts at lv1. Thus, she can only level up a total of 7 times, which means a grand total of +21 STR if every level is Valor. That's 22 STR, which is still pretty respectable for a mouse, and her DEX is high enough anyway. Plus nobody but the Avatar needs INT.
Basically with NPCs, Valor everybody to as close to 30 as possible without going over, since weight capacity is so incredibly important and it also boosts damage. The Avatar (if you didn't transfer like I did) should probably get Spirituality every level, or rotate between the +3s starting with DEX and STR. Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre should all be able to reach 30 STR, and come close to 30 DEX. They start at lv3 so they can only get 5 level ups. Seggallion only gets three levels, but that would put him at 30 STR and 27 DEX if optimized, and that ain't bad. With one exception, most of the characters in the game can't boast such great numbers.

Now I've mentioned that, except for the moonstones, the two Principle shrines are useless. I happen to have the Runes of Justice and Honor already. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Of course not, that's why I'm the evil genius with the Sword Halberd and you aren't.

The Orb of the Moons can warp me directly to the Shrine...

...and it can warp me right out. As they say, yoink!

Oh sure, the gargoyles are hard to kill. But that's to kill. The damage they actually deal to me isn't fast enough to kill or even hurt any of my party members for the 5 turns I'm at the shrine, using the rune, stealing the moonstone, using the Orb of the Moons, and warping out. Nobody actually said I had to kill anybody.
Plus, what with the gargoyles not being evil and all, this is clearly the correct way to deal with the situation. That's what makes the Avatar the Avatar*.
You say goodbye...

...and I say hello. To Lord British, that is. Sorry I swiped your amulet man.
(* abuse of game knowledge, I mean)