The Let's Play Archive

Ultima 9

by Null Pointer

Part 73: Chapter 7, Part 11

: Good! Good! How can I reward you for this favor? Gold? No?
: No. I want a moongate back to Earth.
: Ah, I'm afraid I cannot do this. But gold will do, no?
: Keep your gold. If you won't send me home, give me the blue lens and the sigil.
: I'm so sorry, Avatar, but I do not have these things to give you. It is foretold that, if I give away the sigil, I die. Come now, we reach a bargain, no? What else can I offer?
: Let me ask your crystal ball a single question.
: That I can do!
: What will happen to the Gypsies if they do not help me find the blue lens and the sigil that I need?

: Ah! It is horrible! This cannot be, you must be showing me lies! I cannot give my life because of some lies. Begone!
: You said yourself that the blackrock crystal ball sees the future with clarity. You cannot change your mind because what you are seeing is not what you want to see.
: You are right. It is the blackrock crystal ball, no? How can it be telling me lise? If I do not help you, all is to be destroyed.
: But to save my people I must die; it is exactly as Morganna foretold. This is my choice: to help my people, and die, or to let them die at the Guardian's hand.
: Avatar, help me. Tell me what to do.
: I can't tell you what to do, Rom Baro. You must do what is in your heart.
: Before you make a decision, ask yourself this question: is this not the city of sacrifice?

Yeah, and my city is the City of Champions, but that didn't help the Oilers win the Stanley Cup.

: Ah, you are right: for generations, the Gypsy people have lived by the virtue of sacrifice. This tradition I cannot ignore.

: My people... my beloved people. It was foretold many years ago that I would have the privilege of saving the Gypsies from destruction.
: I am honored to tell you: that time, it has come, and so that you live, I sacrifice my life.
: I give to the Avatar my possessions.

: Here is the key to the chest in my wagon. In this chest you will find what you need.
: You must succeed in restoring virtue to Minoc, Avatar. Remember all that the Gypsies have done for you now and in the past. I do not want my sacrifice to be in vain.

: Remember, my people: through sacrifice do you receive the greatest rewards!

The greatest reward is a quick death.

Just one thing left to do...

Only three more to go!

Do we want to be smarter, or do we want to be able to play video games better?