Part 32: SILVER SEED - The Fiend & The Silver Seed
The Fiend & The Silver Seed

There are only three of those kooky witches, so no one comes to greet us outside the tunnels leading to the Fiend. The only welcoming party is a bunch of lamias.

Despite the proponderance of corpses in this area, almost none are carrying anything. Kind of disappointing, but I guess there's not a lot they could put on there but gold coins and crappy armor.

The main problem with the traps here is not so much keeping the Avatar safe as keeping your dumb friends from bumbling into the buzzsaws while locked into formation.

Or running from explosions. They're not very good at that either.

Anyhow, I've got plenty of reagents to cast Restoration. And by the end of this update, I won't need any reagents at all.
Deep in the cave system, bodies litter a ramshackle laboratory. Only one man is alive in here, and he's not exactly the most sensible out there.

Note that Shal/The Fiend is not the typical follower of Chaos. This is important, because we get only a few examples of what Chaos's followers were actually like. Most of the aspects of Chaos we find are shattered, fragmented, and twisted; this fits in with the history of the Serpent Isle.
Why? Well, it's probably obvious by now: Chaos didn't have a chance. They're going to lose the war, and lose it bad. And once Order has won, Chaos is going to be broken. The resulting imbalance, well... is it any wonder the Imbalance spell causes teleport storms?

Shal has a ton of hit points and armor (though Lord knows where it's all coming from), but his explosions are not a big deal unless you have a bunch of melee characters.

Let's find that damn ring and orb. First step is to go all the way back from Shal's lab to the stairs we came down from. Now we go slightly east...

...and walk through an illusionary wall. Mercifully, unlike in Aram Dol's Lair, the walls that are illusionary in this dungeon are obvious, because they're much narrower than the other walls.
That corpse has a book on his body:
~~Diary of Diabolical Traps~~
I, Seliashor, am accompanying a score of soldiers and scholars ordered to retrieve the Golden Orb. I was chosen for my knowledge of traps; a specialty particularly suited for a journey into unknown lands controlled by a mind such as the Fiend's.
First Level -- The first trap! A soldier, wandering into an alcove, found himself separated from his command by poison fields! I had the good fortune to be looking his way when he triggered the trap; it is obviously of magical nature. If this is all we will face, the ring will surely be ours.
Second Level -- The Fiend has raised the stakes! We discovered a large cavern, in which were numerous statues of harpies and decorative suits of armor. We had immediately deduced that these were traps and would smite us if we stepped too near, but the real trap was more cleverly hidden! Caltrops, painted to match the color of the floor, drew a great deal of blood from the soldiers as they gingerly avoided the obvious statue traps. Clever.
Second Level -- We have discovered the next trap. A small number of chests, clustered together, proved to be explosive if tampered with. Amateurish -- I spotted the trap before any of the foolish soldiers could tamper with it.
Third Level -- Three soldiers entered a completely barren cavern and triggered a truly fiendish trap. When they reached the center of the room, we heard the sound of a bell. Nervous seconds passed. Just when we relaxed, a spell of terrifyingly destructive nature went off. The soldiers were consumed in flames which appeared from empty air, disappeared, and reappeared in other locations. Had they fled from the room, they would have lived. There was a body in there, and my mind's eye can still see the light cast from our torches glinting of a golden object in its hands. If it was the orb, it is lost, for not one of our number dares to face the flames. I think it was naught but a gold statue or somesuch; more accurately, I hope it was.
Third Level -- We sent another soldier to his death. He was sent into the narrow mouth of a cavern. I knew he would not return. When he entered the cavern, an energy field appeared in the narrow opening! Neither I nor our wizard had Dispel Field in our spellbooks; he was left to die. He was one of the last soldiers alive; our prospects for survival are grim.
Poor guy. He almost got out. All of the traps mentioned exist, and most can be avoided by paying attention to the things in the book.

There's a lot of combat in this place, but the traps are far, far more deadly than any of the monsters. Nothing is really even comparable to Arachnians, who weren't that bad to begin with. Erinon's Axe cuts them up nicely.

We need to brave the trap though, because the orb is on the corpse in the bottom of the room. Plus a Magic Helmet, Magic Bow, and some Magic Arrows. Not bad, not bad at all.
Well, we can finish The Silver Seed now, but of course before we do that, we need to find that damn ring. We really need to find that damn ring.

So we'll have to track down some more secret walls. There's a very thin wall at the back of this chamber, if you can dodge the traps.

It's very difficult to do this while keeping your idiot friends out of the way as well.

Through one final secret wall, and...

A broken, battered suit of armor that has long since fallen apart. The other ones are alive and respawn, but this one has been dead ever since we first arrived. Could it be the one? Is the Ring of Shal nearby? Can you spot it?
No? Look close...

It's that tiny, tiny greenish speck in the rubble pile. The Fiend's hint was quite useful.

And there you have it: Shal's Ring of Reagents. The most powerful artifact in the entire Ultima series. The item I've been waiting to get my hands on since Ultima goddamn IV. Why?

Well, as the name suggests, infinite reagents. With the Ring, your spellcasting ability is limited solely by your mana reserves. Any spell, no matter how obscure or expensive the reagent, can be cast as often as you want. Serpent Scales? Not a problem now. Worm Hearts? No big. Bloodspawn? Why collect a bunch of stoneheart and mix it with human blood when you can just cast all the Mind Blasts and Mass Deaths you want? To say nothing of buffing and healing the party, creating and enchanting ammunition (for free!), and duping money. If this had been in Ultima Online, you'd have been lucky to hold onto it for a second and a half before eighteen people jumped you. This ring is the destroyer of worlds.

Surok knows the score:

He isn't kidding. But I'm sure you've come to appreciate it by now. If not, you will by the end of this update.

Now, we can finally head down into the secret vault beneath Serpent's Fang.

The Silver Seed is not far from our acquisition, but the door is locked up tight. The orbs can unseal it... just have to get them on the right pedestals. When you have it in the right place, the orb will burn out. The good news is there's no penalty for getting it wrong, so just keep shuffling them around. After that, we can just grab the Silver Seed without a hitch.

Or not.

And so we take the Silver Seed up some stairs behind its chamber. Before we do that, though, we can go hang out with the Serpent Fang crew, who finally give us some respect.

And that asshole robot?

Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. Anyway, back to the ascent.

At some point during the climb, you leave the past and return to the present. I think. The game doesn't really explain it, but it's the only explanation that makes sense since... soon as you emerge from the cave into the quiet valley...

...Karnax shows up.

Well, we ought to do it anyway. Just drop it on this little hole...

And there it goes!

Big Spoilers Ahead: If you wait to do The Silver Seed until the "Wall of Lights" event later in the game (you'll know which one I'm talking about, and if you don't, do not read the following dialogue), Karnax says something slightly different about the properties of the tree:

Vibrate is such a fantastic spell. Cast on someone, it causes them to drop their inventory. It can even make them drop items which are flagged not to appear on an NPC's corpse.

For instance, I just made Elissa shit lightning bolts.

Isstanar can be forced to drop his pants in the middle of the dining hall.

Surok just got his pocket picked. Literally, I stole his pocket.

Fedabiblio is carrying several useful spells, including that weird orange-brown one that seems to have no name. Plus plenty of reagents, not that we need those now.

This letter in Gustacio's backpack isn't supposed to appear until much later in the game when we get it from him. It's a letter from Melino, talking about the Black Sword, and if you were to actually see what's under the black parts (or the second page) you'd be somewhat spoiled on things. I took the liberty of pruning spoiler stuff. I guess I shouldn't have included this at all, but it's not as funny if I'm not breaking the plot.

Melino himself's got some stuff. Lightning and Paralyze.

Topo is made to drop his belt and shoes, but mercifully not his pants.

Filbercio loves it when we Vibrate him. Note he's in possession of the supposedly illegal Bloodspawn. Oh Filbercio, you're a real card.

Most amusingly, perhaps, we can swipe this key from Captain Hawk, which opens the chest in his bedroom.

Inside is a treasure map and a letter.

The map is self-explanatory, as long as we know where the first landmark is.
Fortunately, Hawk's letter tells us:
Me Map, but I don't need to say that, because if it's anybody but me what's looking at this, I don't want to tell where me treasure is, so read no further, ye dog, lest I leave yer fate to the briny deep! This is dead-reckoning right, but I'm awfully drunk and mebbe I'm holdin' this thing upside-down.
33 Paces past the rock, excludin' that break I took fer drinkin'.
11 Paces east of the whatever that blasted thing is.
30 Paces, I think, because I was staggerin' about a bit and I stumbled and lost me count a couple o' times, past whatever me stinkin' map says is supposed to be there; I was sober when I drew that beauty. Unless this is me what's readin' this, I hope the treasure's already gone, ye thief!

The first landmark, per the coordinates, is here near the Knight's Test (yes, I know I'm supposed to be in Moonshade right now).

You don't really need to know how many paces to walk, as the landmarks...

...are pretty obvious.

In the tree stump is Captain Hawk's treasure: A small handful of coins and an old crown. The crown is necessary to complete the game, but isn't very useful otherwise (its armor value is quite low).

Don't forget about it though. It's easy to overlook Captain Hawk after the midway point of the game.

Julia's got a Magic Sword, and the Rangers have a bunch of arrows. It's a little penny-pinching to get arrows this way, but what the hell, it isn't like I'm paying for reagents!

Mortegro's backpack has a real treasure: A Death Bolt, which allows for repeated and infinite castings of the spell. Sweet.

Using the Death Bolt, I find myself getting into a bit of trouble. Now normally all these rangers would be dead by now, but my party is attacking the one immortal NPC in Moonshade. The one NPC who cannot, under any circumstances it seems, be harmed.
Ale the fucking parrot. Why would he even go aggressive on me?
Vetinari posted:
Not quite. Going through the Serpent Gates warps time away during the voyage, as we'll soon see evidence of when Gorlab is visited.
So Guardian could've been created in Britannia while Erstam and crew were on STILL on their exodus.
And Nakar, I am certain there is a locked door in the basement of the Keep that leads into the tunnels. I distinctly remember it. I'm looking for a map now.
I'm looking too. I know there's a deep basement part. I thought there was some kinda secret passage in the very bottom, but I haven't been able to find it.
EDIT: Bingo! I wonder where I found the key though.