Part 60: SUNRISE ISLE - is basically the last update... so whatever, let's roll.
I finish updates a day in advance, generally. So I thought, you know, what the hell. I already finished the game, and this is basically the last update... so whatever, let's roll.
The Universe's New Greatest Threat: Electronic Arts

Before we head out, make sure you've got everything you see here. Among the required items for successful rebalancing of the universe:
The Hierophant's Outfit:
Serpent Crown
Serpent Earrings
Serpent Amulet
Serpent Ring
Serpent Staff
Serpent Armor
Other Crap:
Ophidian Sword
Chaos Serpent Eye
Blackrock Order Serpent
Blackrock Chaos Serpent (DON'T LEAVE IT IN SKULLCRUSHER)
Blackrock Balance Serpent
Don't discard your fur cap/Helm of Light, because Sunrise Isle is considered a "cold" area and the Serpent Crown is not considered "warm" equipment.

Despite its name, Sunrise Isle does not take place anywhere near or involving the sun, nor is any part of the island outdoors. I think it's meant to be a great mountain peak rising from the north sea (I guess that's where the sun rises on the Serpent Isle), but the Grand Shrine of Balance has been built inside it. Don't ask me how the Ophidians got in here the first time to build the serpent gate.

Underneath the gate is a book detailing the workings of the shrine:
Only he who hath achieved balance within this temple may be free to find greater balance on the path to the Grand Shrine.~ He who wishes to find fulfillment must use the fire of chaos and the ice of order to restore balance.
Only a true serpent of fire and serpent of ice will bring thee to balance.

To do that, we'll need to balance these scales. The only things in the entry shrine which qualify are the paired red and blue serpent statues.

When one of each is set up, three objects appear on the pillars.

Same thing in the south. That gives us a chain, a dagger, an abacus, a heart, a rose, and a torch. Now we can leave to the south.

Sunrise Isle is a great maze of cavern passages. We need to find six shrines. This well-tended garden represents Discipline, and since this is the Balance shrine, we need to place an object which opposes that: a rose of Enthusiam, creating Dedication. You can just guess because if you're right the item disappears but if you're wrong nothing happens.
The chest hidden in the corner there only has torches in it. I dunno why they felt the need to give you those here and now.

The stark and wild landscape of this shrine marks it for Emotion. We'll temper it with an abacus to represent Logic and create an atmosphere of Rationality.

A pristine shore recalls Ethicality, so we leave behind a chain representing Tolerance. That gives us Harmony.

A harsh desert requires Enthusiasm to survive. We'll drop off a dagger of Discipline for Dedication here too.

The great stable void of Logic needs a heart of Emotion to create another Rationality point.

Finally, the poisonous swamp of Tolerance needs a torch of Ethicality to guide the way to Harmony.

Placing all six objects properly creates a book at the sixth temple (you're not required to do this in any particular order).

Behold! Thou art worthy to proceed in Balance!
A bridge of Order's blue flame crosses the first half of the chasm...

...and the red flame of Chaos gets us the rest of the way across.

We need a "Symbol of Order" and "Symbol of Chaos" for our pillars. The snake statues don't do it. Something specific must be wanted.

A chest is trapped by a forcefield in the west, and there's a key in one of the bags here as well.

In the chest is a nearly-useless Infinity Bow (since there's only one fight left in the entire game and it's easy as hell), a couple scrolls, and a book about the Hierophant's equipment.
A devout follower will know the true path towards Balance. Thou shouldst know the arts necessary to achieve Balance. To those of you who have forgotten your lessons -- take heed:
Fire is the embodiment of the force of Chaos,
Ice is the embodiment of the force of Order.
The Ice Diamond and the Fire Ruby are necessary to achieve balance within the shrine.
Disciple of Balance, know the true way to balance fire is with ice, and the one way to balance ice is with fire. Using thy tools of the candles of fire and the solids of ice thou mayest achieve the way to Balance and to the Shrine.

The path through the Order side is blocked by a wall of ice.

But back in the Chaos section are some Serpent Candles.

The fires of Chaos can't be tamed right now, so we'll go back to Order...

...and light a candle, destroying the ice wall quite explosively.

That's the Ice Diamond. Before we go, grab a block of ice.

We can use that to balance the Chaos side and create a path to the fire ruby.

Place the objects as requested and the door opens!

Unfortunately, there's another puzzle.

The next part is kind of tedious, and you teleport left and right into the various chambers of the side rooms until you can get at those cubes, which, as far as I can tell, are apparently concentrated blocks of an abstract concept.

Yeah, I don't know either.

Alternate placing cubes of Order and Chaos until an altar with a teleporter is fully created. There, another scroll instructs the would-be applicant for Ssithnos's job:
To commune with the Serpent one must be in possession of the Earrings of the Serpent. Only via these can the Great Serpent channel his words to thee.
To be at one with Balance one must have the blackrock Serpents of Order, Chaos, and of Balance.
To enter into the Grand Shrine of Balance one must wear the Armour of the Serpent, carry the great Staff of the Serpent, and wear the Crown of the Serpent upon one's head.
Only after these are obtained may one enter the most sacred of sanctums of the people of the Ophidian order.

The teleporter sends the Avatar - and the Avatar alone - to the halls of the Great Hierophant.

By placing the requested implements on the altar, the Order Eye (you were wondering about that, I'm sure) is created.

Finally, we can enter the final shrine, where the Wall of Lights is located. This is an extreme-zoom shot to show off the architectural design of the Grand Shrine of Balance. Note the regular Order side and irregular Chaos side, converging in the center at the altar.
But no sooner do we step inside than the Order Serpent finally catches on to our little game:

In the game's final combat, the Order Serpent dispatches a handful of ice trolls. If he'd thrown in some frost dragons I might actually consider this some kind of boss fight rather than a speedbump.

Place the Blackrock Serpents in their appropriate slots (if you have difficulty with this part, go back to Kindergarden until you master shapes).
The Balance Wall of Lights is a mix of blue and red, representing the blend of Order and Chaos.

You can't really tell, but the statue of the Great Earth Serpent is now moving.

And so, as your final act, slay the Great Earth Serpent's statue. He'll return to the Void... and bring you with him!

The Order and Chaos Serpents fight endlessly over who was supposed to take out the trash this evening.

When up swims the Great Earth Serpent...

...and brings them both to heel.

Let's break up the somber mood with a better ending: