Part 31: The Black Gate - The Wisest Man & The Laziest Update
The Wisest Man & The Laziest Update

Our next stop is New Magincia, which I won't cover because it's boring. Okay, it's not that bad. I'll get to it at a later time, maybe. Right now though, we want to find Alagner. He owns the two largest buildings on the island, far to the north. One is locked up tight and has no clear entrance.

The other is a posh house and laboratory. Note the crystal ball. It'll be important later.

You see a large man with an almost cunning, erudite aura about him.

This is too good a break point not to stop, which is probably a bit awkward. I'm aware of that, and I'm also rather tired, so here's a fairly simple overview of some more game mechanics that might illuminate things!
Teach Me, Steve! - Weapons & Armor
Now, we all know the Black Sword is the only weapon for the Avatar. But why is it the only weapon? Why not something else? Which weapons should everybody else use? How good is magical armor compared to regular armor? Let's find out.
To understand weapons and armor, it helps to understand how damage works (or seems to) in Ultima VII. As you're probably aware, there are three stats worth noting in combat: Strength, Dexterity, and Combat. Dexterity and Combat seem to affect your chance to hit, and Combat may have some effect on damage. I'm mostly just going off deductions, here. Strength definitely matters to damage, at least to melee.
As I can deduce, you've got your attack roll, and if it hits you roll damage somewhere between 1 and the damage value of your weapon plus your strength. Probably. Hey, I'm not promising you exact here. Armor apparently only reduces chance of getting hit, not the damage you take if you do get hit. This is why your magic armor suit doesn't seem to be reducing damage much; it isn't. Also I'm not sure if weapon damage is a bonus to the overall damage or if it's just your strength that's rolled 1-30 or what. You can still kinda get how this works.

Anyway, here's a callup of a weapon entry from Exult Studio, which pulls all its info from the original game files. This is a halberd, minus the sword. A merciless non-magical engine of destruction. What do all these stats mean?
Damage should make sense given what we've discussed. Maybe.
Range is how far away you have to be to hit with the weapon. The AI closes to max range normally and is generally pretty smart about it. With a range of 5, a halberd actually has a range advantage over most melee weapons. Of course, ranged stuff beats it out.
Damage type is pretty important. There are five types of damage in Ultima VII: Normal (most weapons), Magic (magical weapons and some spells), Fire (torches, certain spells, the Fire Sword), Lightning (Glass Swords, Death Vortex), Sonic (the Cube Generator), and Ethereal (the Tetrahedron Generator). Some weapons are a bit deceptive. Glass Swords are as mentioned neither Normal nor Magical damage (I suspect you can't mitigate Lightning at all, hence why the Glass Sword does 127 damage guaranteed). Fire Swords do Fire damage, which some slimes are weak against, and more crucially do not do Magic damage, which the occasional thing is immune to. Despite its name, the Lightning Whip does Magic damage.
Ammo and Projectile refer to what a weapon fires and the frame used, if any. Use refers to whether it's held in the hand or shot or whatever, so this row is useless for melee weapons.
Sound effects just refer to the bizarre blorp sounds U7 plays from your Sound Blaster.
The flags are self-explanatory: They either cause a status effect (Magebane is the one that makes you unable to cast spells), explode when they hit, or return (for projectiles like the Magic Axe, Juggernaut Hammer, and Boomerang).
The strike frames don't seem to affect the actual swing speed too much. One-handers appear to swing marginally faster, but that may not be the case. Weapons don't really have a "speed" though. Ranged weapons seem to shoot faster, but they also seem to not get a bonus from strength, so that's understandable.
Anyway, melee damage is pretty easy to get. A two-handed sword or halberd is fine if you have no access to magical weapons; although you can't wield a shield with them, they still outdamage most magical one-handers, like Magic Swords and Fire Swords. The standout weapons you should look for are:

And if you're curious about the damage various magic spells do:

Bottom line: Fire Bolt is an underrated spell for its level (it hits as hard as a halberd!), Lightning is useful if you're desperate, but a Lightning Wand does more damage. Swordstrike is powerful but categorically inferior to a Death Vortex at the exact same spell level. Use Death Vortex and Death Bolt.
How do you stop all that incoming damage? With armor, dumbass, this is an RPG. There's really not a lot you can do about damage types or special effects; swamp boots make you immune to ground poison (and possibly all poison? but poison sucks), the Ethereal Ring makes you immune to Ethereal, and Caddelite Helmets make you immune to Sonic. When it comes to mitigating incoming damage though, armor does a decent job. However, combat in Ultima has always been reasonably lethal and even the best possible armor doesn't guarantee anything!
In terms of total protection per set, things stack up like so:

Magic gear is the best you can get in The Black Gate; there is better stuff in Serpent Isle, although I was not aware of this ages ago when I played it. Hey, you can't blame me for thinking that sissy Serpent Armor looked purely ceremonial!
A shield and a Sword of Defense can raise your armor as much as 7 points. Since a full suit of Magic Armor is only about 20-23 points that's a good third increase. I suspect your armor gets compared against Dexterity + Combat or something in order to determine if you are hit, so this is why a max-stats Avatar hits pretty much all the time and why it's reasonably hard, but not impossible, to hit you (many things have "baseline" stats of 15 in everything, and if you only have 23 armor there's still a fair chance of getting hit). You can also equip a Kidney Belt for an extra point or so.
Rings of Protection give a measly 1 armor. They're great in Serpent Isle where you have two ring slots in addition to your hand slot, but in Black Gate you can't have gauntlets and rings on at the same time so Magic Gauntlets seem much better.
EDIT: Oh, and here's something you may find interesting: All boots are identical. Yes, leather boots are identical to metal boots are identical to magic boots. So you may as well equip everyone with Swamp Boots, because they give just as much armor.
Most of that's probably right. Unless it isn't right. In that case, screw you and correct me (in no particular order).