Part 37: The Black Gate - Ultima n+1: The Subtitular Object
Ultima n+1: The Subtitular Object
No Cheater's Corner today, but that's okay, because tomorrow's update will be nothing but. And why is that? Because there won't be any more of the actual game after this one!
And they said it couldn't be done. And by they I mean "somebody at one point made a passing suggestion that Ultima VII would take forever to do." Although I suppose we technically will only be half finished with Ultima VII, won't we?

If you want the lenses, they're probably still in the museum, but honestly we don't really care that much about ultimate wisdom or anything.
-Lords British and Draxinusom

There's a cave off to the west which leads to the Fellowship's super-secret Black Gate facility. You would expect it to be better-protected, but given Lord British's complete inability to even notice Batlin is plotting evil shit in the same city, I don't have a lot of faith in Britannia.

The first puzzle inside here is the prison, a series of three rooms with no clear entrances.

These switches must be manipulated. Only one room can be open at a time. The pirate and troll can be ignored because they have nothing of interest.

The dead woman has a key, which is needed to open a door along another path. However, entering the prison has blocked off the only way out. What's an Avatar to do?

What one should always do in prisons in Ultima: move shit around until you find an obvious switch.

Beyond the locked door is a switch puzzle. This could be difficutl except that U7's designers apparently forgot I could cast...

...this. Telekinesis is definitely the low-hassle way to get through this dungeon, as it allows you to brute force otherwise difficult puzzles.

This is one of the only dragons in the entire game that has a lair I would consider kinda dragony: a bunch of valuable loot scattered around at random, and plenty of victims. Of course this is the end of the game and all that money and gold and the dozen or so gems in that giant pile are kind of useless at this point, but I'll take 'em anyway because doggone it, I can.

One of these things is not-like-the-others, one of these things just doesn't belong...

An annoying thing about the Isle of the Avatar is that all the Fellowship cronies respawn when you walk off and come back. I killed these people on the way to the dragon's lair, and I have to kill them again. The woman is actually duped, though you can't see it very well; if you squint you can see there's another woman sitting in the chair.
From here on out I just decided to use Glass Swords exclusively, because I had plenty.

Working back south from the Dragon, to pick up more keys. Eventually, we find the first real challenge of the Isle.

This guy. "Paladin" type enemies are usually slightly stronger fighters to begin with, but this jackass has a Juggernaut Hammer. The good news is, he's tied up in his up-and-down patrol path in front of that door, so we have to get pretty close for him to attack us.

No reason to bother taking that chance, though.

And it's probably a good idea. He's really packin' it. At this point I was able to fully outfit the entire party in Magic gear, without using a single suit from the Trinsic room. It was mostly just tiny gaps here and there though - Dupre had no Magic Leggings and Iolo was using regular Gauntlets.
A teleporter in the next room leads to an area where you can go south to the dragon's area.

In the area north of the dragon is a magical mirror with this sign in front of it. If you remember from IV and V (I dont' blame you if you don't), Ex Por is of course the Exit spell. In this case, the mirror teleports us back to where the update started, causing the Guardian to laugh heartily. So we won't touch the mirror, and will instead use the keys we found on/around the paladin to go north.

I love when NPCs yell "to the death!" because it's a very noncommital battle cry. Whose death, yours or mine? The answer is obviously "yours" in most cases, but at least they've left the possibility open despite being fully aware of the probable outcome.

The next doors open when the Fellowship medallion is removed from the altar. This vexed me a couple times as a kid because Fellowship medallions are utterly worthless so I didn't bother stealing it and I hadn't played Vorge of Virtue first to see the helmet puzzle in action. I had no idea that what was or was not sitting on a pedestal could alter game flags.

The first of a long succession of Liches that form the final defenses of the Isle of the Avatar. What's annoying about Liches is that they love to cast Death Bolt, generally on the first target they see which is usually the Avatar. Death Bolt is hard to resist and it usually kills you instantly, which is as bad as it sounds. On the rare occasion the lich kills somebody else, you have to cast Resurrection on their dumb asses. It's possible to swarm and kill them before they can get off a Death Bolt, but they're sharp on the draw.

Always take the purple teleporter in here.

More hallways, more liches (there's one lying dead under the spellbook, as you might be able to see) and some magic fields to dispel. Since these fields completely bar passage, you'll need the Dispel Field spell to beat the game. This means, I guess, that the Avatar can't beat the game before level 5 without cheating.

Always the purple.

Several teleports later, there's some walls to walk through. Sometimes the game goes fullbright on you though and you can see where the walk-through walls are. Whoops!

There are two thrones in the dungeon. The Throne of Changes sends you to a new area each time you sit in it. The area is identical in appearance to the one you came from, although the camera shifts over a bit. If you're playing at a resolution higher than the default it's incredibly obvious, because the surrounding rooms change.

In this case we want to sit in the throne a couple times and go grab a key from this guy's backpack, then go back and sit in the throne again.

This leads to a new area. To the NW is a wizard's bedroom with wizard in residence. He's tougher than most wizards, but since he doesn't cast Death Bolt, he's a minor speedbump compared to all the liches.

His loot is extensive, including a bunch of potions and magic armor and a Firedoom Staff, but I've crapped stacks of Firedoom Staves into the Britannian Museum at this point and I certainly have no need of another.
His spellbook is more interesting though, containing a lot of high-level damage spells and everybody's favorite marked for easy casting (I'll do this tomorrow, don't worry, I didn't forget).

Northeast is a couple locked doors (and a lich, don't forget the fucking liches) leading to the Throne of Virtue. Sit in that one and...

Lightning strikes at your feet, leaving a jet of flame. You didn't teleport anywhere, though. Instead, you've opened a "new" location for the Throne of Changes.

One final lich away and you're at a teleporter to the ending. Are you ready? That depends. There are four items you must have to complete the game. You probably already know what they are.

And there we are in front of the Black Gate. Now we just need to disable the shielding. Coincidentally, there are three shapes here, which would fit a tetrahedron, sphere, and cube.

And wouldn't ya know it, they work! Each weakens the field a little until at last...

...only the Black Gate itself stands.

The gate pulses...

The Guardian does his best Marcel Marceau act, but it lacks a certain gravitas.

Seeing Rudyom's Wand in the hands of a dangerous lunatic like Steve understandably causes him some concern.

The Black Gate is destroyed.
The Guardian has been stopped.
The Fellowship went back to school and became honor students.
Steve and her companions were promptly kicked out of Britannia as soon as Lord British heard about the Serpent Isle. Extensive amounts of money, mostly donated by the Avatar, were raised to fund the