Part 10: The One I Forgot to Give a Title
Yeah, uh, Yuri? Listen to Chelinka. Mustache Dad said this was a tomb- she's almost definitely right.
...Ah, what do I care, we've got JRPG powers, this isn't going to be anything bad-
Oh, right. Wrong game, wrong LP. Let me check my notes here...
VC2? Ah, darn, now I've gotta come up with some snappy intro joke that nobody laughs at but me. Heck it doesn't even have to be snappy-
Update 10: The One I Forgot To Give A Title
Music: Winter in Lanseal
Welcome back to another episode of the Super Class G Super Show! Last time we did stuff. This time we do more stuff.
We'll see by the end of this LP if I remember to give Brixy enough time to finish his sentences anymore. I only briefly glance at this screen, because it doesn't say that much most of the time.
Well, out of all that work I put in last time, at least somebody got an event. Let's see what Mischlitt's up to, and then check out the daily event. I'm putting off the story event until we get everything for this month done.
Music: Everyday Life of the Class
: Please. That test was a joke.
: Must be nice to be smart. You've got to be the top of the class, yeah?
: Not with Mischlitt around. She's like a machine.
: Wait, the Mischlitt in our class? I didn't know she was that smart.
Considering that Brixy announces high grades, I'd figure Avan should have known this by now, but his obliviousness knows no bounds.
Offscreen Voice: ...stinking Darcsen!
Music: None
: What's that shouting? It's combing from back in the gym.
: You should stay in your little corner with the other dark-hairs!
: Um...
: Yeah! It's bad enough we have to smell you people around campus.
: Then you go and show off and bring the rest of us real Gallians down?!
: Tch, let's go!
*The jerks walk off*
: It isn't a problem.
: Why didn't you stand up to them? That was petty, groundless slander.
: So letting people like that browbeat you is your idea of pride? Please.
: It's because so many Darcsens are like you that we're still...
...Er, Zeri? Isn't that a bit racist as well?
: Ugh, I've had enough. I'm going, Avan.
: It stems from the Darcsen Calamity. We're said to have ravaged all Europa.
: Yet there exists not a shred of proof to back it up. It's a myth.
: Archduchess Cordelia's confession proved that beyond a doubt.
: Don't you think that might cut down on the prejudice some?
: That will never happen.
: If we confront them with the truth, they will accuse us of lying.
: Aw, I don't think that's true. And lots of people aren't prejudiced. I'm--
: You would not make such a claim if you yourself were a Darcsen.
*She walks off*
I'll give Avan credit, he tried to help and wasn't incredibly pushy or nosy. Still, regardless of how far gone the odds are, if you never try then there was never a chance at success anyhow.
Although I can't imagine you'd be very hopeful when there's an ethnic cleansing based civil war going on.
~* Drill Grounds - Daily Event *~
Ready for some tonal whiplash?
: Ha ha ha! Whoops! I guess you did.
: So... this exercise ends when you've caught all of us enemy unit, right?
...Are they playing hide and seek?
: We still need Melissa.
: The scouts are doing their best, but there's no sign of her yet.
: Sh-She's really fast.
Yep, it's hide and seek with running rules.
: O-One night, I turned around in the gym and she was there. I f-fainted.
: Every human being makes some noise. Their presence can always be detected.
: Hr...?!
: M-Melissa! I found you!
: Tee hee... You took too long, Raymond. I got bored.
Helmut, I'd normally disagree with you on this, but then again she recovered very quickly from that one battle. She might be a vampire.
Also, how about that tonal change? It's not the biggest one, but from racist bullying followed by defeatist sentiments to hide and seek is a quite up and down.
Wow, only a fifth of the way through this update? Heck, we're gonna burn through some content today!
Shocktroopers are now at level 5 first because Marion's been the MVP for quite some time. The order will probably never get used.
Oh, and Engineers and Techs get another level since they're kinda cheap.
A better gun for the class I've hardly used. Maybe we'll see more engineers in March.
As you can see at the top there, the game's ready to hand us our next story mission, but I'm not moving on until I get all this stuff finished first. Gives us more time to develop the characters people voted for, and Noel still needs an event.
Marching Exercise is pretty easy by all means- just run to the point. They put a tank on this map as well, which means Noel gets to do some work!
I throw in all of our scouts and the obligatory Avan placement, then get ready to go. If you just rush this area, Drill Ground 3, you can ignore the other one. I'm farming credits anyways, but it sure works.
Alright, let's do this!
Music: Practice Battle
Sending in Helmut to take that base quickly.
They didn't block us out of this pathway this time, so I direct Helmut that way. As a scout, he'll easily make it with some AP to spare.
: "Hey, you. Have you seen Class G's new tactic?"
: "What?"
: "It involves grenades. Here, have one."
: "Target destroyed."
Well, this sucks. We've seen what happens when scouts try to duel shocktroopers.
: "I don't miss."
...Although, it's at times like these, I'm glad Helmut says this.
He rarely disappoints, as you can see.
(Most scouts probably could have made that shot, but there was a chance of missing there still.)
Sending in Marion to clear the way.
I'm getting this shocktrooper off my backside first. I don't want him shooting Helmut and retaking the base.
And I send her forward through the grass to the north. I'm surprised they've got enough money to send a tank on a practice mission, because you know I'm going to blow the thing up.
That probably doesn't fare well for the students inside of it though.
: "I'm ready to go!"
Hey, you! Long time no see!
: "I'm feeling good, really good!"
It's a good thing she triggered that because this grass doesn't keep you hidden from the tank or the shocktrooper hiding here.
She eats some damage, but it's all good. I go for a hopeful shot and...
Eh, it wasn't likely to happen anyways.
Hey, look at you on a roll, even at only Morale 3!
She takes another quarter of her HP, but hey, there's the radiator!
Yeah, the school's paying for this, right? I mean, I guess you could say it was an old, out of commission tank that couldn't move or fire shells, but you could still salvage that in a better way.
It's a good thing Noel's beret is fireproof. Well, probably fireproof.
I try to make a run for it, but I stop right here before she gets taken out. Noel's great and I don't want her going down, even if she's not integral to the rest of the mission.
"Sir, you've recieved a letter from a Ms. Siegbahn of Class G. It reads thusly-"
"...Why, that was a rather grounding letter."
Japes aside, I don't trust the enemy AI to not shoot Noel, so Marion kindly bodyblocks for her.
The enemy does stuff.
...But they're so afraid of Marion that they don't even try attacking her. Seriously, she was right in front of you, standing.
Hey, uh, I think Noel's got something to repay you for.
(She triggered Armored Traits again, by the way. She's on it today, even if she's at 10% of her HP )
: "Hey, I got 'em!"
There ya go. It was going to end this way either way, dude. You should've just went out on your own terms.
Noel takes a well-earned nap in the grass for the rest of the battle. She's out of ammo, so birdwatching is a much safer and profitable use of time.
(I try to avoid uneccesary falls when possible. That one with Melissa wasn't avoidable.)
Maybe I should do something about all these dudes over here.
: "Every girl near Zeri is a target."
Yes, even Lotte, her friend. Melissa is a dedicated stalker.
First, she puts doles out some payback to this rude dude. After that, I send her up to the next trooper. Lotte's up next.
: "Dude, seriously!? No way!"
The accuracy down isn't going to hurt that much.
Gettin' Mischlitt some credit. I should've just sent Marion to the end though- I'm not going to make an A rank on this, and I don't realize it until it's too late.
Nice, maybe she can actually take someone down in one swing now.
Then I, uh, accidentally select Noel. Sorry about that.
It's not a complete waste. Lances can headshot, and she does actually have one shot left it seems.
Someone send this guy to the hospital. He's probably got a concussion now.
One CP point away from A-rank because I accidentally selected someone. Argh.
Rubbing it in, are you? Jerks. I'll just fast-forward through most of this mission. It's just cleanup at this point anyways.
Well, at least I got a lot of rewards out of that. Looks like this'll be a bit of a longer update then.
Hey, look, a Noel event! I suppose accidentally picking Noel wasn't a complete loss.
Music: Everyday Life of the Class
Avan, just... why?
*Copious amounts of screen shaking*
: Ngah?! Wh-what gives?!
: Oh, it's you, Avan. You meanie! Don't go startling me like that!
You have full permission to punch him right on the nose.
: That's my line! What was that blood-curdling scream for?
: That was hardly a basic girl scream...
: Mm?
: Oh... Yeah. This is my mom.
: Yeah? She's pretty. Looks like a real classy woman, in fact.
: Heh heh, thanks. What's your mom like?
: I'd always make her mad, and my brother'd have to step in and defend me.
: Ha ha, wow! Sounds rough. But you should be good to your mom just the same.
: I wish I were better to mine. She's gone now.
: So, tell me, what brought you to Lanseal?
: Well, my brother went here...
: I guess I'm here because it's always been my dream to be as good as Leon.
No, you're not. You were here to find out what happened to him, remember?
: Right. It worked out perfectly, seeing as how I wanted to be a soldier.
: My dream is to study here, then go off to become a decorated army officer.
: Heh heh, thanks! I plan to give it everything I've got!
Well that was nice, aside from how big of a jerk Avan was being at the start. Noel's a nice and forgiving person, entirely unlike me, and that's probably why I like her.
My response would to this would have been much worse, but I've already mentioned I'm a jerk. I don't like being surprised, and it doesn't help Avan's displaying the situational awareness of a seven year old here.
Anyways, enough about Avan acting dumb and me being a jerk, let's check out the next event.
~* Art Room - Daily Event / Chloe Event *~
Welp, you've already lost me. No offense to those who do it, I don't understand a thing about abstract art.
: Inspired by the what? The Valkyrur?
: It's said they frequently adorned their creations with spiral designs.
: It's like a trademark.
: That's pretty cool.
: For you? Let's see.
*She stays in this pose for a few seconds*
: How about that?
: What is it? It's a light brown circle?
: Don't you see it? It's supposed to be bread. You're always eating it.
: I-is that really your impression of me? That I'm always eating?
Yeah, kinda. You should really get some protein in your diet, dude. Starches are good for energy, but you're never going to build muscle unless you get some protein in ya.
: A person should never let another person brand them.
: You should choose a motif that represents the self you want to become.
: That makes sense. I'll think that over, Chloe. Thanks.
: Heh.
Yeah, I don't think we were really supposed to see that yet. It only makes sense after you see Chloe's whole story, because, well...
Oh, well. At least you folks have an idea of what to expect from her. For now, I need to remedy that B-rank on that mission, so it's back in we go.
I leveled Techs to 5, and it didn't reward a order. That's fine, I'll never use it anyways.
This is all I need to start with. Avan's just sitting on the home base.
*One reset later*
Nah, we're going with this.
Music: Repeating A Mission
Make our way through here...
Take out the scout.
Take out the shocktrooper.
Obligatory "all your base are belong to us" remark.
I send Marion up with the last of her AP. No real reason aside from being a backup if I fail to get this in one turn.
For the hell of it, I bring in Taxi!. We won't get to see Lavinia be great until next month, but she needs some use anyhow.
Yep, he's gone. Eventually they'll learn to not send tanks against me. I've got strategies to deal with stuff until they have a field lined with sandbags, gunners, AT bunkers and AT mines. I could probably find a way to beat that, but it'll depend on my mood if I feel like A-ranking a mess like that.
To finish the job, I pull in Helmut, and he learns Super Evasion. Can't really argue that much about it, having a higher dodge chance when having to shoot shocktroopers up close is an advantage.
Speaking of shooting shocktroopers point blank, he does exactly that and somehow the guy flies over there.
Yeah, that's what I wanted. Repeating missions doesn't reward anything but money, loot, and credits- I don't think it rewards any points towards seeing a character's story.
If that's true, then theoretically, it'd be best if you intentionally ran up the timer on some missions, farming take downs off reinforcements and wasting CP to gain quicker access to everyone's storylines while just repeating the mission to get the A-rank.
Well, that's it for this time. Join us next time where I burn through the last mission we have for the month, and clear up some extras on Leave It to Avan!