The Let's Play Archive

Valkyria Chronicles 2

by The Flying Twybil

Part 13: Friends, Knitting, and Fascism - Combat

Update 12 (Combat): Friends, Knitting, and Fascism

Music: Royal Military Academy

Time for chores!

Every class but Lancer has been improved to 5 so far. I always do them last, mostly because the level up benefits are marginal increases to damage, and all lancers need to do is get behind an armored vehicle and destroy it.

I use the last of my exp to get lancers to 2, and move on to R&D.

Here's the Gallian-X-1 that we got the plans for off of the last map's ace. It looks kinda goofy if you ask me, but if you want to see me use it just say so. Defense down is useful enough for assist attacks.

I buy the upgraded suit for armor techs while I'm here- they haven't seen much use yet, but they will later.

Here at the shop, I grab the first bonus mission available. It's a bit tougher of a mission that will net us some plans for an alternate sub-machine gun.

This fight will attempt to be challenging, but it's not really that bad. I take in a team using all of my available shocktroopers and Helmut- the enemy team is mostly troopers so I need maximum firepower.

Music: Practice Battle

We have to take the base at the end of area 3, and I start with taking this nearest waypoint base. I'm still prioritizing using Marion over Avan or Zeri, if it all possible.

I head straight for the shocktrooper watching the base.

He gets a grenade, in classic Team Anime style.

I retreated Marion for reasons unknown, but my current focus is holding these bases. I send in Mischlitt to finish off the trooper and hold the base.

Triggering Genius unnecessarily, she puts this dude on the ground.

I also have her repair the sandbags, because why not? I bet you already forgot techs could do that.

I still do sometimes.

With that waypoint base captured, I send in Lavinia just for the heck of it. Blitzing this mission is very easy, and I'm intent on getting some credit towards our character's stories.

I drive around and knock a dude out of the grass.

If Jinn is the harshest instructor at Lanseal, Class G's Team Anime is the harshest squad at Lanseal.

You folks might want to call a medic on that one.

Marion starts sweeping up.

I didn't remember where the ace was, so I went looking through the grass for him. He's actually on the other map, but it'll take me a bit to find him.

Noel is brought in for reasons I cannot remember.

I try taking out the sandbags from here and just barely miss. This isn't really that useful of a tactic- I wouldn't recommend it.

Noel is left bodyblocking the flag while the enemy takes their turn. They start moving up a shocktrooper towards her, but they don't fully commit.

There's Jinn! Unlike most aces and yellow helmets, he's not a coward who hides in a corner. He doesn't even try shooting at Mischlitt.

My turn again. I retreat Marion out of the grass so she can fight Jinn. You can win this mission in turn 1, I'm just farming participation for story events at this point.

: "You see? The answers arrive by themselves."

Yeah, you're pretty screwed, dude. You should've kept hiding.

He's beefy, but doing that much damage to a crouching ace shocktrooper is actually pretty good.

I try to have Avan weaken him down a bit more, but he's an evasive bugger. It doesn't matter- he fell for my tricks.

: "A clean hit!"

Can't dodge an enemy you can't see.

With him down and my weapon plans acquired, I start rushing to end this mission. Zeri's in because he's the only one with full movement.

Ugh, this isn't great. There wasn't a reliable way to get him out, so I'll have to line up a double shot.

Double shot time?

Hell yeah, I didn't expect it to work that time!

I wouldn't have minded some more credits, but this is fine. I only really did this mission for exp and money as the gun isn't actually that good. It's an SMG with less bullet capacity and slightly better accuracy, but I'll make one anyways.

Next time on Lanseal's Got Talent, we hang out with Marion for an exclusive episode!