Part 18: It's Christmas in March - Story
Update 15 (Story): It's Christmas in MarchWelcome back, it's a new month now!
This also means it's time to retire good 'ol TEAM ANIME for a new squad.
The polls went through, and we are now TEAM SANTA, ready to bring grenades full of cheer to our opponents alongside our trusty guide, Rudolf the Red Barreled Tank.
Team Santa's primary members are: Anisette, Chloe, Coleen, Sofia, Randy, and Mischlitt. We also have Franca, Noel, and Alexis for tagging in when needed.
With that out of our way, let's move into the new month.
Music: Spring in Lanseal
This is the new seasonal track for Lanseal, and it's probably my favorite of the four. The autumn theme is also quite nice.
: Next is... Avan, I believe? Ah, yes, Avan.
: Break it to me easy, Brixy. How'd I do?
: D-Don't tell me I got a zero?!
: ...No.
Well, that's a new record.
: Your answers earned you a zero, then I took off ten points for illegibility.
: It takes a lot of effort to get that kind of score. Your mom will be so proud.
Hey, I don't need any wisecracks from you!
: Barf...
: You earned it. Besides, none of us want to be led by a flunker.
Yep, this is why you should really wait until after class to snark at people about their grades. It's an old teacher trick. You don't see it used anymore, but it lives on in some forms.
: What?! But why me?
: Heh heh. It's you and me, Professor Zeri!
: Ugh.
After this we have Pete's arrival:
...and we've got more events! Due to results off-screen shenanigans, I'll be cutting right into showing them.
~* Dormitories - Pete's Arrival *~
Music: Everyday Life of the Class
: I got it nailed, bro! Class, campus, cafeteria horrors... Bring it on!
: Ain't nothing this academy can throw at Pete Stang he can't shocktroop over!
: Cafeteria horrors? It's not their fault you hate stuffed peppers, man.
: What? Why, what did they do?
: I can't get a word in edgewise, man!
: Soon as they see me, they offer me candy like I'm some kid. It's insulting!
: Ha ha! That just means they like you, man.
: Aw, man! All this getting mad's got me hungry now.
: Time to go buy some candy.
Yep, Pete's not really one to connect the dots, is he?
Anyways, Pete's not on Team Santa, so we won't see any of his other events for now.
Speaking of events, here's a Noel event!
~* Noel's Second Event*~
*The screen scrolls over.*
: I apologize for taking up your time like this. Thank you for coming.
Avan, I know you being the protagonist means you occasionally have to eavesdrop for story reasons, but could you stop spying on people so often?
: The academy has recieved contact from your father.
: He mentioned that you have been missing, and that he has been searching for you.
: He'll be coming by campus in the next few days to collect you.
: I informed him that the academy won't excuse you without your consent.
: But surely you realize the sway your father holds in the political sphere.
: Very well. I shall try as well as I'm able to keep you here.
: ...I understand. Thank you for your help.
: Hm? Oh, hi, Avan. Were you eavesdropping? You little sneak!
She doesn't seem to be very bothered by that.
: Sorry, I didn't mean to. I did hear, though. Are you really leaving?
: Have you ever heard of the Willoch Cartel?
: I think so. They're the super rich group that owns all those companies?
: Seriously? I wouldn't have pegged you for a princess.
: Well, unfortunately my father the kind doesn't much fancy my dream.
: He's all, "There's no call for you to risk you neck in combat!"
: "Your job is to marry a boy from a good family and carry on the cartel!"
: It made me mad, so I up and left. Ha ha! Can you believe that?
: Wow, man. That's pretty intense. So, you're staying, right?
: I want to, but my dad's the sort of guy who always gets his way by any means.
Well, that's certainly a twist. We likely won't be seeing the rest of her story this month, but there's a chance we might. We only saw this due to some off-screen shenanigans on my part.
One more to go.
~* ??? (Off Campus) - Daily Event *~
: Huff, puff, pant... Hnngh...
: We got another six miles to go, and no passing out without my say-so!
: It has to be tough for you ladies. Can I help you carry something?
: Hold it right there, Romeo! Just who do you think you are?
: M-Me?! I just...
: W-Well, no...
: There's no man or woman, rich or poor, or race out there. Just alive or dead.
: If you want to stay in the former camp, then shut up and walk!
: Y-Y-Yes, sir!
That was a nice change in tone. Time for some chores then combat!