Part 27: Night Maneuvers
Update 21 - Night ManeuversWelcome back to this game folks, I've got a short update for you this time. We're tackling the end of Coleen's story today, and I'm saving any other events for the next update.
That means we're jumping in this headfirst, right into Coleen's third event, and then into the mission.
Music: Everyday Life of the Class
: I think I'm ready to tell my crush how I feel.
: But I'm still feeling scared, so... I just really need some help.
: Right. I've promised myself I'll tell him once I've found it.
: I think that's great. I'm so proud of you!
: They say the moonglow grows out in the Daws Desert...
: And that it only blooms at night.
: We can work tht patrol and go flower hunting while we're there.
: I'm sure we'll find it, Coleen. We just have to!
: Yeah, I kind of feel like I have to, too. Heh. So let's go get it done!
Nice and short, and completely inoffensive! Who could've guessed?
Kind of an odd statement, but if you ever want a real-world equivalent for "moonglow", moonflowers work just fine. They bloom only in the early morning and have really nice, wide ivory flowers. They also grow in an easily handled vine and their seeds are really easy to harvest.
What? I used to grow flowers.
...Right, the mission.
Just how Mischlitt's mission let me show off a later zone earlier, Coleen's is similar. It differs in being actually quite brutal.
Avoiding engagement with the enemy is difficult on this map, so I'd suggest preparing for a fight. You're also limited to just Avan, Cosette, and Coleen while a sandstorm has fun ruining your strategy.
It's worth noting that only Coleen has to make it. Avan and Cosette can play the role of cannon fodder if need be.
Well, let's get to it. It's an interesting one, especially since I've actually never done this one before.
Player Turn Music: Desert Battle
Enemy Turn Music: Return Battle
Just wanted to note that the emulator seems to show debug text in the upper left corner. It seems to be related to an internal state system for handling turns.
Note that they give us 3 CP for 3 units. At least Anisette's gave us 2 CP per unit!
Anyways, I start by scouting with Avan.
What the mission briefing didn't mention is that it's both nighttime and a sandstorm. Visibility is incredibly low here, so stumbling on enemies is really easy.
Don't be fooled though, your characters can still see some things easier than others.
Our characters' low AP really bites us in the hindquarters on this mission, notably getting Avan stuck out in the open. Looks like he'll be tanking for us, then.
Oh, here's the other effect of Sandstorm.
Those orange dots consist of what used to be my accuracy. I'd entirely forgotten about this, so I actually got a good laugh out of this.
I shot at this dude, but Avan ended up for the worse with it.
I send in Coleen next. It doesn't help that just reaching the top of the ramp eats about half her AP bar.
She loses half of her HP from the APC's gatling alone.
: "...I-I just..."
A second try gets me the explosion I wanted, but also takes my last CP.
I start to run forward, the nope the hell out of there when I see the shocktrooper.
I hide here for the round.
This...this could be a lot better.
A LOT better.
Coleen's barely alive now, thanks to this scout who manages to hit every shot, even in the storm.
Oh, for crying out loud. They've got another APC!?
Luckily, attacking with an APC's gatling only fires a few shots and isn't nearly as bad as it's interception fire.
Alright, Coleen, clear this APC out for us.
: "Today's gonna be okay!"
I sure hope so. I don't want to restart this a million times.
That being done, I run around the backside through the trenches with hopes that there would be less enemies.
I was wrong.
Cosette, I really need you in here to heal. I'm thinking I should've just sent her and Coleen only.
I get her to heal Avan on the way. Hopefully he'll be useful standing out in the open.
The skybox is nice though.
: "Come on! Let's get through this!"
Coleen gets healed and I get an odd camera angle.
Unfortunately, it's the enemy turn already.
Cosette goes down, having taken too much interception fire.
Sorry about that, Cosette. You're a fun character sometimes, and that counts for something.
Apparently, shooting our least combat efficient member of the team was enough for them.
Avan goes for some payback, but even with Close Combat, his accuracy still looks like this.
He manages to get 6 shots out of 20, and that's all he needed.
I ran him forward to draw attention away from Coleen. At this point, I'm probably just going to make a mad dash for the exit.
: "No, Cosette... open your eyes!"
(Why can't this game stick to a tone?)
This shouldn't work.
But somehow it did. Nice work, Coleen.
With my last CP, I get Coleen to the mission objective.
Cripes, that went poorly. Oh well, the A rank for this map probably has--
How are you expected to make it there in 2 turns? I mean, I guess you leave Avan behind and have Coleen tank the damage with help from Cosette?
...I'll just A rank this later. This mission's not that fun to play. The concept's cool, but they really didn't set this up with fun in mind.
Music: Theme of Class G
always with this music, I swear
|Listen to the voice acting here|
: C'mon, Coleen. It's dangerous to stay out here. Let's head back.
: We'll come back again when the weather is better. Okay?
: I have to find it.
*She runs off.*
: Coleen, wait!
There's the sound of a fall and Coleen cries out.
Meanwhile, Avan stands here blinking for a few seconds. He doesn't react.
Gritty, dark high school drama about a flower. This is what we're reading.
: Even if he says no. Even if he hates me... I want him to know.
: ...This must be how all of those other guys felt when they came to me.
: And I just shrugged them all off... I feel terrible.
Music: Days With Classmates
Funny, it looks more like that one flower from VC1, but sure, whatever.
: I don't think I've ever seen you that driven.
: You must really like this guy.
: With that kind of fire, you won't need a magic flower to win him over.
: I agree! When he sees what we just saw, he'll know how lucky he is.
Morris? Not who I was expecting, but sure, okay.
: But he's so somall, it was awkward picking me up. People were laughing.
Wait, Morris is short? How the hell was I supposed to know? The models don't reflect any of this stuff.
: Others said he looked silly, but he was a prince in my eyes.
: I want him to know that. To know how I feel.
: I'm sure he'll feel the same way.
Well, that was nice. I don't mean that sarcastically, like I usually do.
Here's the updated info:
Moonglow makes Coleen quite a good offensive lancer now, so that's nice. It pairs well with Super Vs. Armor, but then again, Rudolf could just do 1200 armor damage with one very accurate shot.
Oh, and we've got 90,000 DCT now and nothing to buy with it. Money's a non-issue in this game if you keep doing these character missions.
Anyways, that's all for this time, folks. Next time, I'll be tackling the last mission for the month and I'll be out of buffer.