The Let's Play Archive

Valkyria Chronicles 2

by The Flying Twybil

Part 30: War and Art

Update 24: Character Stories: War and Art

Welcome back to anime-land, be sure to take a seat and buckle your seatbelts because this is going to be one thriller of an update.

...If you thought I was serious, you don't seem to have read the last few updates.

Today we're covering the ends of Helmut's and Chloe's stories. I don't think Chloe was even voted for, but whatever. She got enough use in burning through missions to get hers done anyways.

Anyways, Helmut's up first. His previous updates consisted of him getting harassed for being an Imperial and getting harassed by Zeri for being an Imperial soldier.

Today he's going to take even more verbal abuse.


~Classroom - Helmut's 3rd Event~

Music - Briefing

: The rebels are attacking a village up in the Diebal Mountains.

You'll come to find out that the Diebal Mountains gets attacked a lot.

: Squad B is already there, but they're being pushed back and need support.
: Now the order's come to us. We need to hurry to the briefing room!
: Okay. Zeri, Helmut! I want you coming with!

: He's from the Empire. The ones that started the Darcsen hunts.
: There's no way he's going to risk his life to stop them now.

: What...?

*Siren bell rings*

: There's the bell, guys. We can talk on the way. For now, get ready to go!
: You just don't get it, Avan.
: You have no idea how many Darcsens suffered and died because of them.

Twybil's Summary posted:

: Hey guys, I'm exposition fairy for today! There's a Darcsen village getting attacked in the mountain. Class B sucks and can't handle the heat.
: Alright, let's go get 'em! Let's go, Zeri and Helmut!
: But he's racist! He won't help! He's part of the problem!
: I'll do it.
: Let's go, let's go, let's go!
: Curse you Avan, you're preventing me from getting properly edgy and tsundere! Don't trust that dude!


Yep, that's basically the gist of it.

The mission's basically the same as Mischlitt's mission, except it's just a capture mission not eliminate all enemies mission.

It's really nothing much to show. The game throws its usual tricks, and I handle it with the usual tricks.

Let's move on to its ending.


~ Diebal Mountains - Helmut's 4th Event ~

|Listen to the voice acting here, because, yes, I'm still recording these|

Music: Theme of Class G

: Hmm. I don't see any serious injuries. Can you stand, son?

: Y-yeah. I'm okay. Thank you.

: No thanks necessary. Go see the medic there. She'll patch you up.

: Okay!

: I'm a soldier. I have my orders, and I'll carry them out.
: So it's because someone told you to.
: You wouldn't bother to help them otherwise.

: I will grant you that I, like many of my people, am not very fond of you.
: But my thoughts on the subject have no place in this operation.
: I am a soldier, and I will fulfill my duty.
: Even if it's Gallia cracking the whip.

: As such, it falls on me to obey whatever orders Gallia sees fit to give.
: That is what I can do for my country.
: Hm...
: I don't ask that you understand.
: We may be squad mates, but you are still a Darcsen.

: I'm inclined to agree. We'll never forgive what the Empire did to us.
: ...But I also won't forget what you're doing to help this village now.
: Hmph.

: Ugh, why does he always pick the worst times to show up?
: Our chat is at an end. Let's get back to helping these people.
: One step ahead of you. Come on, Helmut.

Twybil's Summary posted:

: Hey look, we did it! Let's make sure everyone's okay!

*Finds trapped Darcsen kid*

: Hey kid, you don't look so bad. There's a medic over there.

: Cool, thanks!

: An Imperial helping a Darcsen!? This does not compute!
: Just doing my job.
: You're only doing it because Gallia said so!
: I'll admit I don't like you, but I'm going to restate that this is my job, kid. If I didn't do it, we'd all go up in flames when the ceasefire drops.
: I find myself at a loss for words.
: We're not likely to forgive one another, so let's just drop it.
: *Zeri will remember that.*
: Hey, what's up? You two making out or something?
: Let's just get back to work. This is going nowhere.


Put simply, Helmut's just a loyal soldier. He's doing his job because the ceasefire will probably fall apart if he doesn't, even if his role is mostly meaningless. He doesn't like Darcsens, but he's just going to follow whatever his orders are. His only personality trait is loyalty, basically.

This game took way too long to explain that. Whatever, that was Helmut. He gets Soldier's Pride as a potential, which basically just ends up being the same as Defense Boost. Not really that bad for one of the tankiest scouts.

Now that Zeri's gotten to get edgy, it's time to let Chloe do the same. Last time we saw Chloe she was being harassed by Avan and then having her personal space invaded by Avan.


~Hallway - Chloe's Third Event~

Music: Briefing

: I'm glad you asked. This rabbit is different.
: The snowfall hare is a variant almost never seen near populated areas.
: They say its snow-white pelt and doe eyes can melt a heart at 30 paces!


: Ooh! Perfect! Maybe that rabbit will spark an idea for a painting!
: Rabbit? What rabbit? Do you always just shout these things at people?
: Lotte, did we have any open missions in the mountains?
: Umm... Yeah, there was a follow-up on a sighting of some rebels up there.

: We'll track down that snowfall hare while we handle that patrol!
: Are you daft, Avan? I;m not looking for a model while dodging bullets!
: Aw, don't be like that. Just be dressed and set to go in an hour!

Twybil's Summary posted:

: Hey, dude, I'm the exposition fairy for today! There's a fancy rabbit in the mountains!
: Oh, uh, cool. Whatever.
: It's really cute and-


: Oops, I guess I was lost in thought.
: Hey, Chloe. we're running off to the mountain to track down a legendary rabbit for your next painting!
: What the fuck?
: You nearly killed me, dude!
: No questions, go get dressed now!
: Stop dragging me away! You're not my mom!
: Don't forget about me, dude!


Yep, that's how this is going. Avan will never respect personal space, and will continue to drag Chloe around.

No, Lotte isn't included on this mission either. It's limited to just Avan and Chloe, and consists of one area with an eliminate enemies requirement. It's a pain to do without one of the two being a sniper, but tolerable otherwise.

There's not much to mention aside from that getting a 1 turn rank requires you to finish off the enemy with counter attacks/interception fire.

It's not worth showing, really. Imagine an epic firefight while we just move onto her finale.


~ Diebal Mountains - Chloe's 4th Event ~

|Listen to the voice acting here|

Music: Theme of Class G

: But that's what makes it a subject worth painting!
: I'm not going back 'til I find it! I don't care if I freeze my buns off!
: That's an image in itself. But why does this have you so worked up?
: Whether I get over this block or not doesn't affect you at all.

: Well, I want another try, and that means you've got to paint something.
: Oh yeah?
: And you said the painting back at school was one you had to do, right?
: Well, if I'm going to be taking a crack at your art, I want it to count.
: Plus even that one's great, so the real deal must be amazing!
: Maybe too amazing for a guy like me to get, but I want to try.

: Been a while since I was able to paint anything.
: Painting war scene after war scene, I lost track of what I wanted to say.
: I lost my voice. Sitting in front of a blank canvas started to hurt.
: But now I think I've got something worth painting.
: Seriously?! Is the rabbit here?

: Me?! are you serious?
: Very much so. This may well be my first portrait.
: Let's head back. I want to get this down before I lose the spark.

Music: Days With Classmates

: Uh, Chloe?
: Stop fidgeting. Just keep those eyes straight ahead, hmm?
: Every muscle in my body is cramping up. Are we almost done?
: Buck up, kid. You're going to be in a Chloe Blixen original.

: Ha ha, just you wait...

Twybil's Summary posted:

: Curse you, wily wabbit! Where awe you!?
: Are you sure this thing even exists?
: My ass is freezing off, but I'm going to find it!
: I didn't need that mental image. Why do you care anyways?
: I must understand your amazing art! I might never understand, but I have to!
: Huh. My creative block is suddenly gone. I'm know what I'm going to paint now.
: Wow, where's the rabbit!?
: There isn't any rabbit, dumbass. I'm going to paint a portrait of you immediately. Let's get going!
: Wait up!

*Back at the art room*

: Can I move yet?
: No.
: But I'm cramping!
: Tough luck. Now sit still- I need to be sure this drool is in the right spot.


The ending of that feels partially like revenge against Avan, and I'm all for it. The change happens really fast, which makes it feel a bit anticlimactic.

Chloe's not that a bad character, though the events don't really do her or Avan much good. It's an interesting premise at least, the idea of a disillusioned war scene painter, but like many things, this game just doesn't do it well. (Maybe it does, but I'm incredibly disillusioned with this game.)

Anyways, that's it for today's update. Yeah, it's short, I know, but I needed to get these two out of the way. I wouldn't be able to fit them in without cluttering the other updates so they got one to themselves.

Next time we'll be doing Raymond's story, since... well, hell if I know. I just picked one and wrote the update for it already.