Part 39: The One Nobody Was Looking Forward To
Update 33: The One Nobody Was Looking Forward ToWelcome back to VC2, the game with no understanding of comic relief and consults a dictionary of anime tropes to make writing decisions.
Today we're moving back from those heavy feels from last time and moving onto something more terrifying. Also, we're finally past the halfway point in this game's story. So that's a thing.
But first, more heavy feels.
~ Meeting Room - Main Story Event ~
Music: Conflict
: Well, obviously. You still don't realize the gravity of what you did.
: Um...
I'd make this my desktop background if it didn't remind me that this game exists.
: Do you have any idea why this school, this army has rules?
: By observing that protocol, we keep casualties to a minimum.
: ...Yes, sir.
: By some undeserved miracle, you brought everyone home alive this time.
: You nearly killed your class and drove Lanseal's good name into the ground.
: I... I know.
: Your punishment has yet to be decided, but I suggest you prepare for the worst.
: Yes, sir.
So many screen transitions.
You owe Professor Brixham and those classmates of yours big time.
: What?
Your teacher went around extolling your success in Yuell after the committee.
And all of Class G flooded the faculty office to beg for clemency.
: Are you serious?
It's another miracle they let the class off with just a stern warning.
A lot of people bent the rules for you. Don't make them regret it, eh?
I'll be back for you in five days' time.
Twybil's Summary posted:
: Boy, you done fucked up bad.
: Damn.
: How'd it go?
: Well, it wasn't fun and games.
: Of course not, though you still don't seem to realize you nearly got all of your friends killed with your bravado.
: Welp.
: You are the worst student.
Here you go, kid, five days of solitary. It's just mindboggling that they let you off so easy. It's like you're the protagonist of a story or something. Anyways, Brixham and the rest of your class campaigned for you or something. Don't waste this chance.
: Well, heck: Thanks guys! I owe ya one!
Avan escapes the law because he's the protagonist, because of course he does. Everything eventually works in his favor, somehow.
Right, we're not done with this, though.
~ Solitary Confinement - Main Story Event ~
Music: Tear of Wars
: D-dang, he's impatient about something...
: No, you goof! I'm next door.
: Oops! I must've guessed wrong, then.
: They said you were in the cell with the red lock, so I just picked randomly.
: (Still having trouble with color, then?)
: And next time, try asking if I'm in there before you bash in the door!
...Good question. This is solitary confinement for a reason.
: Heh heh. I know you're in solitary, but I asked the Professor and snuck down.
: You snuck down here?
: What was I supposed to do? I was worried about you!
: I couldn't get permission for a real visit, but he said we could talk a bit.
Ah, yes, the wholesome moment combined with the upskirt shot. Real classy, game.
: Thanks, Cosette.
: Don't thank me! I'm the one who got you into this mess.
: Well, even so... Thank you, Avan.
: So, everybody in class is doing okay?
: We all agree it's weird there without you.
: It's too quiet. It's sad, and distracting.
: Oh, but Zeri says it's a nice break, and that he can finally get work done.
: Ugh. Why am I not surprised?
: Hee hee! But he's just saying that. YOu can tell he misses you, too.
: So, talk to me. Tell me something about yourself.
: What were you like as a little boy?
: What was I like? Oof, I don't know. What's to say? I was your normal brat.
: Now if you want stories, I can tell about this time when Leon--
: I don't. What I want to know more about that bratty kid.
: R-really?
: Really really.
Twybil's Summary posted:
: Ugh, almost out of here.
: Avan! Don't tell me you broke out!
: I'm in the next cell.
: Oh...well they told me to look for a color and I can't see those so I just kinda started checking everyone.
: Whatever, why in the world are you down here? It's "solitary" for a reason.
: Brixy said I could. And yes, it's during class, too.
: Huh. Either way, I'm bored because it's boring down here, so thanks.
: Well class is boring without you causing a racket all the time. Zeri's being tsundere about it.
: Yeah, okay.
: Uh, tell me a story about you!
: Well, heck, I was just really normal. Now, if you really want a story, I've got ones about LEON-
: No! I wanna hear about you! (Keep sending obvious signals and maybe he'll get it!)
: (Doesn't want to hear about LEON? This does not compute!) Uh, okay.
No, this isn't the moment where his brother complex disappears. You'd think this would also imply a romance subplot, but no, it doesn't.
And, no, the game won't elaborate on Avan's childhood.
Anyways, we come from that series of dark and serious moments to the token swimsuit event. Straight from blood trauma and reflecting on nearly getting your friends killed is fanservice. It's straight-up a main story event as well.
I'm not fucking kidding. Just when you thought this game couldn't get any more tone deaf.
Anyways, for whatever reason, if you read this at work or where eyes are looking over your shoulder- don't worry, I've got you covered.
It's all in a test post, just so you can avoid it if you wish. Find it right here.
From there, we move onto the rest of the story. The game just kinda forgets it made a whole big deal about only getting 5 days of solitary.
...No, I don't have anything else to say about it.
~ Classroom/Drill Grounds - Main Story Event ~
Music: Briefing
: Frankly, I never expected you to make it this far.
: What, you didn't believe me?
: The world is full of empty promises, Avan. Especially in times of war.
: But you've made good on your word so far.
: A few months ago, you all would likely have been content just to get here.
: Well, times change. We didn't get this far to take home second place.
: Our class is gonna take down Class A and win that cup!
: Heh heh. I look forward to seeing that. Now... Are you ready?
: Bring it on!
Music: Royal Military Academy
: An overeager lunatic and his merry band of misfits. A miracle you're here.
: Not the way we see it.
: Excuse me?
: We know the reason we're here is because we worked together as a team.
: Even you can't say you got this far alone.
: Class A has executed my orders flawlessly.
: They have always been and will continue to be the crowning pride of Lanseal.
: In a few minutes, you'll be able to do the same.
: Yeah!
: But worry not, men. My command never wavers! All glory to Class A!
Hear, hear! Lead the way, Juliana!
*Bell tolls*
Twybil's Summary posted:
: Time to finish this pointless competition arc. Didn't think you'd make it this far.
: I told ya we would!
: Yeah, whatever, go do your thing.
: So, you showed!
: Of course! I get to shoot you now!
: You lunatic! We're going to win!
: Nuh-uh! We're going to win!
: Nuh-uh! We're going to win! Losers!
: No, you!
: No, you!
: Just shoot eachother already, damnit!
Here's where we finally fight Juliana. Compared to Baldren, she's not as dangerous, but you actually have to take her out to win the map. Luckily, she usually comes to you so you can plant a tank shell in her forehead.
Music: Championship
Here's the music that plays for this fight only. I think it's better than what plays at the end of the game, but that's because this one has motific development I recognize.[/url] It's a remix of both the Practice Fight music and the VC2 Main Theme.
It's alright. Better than some other tracks, for sure.
I just kinda had Alexis cut her head off with a giant sword. It's fine, the ragnaid will heal that.
~ Drill Grounds - Main Story Event ~
Music: Theme of Class G
This is Joachim saying this, it's just he does some kind of Mario jump off of Avan.
Twybil's Summary posted:
: Hey, we won!
: I get a speaking part? Ah! I mean, we won?
: Hey, we won!
: Hey, we won!
: Dogpile!
No, really, that event ends there. The part where Ms. Candyhair Fanservice whines and mopes comes in a separate event.
~ - Main Story Event ~
Music: Conflict
: I can't...
: You said we could trust you to win this! What are you gonna do for us now?!
: I-I didn't mean...
: It's your fault we lost! We never should have believed you!
: Huh?!
: She took pride in her role as leader and worked hard to win this for you.
: You relied on her for everything, and now you lose and it's her fault?
: Every one of us in Class G fought the best we could, the best way we knew how.
: To you, that may have looked like a disorganized mob. Maybe we are.
: Our leader isn't perfect. You could spot his flaws from Randgriz. He's green.
: But that leads him to rely on the rest of us. He trusts us to a fault.
: It's that mutual faith that allows us to follow our own judgement.
: I...
: Can any of you say you shared that kind of trust with Juliana?
: Yeah, I'm coming.
Music: Days With Classmates
: No. He's wrong. It was I who didn't really believe in you.
: Somewhere in my heart, I believed we could win so long as I was perfect.
: Even though Class A is all of us, together. I've let you all down.
She's right. We'll train harder next year and take back the cup.
: You guys...
: Yes. You're right! Next year, for certain!
Music: Theme of Class G
Class chair, step forward.
: Thank you, sir!
: All right, guys! Everybody huddle up!
: We've got five seconds until shutter time. Nobody blink!
: And say cheeeese!
Music: Conflict
: Perhaps they're up to the task of our special mission.
: But I suppose Class G is proof there's a power in unpredictability.
: I'll take either of them for now, headmaster. I'll be waiting.
Twybil's Summary posted:
: I... I lost?
: Hey, you cow, you said we were going to win!
: I...
: Hold up! Nobody attacks my waifu! She's your leader and you didn't believe in her! That's why you lost, you needy, manipulative jerks!
: I...
: Hey, Zeri, we should probably go.
: Yeah.
: Fine.
: I...I failed all of you!
No, we failed you!
: We'll win next year for sure!
: Here's your awards.
: Thanks, bro!
: Time for a photograph, dude!
*Fancy photograph, yay.*
: So, what do you think, Foerster?
: They'll both work fine.
: That useless Avan, too? I suppose he could work, yes...
: Get one of them to me quickly. They'll work perfectly for our...special mission...
And that's today's update. Candyhair has her immediate heel-turn moment thanks to Zeri's love for his waifu, Avan wins the tournament, and the game alludes to some secret mission in an unsettling manner.
Next time...well, next time's a bit unusual, if not poorly paced. It might even actually be interesting.