Part 3: Prologue (3)
Preface: I recommend checking out the music tracks linked in this update. VP games have always had strong soundtracks and this game is no exception.We get booted back onto the world map at this point. We're supposed to go back into Aullewyn Keep, but let's bring up the Menu for a second.

The Menu has Allocation, Items, and Save options. Under Allocation we have this. Armaments refers to weapons and armour, which we can't do anything about just yet. We don't have any Magic or Skills, so there's Attacks and Profile.

These are Wylfred's attacks. As mentioned, his current weapon only allows him to use two. We're going to make a slight adjustment and shift the order to Open Slash > Double Cross. The latter is a slow overhead double slash that combos nicely with Open Slash to net crystals. Ancel can use all three of his attacks and his default order is a pretty good one, so we're set.

Profile brings up little bios. We have one for Wylfred:
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Homeland: Crell Monferaigne
Cast into poverty by his father's slaying in battle, Wylfred's family was soon struck by tragedy yet again, losing his younger sister, Elsie, to hunger. Left with only the Destiny Plume that lay at his father's final place of rest, Wylfred vows revenge upon the valkyrie for all that he has suffered.
And for Ancel:
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Homeland: Crell Monferaigne
Wylfred's oldest friend joins him out of concern for his well-being, while harboring hopes that he might somehow dissuade Wylfred from the fruitless path of revenge against the Battle Maiden. Another childhood friend of Ancel's, Tilte, also draws his attention of late.
Back to the Keep, as there's nowhere else to go.

Locations always have Shop, Tavern and Exit. If there's a story event and possibly battle to progress the plot, it'll be above Shop (in this case, Enter Garrison).

Shops update as the story progresses. Right now there's nothing worth buying except Warrior's Arcanums, which we don't need just yet.

The Tavern mostly has little blurbs of lore, and occasionally notices on extra battles that can be fought for experience, items and gil. Otherwise there's not much to be done here.
Now, let's Enter the Garrison and get things rolling.

There's laughter all around.

There's a sound of a bell being rung here.

We get a chance to Deploy our units before each battle, allowing us to readjust our team or map them to different buttons if we so choose. One minor thing is that units start off in positions depending on the X-Y-A-B formatting, so some slight adjustment can make big differences in some battles. We can also go to the Menu again if we so choose, but with only two characters we don't have much to do, so let's jump straight into battle.

The game gives us a introduction on one of the more important mechanics of the game: Sieges! They're going to be a very important tool for the rest of the game. Sieges occur when you attack an enemy with two or more characters in attack range surrounding it. With only two characters, that means we're limited to left and right (Flank Raid) and in front and behind (Axis Raid). Sieges have two universal effects - the first is to increase the drop rate of items after enemies are killed. The second is to increase the startup time of several attacks - moves like Wylfred's Cross Slash and Ancel's Steel Streak usually have a small startup period - in sieges that's removed, which can mean easier chaining, but also potentially requiring adjustments to timing if we're using launchers, as you might find attacks suddenly passing underneath opponents. In any case, sieges are very important and it's worth using them whenever we can.

This battle is considerably easier compared to the first one - not only do Wylfred and Ancel both have a few levels under their belt now, but our opponents are just Dire Wolves and Kobolds - both very easily dispatched, even without sieges. There are two of each on this map.

Ancel can destroy a Dire Wolf in a single round, and a Kobold in two. Combined the two of them can take out a Kobold in a single round, assuming all of the attacks land.

Here's how a siege looks. A couple of quick notes - first is that you don't get any sieges for diagonally surrounding an opponent. The second is that it's possible to initiate sieges even with some characters not in the siege formation - if we had a third character for instance, we can still do a Axis Raid with just Wylfred and Ancel and the third character attacking from a diagonal position - any characters not in formation for a Siege just won't get the benefit of the Siege. You can also do a Flank or Axis Raid with say, two characters on side and another character on the right.

The standard battle music - again, pretty good listening.
The third benefit of Sieges is that they raise the Attack gauge boost of all attacks for characters in the Siege. Flank Raid boosts the gauge boosts by 10%, while Axis boosts it by 20%. For that reason you'll want to do Axis Raids over Flank Raids whenever possible - not only do you improve the Attack Gauge boosts further but striking from behind gives you a chance to daze the enemy.
It's generally impossible to boost the Gauge to 100 with just two characters here, unless you Daze the opponent and get some Red Gems, so no Soul Crushes for this map.

The addition of Wylfred's Double Cross (which does three hits) means we can reap even more crystals now. Ten crystals turn into one big crystal and we get a nice +50% exp boost for our efforts.

There isn't that much more to the battle, so let's skip ahead to the end result.


"Each life consumed shall stain the feather dark and darker black,
Thus shall be forged the Angel Slayer, valkyrie to wrack.
One year has thou to consummate this deed,
Else Garm, Hel's Hound, on thy soul shall feed."

There are two Ghouls on this map. In addition, all of Wylfred's actions are disabled - he can move, but he can't attack or do anything else except for this new command to invoke the Plume. This is a command that is unique to Wylfred.
Now, it's possible to beat this battle without doing so on a New Game+ using just counterattacks and new weapons, but the game will continue as if you used it anyway.

The plume can be done on one of our teammates on the battlefield, no matter where they are - unless they're KO'd. Wylfred can only Plume once per battle.

The Plume's effects are immediately very noticeable - aside from the red glow around the character, it fully restores all allies' health, multiplies that character's stats by ten, and gives them 100% resistance to all elements. It's basically an 'I WIN' button for most battles (but not all, as we'll see).

With the Plume's effects, Ancel not only easily dodges or takes no damage from the enemy's attacks...

...But also easily dispatches them.
There are only two Ghouls, so we'll once again skip to the end of the battle.

But power comes at a heavy cost, as you'll find out what happens to whoever you use the Destiny Plume on...
This next bit is one that I sorely wish was voice acted. Sadly, it is not in the English version.


Ancel offical render.