Part 6: Chapter 1 (3)
Back to Market Marleigh we go, as it's the only spot open right now.
Also: Ye Olde English incoming.

The season comes early.

Whither do you hasten?

Homeward, to my sister's grave. The triennial of her passing draws nigh.

A blossom plucked before its time...
Toruque opens up whenever Wylfred wants to head home. Let's see what's there.

Tilte, is that you?

Wyl! I'd no idea you'd returned!

I've come only to pay my respects.

I'm sure Elsie's overjoyed you're here, as am I.

You should be cross with me for foisting my mother's care on you.

Think nothing of it.

That I could so easily forget the torment of these three years.

You must let go of your anger and accept fate, Wyl.

Elsie's death was no one's fault. There are certain things beyond our control.

Yet they lie within the Battle Maiden's power. Had she not taken my father, all would be different.

Mother would not be stricken with grief... Elsie would still be alive!

Oh, Wyl...

Surely you can't be leaving already! Won't you at least visit your mother? It would make her so happy.

It would do her little good to see me. I came only for Elsie.

Oh, Ancel? He is... He is away elsewhere.

Is that so. Did he not send word for me?

What sort of word?

Oh, it's nothing. Forget I asked.

You're off, then?


May the gods watch over you. Send my blessings to Ancel as well.
The foremost of them centered around the town of Camille, whose serfs had been hit hardest by the famine. The crown responded to the threat by dispatching a hastily assembled suppression brigade from Aullewyn Keep.
The troops were expected to crush the opposition with alacrity.
Their ranks were armed and organized beyond any means conceivable for serfs...
...removing all shadow of doubt they garner support from an invisible hand.
Voting time!
Wylfred has three paths he can take for the ongoing rebellion in Artolia. Or rather, you guys get to help him decide. Here are your options.
Camille sides Wylfred with the rebellion at their home base.
Aullewyn Keep sides Wylfred with the defense force at the keep.
Hroethe Walk sides Wylfred with a group of mercenaries and foreign units with a personal interest in the rebellion.
Remember to
bold your votes to get them counted. You have until whenever before voting closes.