Part 8: Chapter 2 [Hroethe Walk] (2)

Camille opens up at this point. Guess who's the ones carrying Natalia's supplies?

Touring the rebel camp jumps us to the next battle. We're going to hold off on that, and get a few other things done today.

The shop has lots of new stuff, but not everything in useful. There are Halberds for Lancers, which we don't have so we'll never use. Darius' Rapier can be found here - it has 10 ATK over the Viking Sword but no Soul Crush, so we'll skip that. Cheripha and Lockswell have weapon upgrades, but they don't add much ATK and don't have Soul Crushes anyway, so we'll be skipping them and saving our OTH.

Armour! Swordsmen, Warriors and Lancers wear heavy armour - helms, mail pieces and greaves. Archers and Sorcerors wear lighter stuff - cloaks, robes and shoes, and males wear crowns while females tiaras. Boots can be worn by all classes. Wylfred has the Rune Helm from last mission, so there's no need to buy a helm here. Upgrades here include the Chainmail for Wylfred and Silver Cloaks for Cheripha and Lockswell.

There are only two accessories available right now - Freeze and Poison Checks give a 100% immunity to that status effect. Freeze stops the target from acting or counteracting for three turns, while Poison causes the unit to lost 10% of maximum health at the end of their turn till the end of battle or cured (it can't kill though). Poison is more of an irritant than anything so we won't really need a Check for that, and Freeze Checks are potentially useful but doesn't show up enough to really be worth it.

Lots of new stuff in the 'Other' section. To start off, Dash is far and away the best Tactic in the game. At the cost of 30 AP, it grants an extra three spaces of movement. These three spaces aren't affected by movement-reducing terrain, which is absolutely brilliant. And since you're forced to end your turn without taking action after a Dash, that's 20 AP recovered, so you lose only 10 AP. I stockpile on multiples of these and teach them to anyone who can learn it.
The rest isn't quite as exciting but potentially useful. We've seen Enlightenment during the Lockswell fight (20% chance of raising MAG), which, by the way, we have to rebuy for him for some reason. Body of Steel is similar to Enlightenment but is for RDM - not quite worth it but a good filler skill if you don't have anything else. Provocation and Pacification were available during Chapter I - they attract and repel targets from attacking the caster, respectively. Provocation has some use, Pacification not really.

Valuable spells abound to make Lockswell useful again. Heal we already have, Guard Reinforce is basically a Guard Potion - worth picking up, though usually you'll want to boost offenses instead. Frigid Damsel is the main prize here - it does more damage than Fire Storm, has a 10% chance of Freeze, and more importantly, instead of launching enemies it fazes them. Lockswell now never has a reason to ever use Fire Storm as his attacking spell ever again.

Other than that, nothing that new here. Honeysuckle Dews are now purchasable, as well as Bragi's Songs (cures Silence) and Thaw Waters (cures Freeze). Flare and Poison Gems are also available. We pick up a few status recovery items and that'll be it.

We stop by the Tavern for one specific purpose - each Chapter, the Tavern will have a special rumour with a yellow exclamation mark next to it. These indicate 'extra' battles that can only be done that chapter. As Ailyth mentioned, Wylfred can't use the Plume during these battles, but on the upside, there is no Sin quota either - they're basically opportunities to get some extra experience and OTH.

Those extra battles will then show up on the map in yellow. Let's get some extra experience in.

First things first. Dash on all three members that can learn it, and get Frigid Damsel onto Lockswell. No more Fire Storm!

We'll leave Gwendal out of this one, so we can get Lockswell up to par.

There are two Aelios (one of which is the leader), and we have three other enemies, both new.

Ghosts are fliers and have an attack range of 2. They are notably one of the few non-human enemies who will cast spells, and do so with quite a good frequency. All of them have Fire-elements in their attacks. Despite what one might think, they aren't weak to Holy.

Some characters have lines they'll only say when another character in in the party. Lockswell has two lines he'll only use when Cheripha is in the party.

Frigid Damsel. It actually comes in at a slight trajectory, so it can miss opponents who are too high up.

Enemies usually like to use spells (provided they have the AP) if it'll hit more than one target. Thus it's actually not a bad idea to bunch characters together since it might avoid a nastier combo (especially since they can't do Soul Crushes off menu spells).

The Aelio comes in, and Lockswell does not take it well.

We can fix him!

Well, you're dead.


I get him next round but... I could have really used that extra turn.

Lockwell being a Mage plus being injured? Prime target for enemies.

Revive, Trinity Fork, let's kill.

I'm starting to regret not bringing Gwendal. That extra Soul Crush would have really helped.

Stop killing Lockswell, already! Union Plumes aren't that cheap.

Finally, a much needed level up and health restore.

And the Aelio nearly undoes all the work. Thank goodness most enemies at this stage only have a single attack.

Eat it, Aelio. How satisfying is it to kill a monster from full health in one attack? Good thing there's no Sin quota.

Dash is utterly amazing. You will not see a map where I won't use it, even if I don't say so. Just assume I use it liberally in every map.

The Mandragora is the other new enemy on this map. They resist Earth and are usually otherwise pretty harmless. They have decent health but that's it really.

They also have a breath attack that induces Poison. Minor irritant if nothing else.

We kill it, move forward to confront the Aelio leader, and Darius heals Wylfred of the Poison.

Because why not?

Wylfred takes about 80 damage while Lockswell took 200. Vali's Awakening is pretty sweet.

The Royal Gloves give 7 RDM for Cheripha or Lockswell. Again nothing amazing but hey, free armour upgrade.

We got a couple level ups from that - Wylfred, Cheripha and Darius are at 14 now, while Gwendal and Lockswell are at 12. Let's get back to Camille and move on with the story.

Sound of a bell being rung.

Alright, we'll get into the proper battle next time. Before that though, Voting Time! Pick either Cheripha or Lockswell for a Very Special DecisionTM. What is it gonna be for? Well, you'll just have to find out, won't we?
Voting closes whenever.