Part 9: Chapter 2 [Hroethe Walk] (3)

We'll be bringing Gwendal in for some experience.

A strict Sin quota here - 380 Sin, and there are eight enemies. We need 760 for the best rewards, so we can only afford to lose 40 Sin. This would be another reason to bring Gwendal - that second Soul Crush really helps. It'd probably be better to leave Lockswell at home.

The Warrior is the same one we fought back in Chapter I - 400 health, weak damage and only one attack. It's actually possible to find him too easy to kill and missing out on a bunch of Sin. It's not too difficult to meet the Sin quota, despite the strictness - you just have to be a bit cautious.
But the rewards for this battle are really good, so...

Now you guys voted, and Lockswell barely won the vote over his daughter. That said, I didn't specify what the vote was for, and a few of the more astute of you figured that it might not have been a vote to see who gets Plumed...

...It was a vote to see who gets to live.

Gleipnir, the binding that holds the wolf Fenris.
Cheripha's Plume skill is undoubtedly one of the best and most versatile, especially considering how early you can get it and the strength of the character herself. Wylfred's version costs 80 AP and paralyzes all non-leader enemies for three turns. Paralysis is basically the same as Freeze - enemies can't attack, counterattack, dodge, block, or move. It's a fantastic way to keep units alive, and safely set up strong sieges.

Don't worry, Cheripha, this is one of the only times you'll ever outdamage anybody. Enjoy it!

The Archers are slightly stronger versions of the Archeresses in Chapter I, but are pretty squishy regardless.

Aside from giving us the base amount of Sin for the battle, the super-powered characters all-but-guarantee easy Sin gathering, too.

The Warriors are nothing special, but their potential prize is. The Elemental Edge only allows one attack, but it does make up for it - 165 ATK power, and a +50% Holy Elemental boost, and enables SCs to boot. If you can ignore the loss of the Attack gauge, the Elemental Edge is a serious boost to any Warrior lucky enough to have it, and it doesn't really get replaced till the end of the game. Good thing Darius is there to set up gem combos, eh?
I should briefly explain Elements, too. We've seen a few enemies with elemental affinities - for instance, Harpies are resistant to Lightning and vulnerable to Earth. Against a character that has no resistance to an element, then an elemental weapon adds that much percentage to attacks. So the Elemental Edge against an enemy neutral to Holy would deal 150% damage. If they have any weaknesses or resistances, simply add or subtract from that. So if they're 30% weak to Holy, attacks deal 180% damage. 100% resistant to Holy? 50% damage. Basically, unless the opponent has an elemental resistance greater than the elemental boost, having an element on a weapon is a nice hidden damage boost.

Slopes are an odd thing in the game - for the most part you can only attack enemies that are of the same or close to the same vertical level as you are, so even Cheripha or Lockswell can't hit enemies while on a slope unless they're close to them. Menu spells do work regardless of height, and can be a nice way to lure enemies up towards you, where you can surround and kill them in safety.

Our first encounter with enemy Lancers. These have more health than the Archers, take hits better, and can hit pretty decently, though their main threat is really their ability to combo with multiple enemies.

I guess an extra copy of First Aid never hurt anyone.

The Swordswomen have low health, but good defenses on both ends and high ATK. We might have had to use a couple of Union Plumes because of them if Cheripha wasn't in killing mode.

The lancers and swordswomen give a generous amount of EXP, actually. Swordswomen can drop Silver Mail, which have a nice chunky 50 RDM. Unfortunately I don't get one from either of the Swordswomen on this map.

The other Warrior goes down. No second copy of the Elemental Edge though.

Being a Warrior without Dash means that Gwendal is pretty much a non-participant in this battle. He is gaining levels, though!

The enemy leader is a Sorceror who's packing Frigid Damsel and also knows Fire Storm as a menu spell. He actually tries to run away from Cheripha when she gets close.

No dice for him, sadly.

There are actually a load of excellent Sin rewards here, which makes the high Sin count even more frustrating.
Our basic rewards are the Spell Potions (like Might Potions, but for MAG), and the Falchion, a sword with 50 ATK, 2 attacks and Soul Crush enabled. Very nice for Wylfred if we couldn't get 200%. Mid-tier rewards are the Way of Evanescence, an area version of Pacify (still not that useful), and more importantly, the Magic Bangle. The Magic Bangle boosts the MAG of the wearer by 20%, and this is one of the only places to get it (the other Chapter II places can also get one). This will immediately go on the primary Sorceror and never leave it. Even if one can't get 200%, there really isn't a reason not to get at least 150% and the Bangle.
The top tier rewards are both fantastic. The Flame Pallasch is a sword with 70 ATK, 2 attacks, Soul Crush enabled, and 20% Fire elemental. Perfect for Wylfred, who gets a +50 ATK boost. More notable is the Infinity Rod, which is just the start of a series of high-powered weapons for Sorcerors; 130 MAG and Soul Crush enabled. Along with the Magic Bangle, Lockswell can finally start contributing meaningfully.


Not quite done.

A weaker man than I would make a dirty joke here.

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Homeland: Vilnore
Height: 175cm
Weight: 61kg
Born to destitute nobles, Darius was surrendered for adoption to a merchant house as a boy. He would later rejoin his true house at fifteen years of age when his birth-brothers began to fall one after another to a vicious contagion.
Aristocratic circles spurned him for his less-than-noble upbringing, and only through military service has he been able to restore a modicum to his name. He has but a lone friend in Earnest, an elder student of the Officer's Academy who never spoke ill of Darius's birth nor looked down upon him

Darius offical render.